Chapter 2045 Jiangxinzhou Fog

When the Japanese forward troops retreated, they snatched a few wounded devils. When these devils who were tortured to death were carried to Matsui Taijiro and others, Matsui and others all gasped when they saw their horrific scene—the wounded most There were two heavy ones, their faces and bodies were covered with mung bean-sized iron sand, and when the iron sand sprayed out, it was hot, which made their wounds blister and swell, and the whole person looked like they were rotten. "Bage!" A devil officer knelt down and vomited unbearably, and the others looked at the port wharf with a trace of fear in their eyes.

"This is a local cannon of the Chinese people," a well-informed officer introduced to Matsui: "The projectiles are iron sand, and there are often thousands of them. The range is very short, but the striking area is fan-shaped and very wide."

"Sir, sir, please help me," a devil who was blind in one eye and whose face was completely turned upside down begged bitterly while scratching the wound on his body.

All the devil officers were awe-inspiring, Matsui frowned, and then waved his hand in pain.

With a "bang" gunshot, the devil was shot in the head, and closed his only remaining eye with a strange smile.

In front of the defensive position, no fewer than a hundred devil officers and soldiers were wailing in pain. Some people couldn't bear the pain of ants eating their hearts, pointed their guns at themselves, kicked off their boots and pulled the trigger with their toes to get relief.

The earth cannon's iron sand penetration is not enough, and it is difficult to kill people directly. This was originally a disadvantage of it, but now it has become its most terrifying feature.Most of the ghost soldiers were brainwashed by the Communist Party, and many people were proud of dying in battle, so this kind of attack that made them unable to survive was the most effective.All kinds of Japanese-style screams filled the ears of Japanese officers and soldiers, and many of them turned pale, losing their previous contempt for life and death.

The screams had a great blow to the morale of the troops. Matsui fought hard and ordered Sasaki to organize Type [-] heavy machine guns to see them off.

The "aggressive" gunfire sounded, and Xu Mengcai, who rushed to the front line, saw the devil who was resting on the ground and howling, died under his own machine gun, and couldn't help spitting out a dirty breath: "NND, you little devil is too cruel." Then he Thinking of something, he said to the left and right: "Brothers, we are beating devils, to protect our fathers and fellow villagers from being ravaged, and to do good deeds, so don't feel burdened—think about how little devils treat us— These guys are not humans at all, they are beasts!"

The earth cannons were too vicious to beat people. Seeing the miserable appearance of those devils, many guerrillas felt sour in their stomachs, so their complexions turned pale and ugly.Xu Mengcai's reassurance was very timely. Many people felt much more at ease when they thought of the evil deeds of the little devils in the occupied area, and seeing those devils rolling all over the ground howling.

After all, the cavalry attack is not as good as the infantry. Fujimura Nobukichi organized two consecutive attacks, which resulted in more than a hundred casualties. He understood the situation and called Matsui to ask him to give up the attack. .

Matsui agreed to his request, and specifically mentioned in the reply that he should be free to do so and make the most of the Sanko policy formulated by Commander Nishio.

The Japanese cavalry unit rumbled northward, and the battle center was concentrated at the west gate again.

At around [-] o'clock in the afternoon, after a half-hour pause, the Japanese army launched an offensive again. This time they absorbed the experience of the guerrillas and pushed forward with soil tanks made of military blankets, which almost made a breakthrough.

It was this round of attack that Xiang Shaomin finally saw the bloodiness of the Santai guerrilla column passed down from Hu Shisan.At the most difficult time, the guerrillas jumped from the sandbags or rolled into the ranks of the Japanese army without hesitation holding cluster grenades or explosives. Xiang Shaomin paid attention to it. Sixteen guerrillas rushed into the devil crowd and died with the devil soldiers, including a squadron leader and two small leaders.Their sacrifices were not in vain. After the Japanese army left a lot of corpses in front of the position, they had no choice but to choose to retreat strategically, which was regarded as giving up this round of attack.

In this round of attack, the battle losses of the guerrillas more than doubled that of the previous ones. More than 120 people were killed in the battle alone, while the Japanese army paid a price of more than [-] people.This round of offensive and defensive battles took more than an hour for both sides, and also exhausted the morale of the Japanese army.From then on until [-] o'clock in the evening, the Japanese army was no longer able to launch an attack. Xu Mengcai and the others miraculously held the day.

When Taijiro Matsui and more than ten thousand soldiers were trapped by a small port wharf, the Tianxing Section of Taixing County on the Yangtze River and the Nishio Shozo Department were also trapped by a small Jiangxinzhou.

To deal with the Japanese Third Yangtze Fleet, Hu Shisan's most effective method is still mines, and besides mines, he has developed a weapon similar to mortars.Hitting a ship with a mortar sounds a bit far-fetched, but Hu Shisan did it, and achieved the result of sinking two light cruisers as soon as he used it. .

As early as last year, when Hebian Zhengsan and Ishihara Waner led the No.13 and No.16 divisions to support southern Zhejiang, they suffered a big loss in the waters of Jiangxinzhou. The lessons learned from the past, the Yangtze River Third Fleet sailed here At that time, Hisao Nishio ordered to slow down, and sent three mine-clearing boats forward to detect and let them clear the mines.At the beginning, the Japanese mine-clearing operation went smoothly. It took three mine-clearing boats an hour and a half to unearth more than [-] soil mines and detonate more than ten mines.Hiso Nishio was very curious about what happened to Hebian and Ishihara last time, so he sent two soil mines to see.The commander of the demining unit naturally followed suit and sent two mines in a small boat.

Seeing the two wooden floating objects, Nishio was surprised, and asked in an incredulous tone: "This is the mine that made the riverside and the stone field look ashamed?"

A second lieutenant of the demining unit on the boat nodded yes, and kindly reminded Nishio that although the soil mines don't look good, they are surprisingly powerful.

What the second lieutenant said made Nishio even more curious. He had nothing to do while waiting for the demining, so he asked him if there was any way to disassemble it.The second lieutenant naturally accepted the commander's request.He then ordered the boat to sail a certain distance, and then it disintegrated under Xiwei's gaze.It doesn't matter if you don't decompose it, this decomposition will destroy the gas of Xiwei.After the shell was opened, there were no explosives inside, it was just some stones.

Just at this time, the officer in charge of reconnaissance of Jiangxinzhou reported that he had found traces of guerrillas on the island and requested shelling.When Hisao Nishio analyzed the reasons why Hebian and Ishihara suffered in Jiangxinzhou, he once put forward such a point of view. He believed that the most correct way for Hebian and Ishihara at that time was to ignore the provocations of the guerrillas and rush over directly.His original words at the time were: "Obviously, Hu Shisan just wanted to slow down their speed of supporting southern Zhejiang. What qualifications do they have to challenge our Yangtze River Fleet? They are just a guerrilla force? The Chinese people are not stupid. It’s just a certain sacrifice in exchange for time. Damn it, Hebian and Ishihara failed to see through his trick.”

With such a preconceived point of view, coupled with the discovery of fake mines, he took it for granted that Hu Shisan was adopting the same tactics today, so he sent an order to ignore the enemies in Jiangxinzhou, let the mine-clearing boats open the way ahead, and ordered The Yangtze River Third Fleet broke through.

"As long as we land at Baxu, Fox Shisan's arrangements in Jiangxinzhou will be in vain! Bage! Does he think I'm Kabe Masamune? How can a mere trick of the eye confuse my eyes?!" Nishio Shouzo continued. Said, and sneered after he finished speaking, as if he had won so much victory.

(End of this chapter)

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