Chapter 2031
The sound and light effects produced by the heavy aerial bombs carried by the Baiji medium-sized bomber are magnificent and huge, just like the wrath of the sky. When one bomb goes down, it will form a huge mushroom cloud. The sound of the explosion is like thunder and can stun people. The artillery was swallowed up together with dozens of artillerymen.In comparison, the explosive force created by a single bomb loaded in the sky fortress is much weaker, but it is better than the large number. A long waist and black bombs are scattered, and one bomb explodes, and a fireball explodes. It rose up, and then it exploded instantly as if a spark fell into the gasoline-smeared road.

The entire nameless sandy land and the adjacent river were ignited one after another, and the smoke was soaring into the sky, as if the river had also been ignited.Just as the southeast wind was blowing, Kawabe Masamune, Ishihara Waner and others stood against the wind. Although they couldn't see the real scene of the bombing clearly, they could see the flames that almost burned the sky and the smoke that filled the sky. Smelling the smell of barbecue, they couldn't imagine the loss of troops crossing the river on the south bank.

Several rank-and-file officers rushed out of the telecommunications room, sweating profusely, and shouted in a panic, "Report, our troops on the south bank have been attacked by air, and suffered heavy losses..."

"Get detailed data as soon as possible, call Gu Xianjian, and ask them to speed up their attack. What about Jin Guozhen? Tell him not to stay where he is, and immediately march towards Cixi?"

"Cixi?" Uchiyama asked puzzled.

Shi Yuan glanced at the riverside and explained: "The armored troops of the Xuebing Army are in Cixi, we must find them as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to occupy Xiaoshan for a long time even if we can capture it."

The bombing didn't end. A fully formed air fortress brigade was followed by two consecutive remnants of the air fortress brigade.In the bombing just now, Murano San was pushed under the chassis of an armored vehicle by his subordinates, and only then was he lucky enough to escape.The explosion finally stopped, and the little devil, who was dizzy from the explosion, pushed away the remnant body of a subordinate in front of him and crawled out from under the chassis. Xiang, a puff of gunpowder smoke hit his face from the corner of his eyes, and immediately coughed violently and vomited.

He got up staggeringly, and looked around only to see a few dull faces, one of which had lost his right hand, the little devil swayed and sat on the ground, trembling violently.Hearing was damaged by the sound of explosions close at hand, the little devil didn't realize that there was a flying fortress roaring past his head, dropping a string of bombs.

A new round of explosions started, and Murano felt a hard hit on his back, and then his body floated up like a feather. The next moment, his vision was covered by a blaze of red, and the little devil only had time to realize that "the bombing is not over yet." ", and then his world turned into eternal night...

At the same time, at the gate of the underground bunker of the Second Military Command Headquarters in Xiaoshan City, Ye Zhao used binoculars to watch the bombing of the Japanese artillery positions on the north bank and the unnamed sandy ground by his own bombers. A little looseness.Putting down his sore arm and thinking for a while, he ordered the adjutant beside him: "Go to the chief of staff and call Commander Wang. One guest will not bother the two masters, and let them deal with the enemy troops in the direction of Qinggou together."

After Wang Hai received the order, he immediately led about [-] air fortresses still carrying bombs to turn south and fly towards Qinghe.

In the command channel of the bomber unit, as the devil fleet and landing troops on the unnamed sandy land and the adjacent river were successively obliterated by intensive bombing, the student aviation soldiers who had been depressed for too long finally recovered. "Okay!" "NND, I finally got angry!" "Damn!"...

Xia Quanyong, as the commander-in-chief of the bombing force, had limited ammunition on the plane, so he dropped all the bombs early on and climbed to a height beyond the reach of the Devil's carrier-based bombers and torpedo planes. Chased by the fighter plane, he was knocked down, his whole body throbbing in pain, and he shouted sharply: "What is the ghost? Hurry up and get the fighter plane up and run away. MD, it's a big loss."

