Chapter 2043 Vulnerable

The first two attacks by the Japanese and puppet troops were clearly separated, the Japanese army from the inside of the river embankment, and the Peace Army from the top and outside of the river embankment.Now, except for Zhang Lanfeng's guard group, everyone else in the Peace Army has been caught up to the front line. A team of nearly 3000 people rushed towards the pier. Under the command of several company and battalion commanders, the charge began.

There were too many enemies, and Geng Waliang didn't dare to get closer to fight again. Under his gesture command, the two [-]-type heavy machine guns in the west bunker roared "aggressively". The puppet army immediately fell down.The power of the heavy machine guns shooting at the dense crowd was too great, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and limbs were broken where the rain of bullets rained. The dense formation of the Peace Army instantly opened a big gap.Some puppet soldiers immediately had their legs weak and instinctively wanted to lie on the ground, but this time the Peace Army Corps became cold-blooded. First they punched, kicked, and spitting insults, then they drew their guns at each other, and finally they actually opened fire. The gun killed two. "Do you want all the brothers to be swept away by the machine guns of the imperial army?" They yelled in tears, feeling precarious for the first time—the job of these two devils was really not made by humans.

Behind the two [-]-type heavy machine guns, more than twenty Weiqing-type automatic weapons neighed.There were so many people that Geng Waliang and the others could shoot every shot as long as they leveled their guns.The two companies of the Peace Army rushing to the front fell half in an instant, and the two company commanders were also killed and the other injured. Now, the fighting spirit that the puppet soldiers had barely raised suddenly collapsed, and no one knew who shouted: "Run for your life!" !” They threw away their guns, turned around and ran, colliding with the puppet troops pressing up from behind, and the formation was in chaos.

Geng Waliang made a bold decision at this time. He lifted the quilt on his head, stood up and shouted: "Brothers in the first group, rush with me!" Then he jumped onto the sandbag in front and slid to the front , began a counter-charge.

Even though more than a hundred people were killed in the Peace Army, the remaining troops were still more than a hundred times that of Geng Waliang and the others. In terms of military strength alone, Geng Waliang's counterattack at this time was simply a madman's act, but the actual situation was that he was very good. They seized the opportunity, and when they charged back, the Peace Army collapsed completely.The troops in the middle couldn't hold their ground and began to flee. The officers were engulfed in it, and then shook the puppet army behind, and the great defeat of the Peace Army took place.

Hundreds of thousands of puppet troops retreated, Sasaki Wusan couldn't help but flushed red, he was hesitating, Matsui Taijiro sent an order, and the gendarmes standing behind him stepped forward with crooked machine guns, bursting Two or three hundred of the Peace Army fell.The puppet soldiers who were burying their heads in the escape sensed that something was wrong, so they hurriedly stopped, but they were bumped into by those who had fled back in front, and even greater chaos appeared.

Geng Waliang and his brothers retreated after a while.Xiang Shaomin couldn't help being stunned when he saw this scene clearly, and spit on the ground and cursed: "NND, is this a dog slaughter? None of these bastards are bloody?"

Dozens of crooked handles and more than two hundred [-]-style semi-automatics together have a more spectacular effect than Geng Waliang's more than [-] Weiqing-style automatic weapons salvo. This time, the puppet army's retreat is completely blocked died.

"Brothers, retreat is a dead end, follow me!" A puppet army officer began to explode, screaming with a box cannon, and charged forward in a dull manner.The Japanese army's decisive shooting at the deserters wiped out the last sliver of luck in the hearts of the puppet soldiers. After being the second devil for a long time, they were full of fear of the little devil from the inside out. They instinctively chose to continue being cannon fodder, and rushed up one after another.

Standing behind the Japanese military police, Zhang Lanfeng saw his brothers being slaughtered like sheep. He burst into tears and finally despaired of being a traitor.Unexpectedly, Taijiro Matsui would really be able to make such a move. What's terrible is that the loyalty of the troops will definitely be greatly reduced in this way.Old Devil Matsui left after the battle, but he still needed to wipe his butt. He couldn't imagine what changes would happen to the Peace Army when he returned to Nanjing.

Some people around Matsui expressed concern about this, and he advised Matsui: Because of the Communist Party policy, the status of the Peace Army has just been improved, and they are full of recognition for the Imperial Army and the Wang puppet government. , the previous efforts were in vain.

Matsui didn't care.His reason was very crude. He believed that the Chinese who joined the Peace Army were mangy dogs who had lost their spines, and that if the mangy dogs were to be obedient, they had to use both bones and whips.

There has never been a lack of critics in the Japanese army for the anti-Japanese policy proposed by Neiji Okamura. When the war was defeated, it is not surprising that Matsui acted violently.Of course, the biggest reason why he dared to do this was because the traitors had no dignity at all in his mind, so he didn't have any psychological burden at all when he made these orders.

The attack of the Peace Army is doomed to be futile. The Eight Immortals tables covered with soaked quilts and the sandbags in front of them are like bunkers. There are as many as twenty bunkers and one blockhouse. The attack surface is only so small. The attack lasted for more than two hours and killed thousands of people, but in the end they could only confront the defenders at a distance of about [-] meters.Finally, Matsui had to admit Sasaki's speculation that the defenders should be regular troops of the Xuebing Army, and the puppet troops alone could not break through.

On the defensive position, Geng Wa Liangbu had been replaced.After fighting fiercely for an hour and a half, they only killed two people and injured three slightly. They were supposed to still have combat strength, but their fingers were swollen from the continuous shooting. In addition, other guerrilla teams were envious of them, so Xu Mengcai sent them out. Withdrew.

Under the command of Nobukichi Fujimura, the 5th Regiment of the Japanese army, with more than 11 devils, finally opened up another attack channel at this time.This process is not easy for the little devil. The big road is not easy to walk, and the small road is also full of dangers.Xu Mengcai and the others brought the essence of mine warfare and sparrow warfare to the extreme. The devils saw the flat fields and paths, but they didn't know how many landmines were hidden in them.Dozens of people were killed one after another. Fujimura learned his lesson and ordered the pathfinding troops in front to distance themselves. At this time, the guerrilla combat team became active.In a group of two or three, they sniped, planted Lalei, and just relied on the [-]th route to trick the devil cavalry around, and also slowed down their speed towards the port terminal.

Finally, after besieging and killing three guerrillas with heavy troops, Fujimura found the Languan River and headed south along the west bank of the Languan River.

The Fujimura Department was about 5000 meters away from the port wharf, and was detected by Xu Mengcai's scouts.At this time, more than [-] guerrillas had assembled in the port wharf, and Xiang Shaomin finally found the [-]-style and Zhongguan in their weapons.

Besieged in the northwest, the Yangtze River in the south, and the Languan River in the east, the port and wharf seemed to be in jeopardy. Xiang Shaomin didn't show anything on his face, but felt a little depressed and irritable in his heart.However, seeing the calm expressions of Xu Mengcai and his guerrillas, he relaxed again, thinking that they are not afraid, so what is I afraid of?At worst, it's just death, which can be regarded as firm determination to join the Santai guerrilla column.

(End of this chapter)

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