Use high-explosive aerial bombs against warships to bomb infantry.This act of killing chickens with a sledgehammer is definitely not worth showing off. Besides, more than ten air fortresses have been destroyed by the little devil so far. This makes Xia Quanyong feel as if he has been cut.

After being scolded sharply by him, the command channel immediately cleared up, and a sky fortress began to soar towards Xiaohan, and then stabilized at the highest altitude and flew in the direction of Wuyi Mountain and Nanping.

Once the air fortress is empty, both its maneuverability and its maximum air space have been qualitatively improved, and the inherent performance disadvantages of Japanese carrier-based bombers and torpedo aircraft are immediately reflected.Yuzo Mifune and the Devil Air Force under his command were not reconciled at first, but as two Type [-] bombers rushed past the ceiling one after another, one wing broke and spun and fell down, and the fuel pipe burst and exploded. , Mifune finally woke up from the frenzy and realized that nothing could be done, so he gathered his troops and chased the air fortress cluster commanded by Wang Hai, wanting to seize the last chance to expand the victory.

In Qinghe, Li Shixun led more than ten students and was intercepted by a platoon of North Korean puppet troops about 5000 meters away from the main position of the Fourth Division of the Communist Army.

The situation in the air battle was reversed again. Jin Guozhen thought that the general situation had been settled, and the Xuebing army could not make a comeback in the Xiaoshan area, so he sent personal guards to intercept Li Shixun, and asked Li Shixun to bring a message to Wang Changyun under the pretext that the Japanese had strengthened their defense against him. Let's talk about the cooperation slowly, and wait for him to fool the Japanese.

After Wang Changyun decided to implement the beheading plan, he had already sentenced the capricious Jin Guozhen to death.Xue Sixth Division carried out the task of beheading is the elite of the reconnaissance battalion directly under the division, under the personal command of Cai Lianjun, the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion.Cai Lianjun divided the 170 scouts under his command into two groups, light and dark. He pretended to be a colonel and civil servant as a negotiator and followed the Ming group.After listening to Li Shixun's translation, he first took out a cigarette and issued one to the leader of the baton platoon, and then asked with a smile, "What do you mean, sir, you want us to turn back?"

The platoon leader Bangzi nodded after listening to Li Shixun's translation.Cai Lianjun's complexion changed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Bastard, what does Jin Guozhen think of us as soldiers? A casual object of entertainment?" He threw the lighter in his hand on the ground and shouted violently: "Do it!" Then he stepped forward One step later, he punched Bangzi Paichang's stomach with his left hand, causing Bangzi Paichang to arch his body and spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound, and at the same time knocked him unconscious with a hand knife in his right hand.

Many people among the sticks were still pointing their guns at them. Seeing the accident at first sight, many people subconsciously pulled the trigger.However, almost at the same time as Cai Lianjun shouted "do it", the guns in the hands of the dark group student sniper had already rang out, and more than a dozen gunshots condensed into a loud bang, and the sticks on the triggers of these hands were almost at the same time. He was shot, and fell to the ground on his back.The other sticks cried out in alarm, frantically trying to pick up their guns, but the apprentices around Cai Lianjun would never give them a chance.The figures in camouflage colors moved around, and the other sticks either had their necks broken or their hearts were pierced, or they were knocked out by a hand knife—Li Shixun only felt that he blinked his eyes, and then he was left alone He and a few of his subordinates who had been disarmed earlier turned pale with horror, and they couldn't help but raised their hands and begged for forgiveness: "Don't kill me, I surrender."

Cai Lianjun patted Li Shixun's face without any effort, and said with a smirk, "Don't worry, we keep our promises. As long as you cooperate obediently, your lives will definitely be spared." Then he snapped his fingers and said to Mingzu's brothers: "Hurry up and change clothes! Don't let Bangzi wake up."

There were only 21 students from the Ming group. They took off the uniforms of the Confederate Army that were not stained with blood and put them on. They left their long spears to the dark group, and surrounded by Cai Lianjun, Li Shixun and others strode towards the Fourth Division of the Qinghe Confederate Army. The position walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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