Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2844 Sooner or later there must be a battle

Chapter 2844 There Will Be a War Sooner or Later

However, the Americans dare not do anything now, but as the conflict between the two countries intensifies and even enters a state of war, it is not surprising that anything will happen by then.The coalition government has not been established for a long time. Comparing it with the previous central government, some good people concluded that the coalition government has at least two major improvements. One is that it is particularly tough on the outside world, and the other is that human life is more important than the sky. .Now, China and the United States have not officially declared war, and the coalition government is busy evacuating overseas Chinese from the United States, which shows this point.

A large number of long-range bombers and heavy fighter jets of the Chinese Air Force have gathered in the Middle East. Naturally, this has not been hidden from the eyes of the United States. After all, one of its traditional allies, the United Kingdom, is still active in the Middle East.

Hitler was stabbed to death, Germany fell into civil war, and the biggest beneficiary was Britain.Compared with other European countries, the United Kingdom was able to retain most of its armed forces because it had a huge colony in Asia and promptly withdrew from the British Isle, Australia, and Southeast Asia.Since there are large colonies in West Asia and the Middle East for continuous development, the British government has made great efforts in recent years, and its power has increased compared to before the war.

Germany fell into civil war, and European countries began to restore their country one after another. Among them, the island of Great Britain because of its special geographical location (because of the existence of the English Channel, the transportation between Great Britain and mainland Europe is very inconvenient, and it is difficult to mobilize troops, which reduces its strategic value. ), was cast aside by the German Wehrmacht camp and the Communist camp at the same time, and also made the Queen's government of England become the first country in Europe to successfully restore the country almost without bloodshed.

World War II reduced the empire on which the sun never sets to a second-rate country in one fell swoop, which allowed the British to learn painful and valuable lessons.Therefore, although the hope of dominating Europe and even the world was once again seen because of the civil war in Germany, the behavior of the British has become much more low-key.The British are working hard to prepare to rise again. The "secret contract incident" happened because of the traditional natural ally relationship with the United States. Without exception, the British were also involved.

As the country that suffered the second most from Japan in this world war, and because of the close relationship with the Japanese before, the hatred of the British towards the Japanese is actually not much lower than that of the Chinese.

However, with the mediation of the United States, and Toshiichiro Koizumi's hypocritical expression of willingness to compensate the United Kingdom, the British did not immediately jump out to express criticism as expected by some people in the coalition government.

Regarding the "Secret Melbourne Treaty", the Solomon government of the United States is not most worried about whether it will offend China (it is already at this time, and the Western impression of China is still at the beginning of the [-]th century, even if it is believed that China has the ability to have a direct dialogue with them In other words, in terms of comprehensive national strength, the West believes that China is still a poor country), their biggest concern is whether it will provoke collective incidents in the country; the second is traditional allies such as the United Kingdom strong reaction.

Therefore, after the final decision to conclude a treaty with Japan, the US government's diplomatic efforts focused on the West, especially Britain.

The "poisoning incident" is equivalent to a "rescue pill" for the Solomon government. This not only made the secret contract between the Solomon government and Japan a "foresighted move", but also gave it the best public relations in the country. theme.

In all fairness, at the beginning of World War II, the US government did a lot of help to its allies and other countries, and it can be regarded as a huge contribution to world peace.Because of this, when the United States suffered huge losses after repeated defeats in the Pacific Ocean and Australia, the Americans immediately developed a "sour grapes mentality" about China's successive victories and prosperity.This also makes the argument that "if the aid to China is used for itself, the United States will not be in Asia as it is today" has a considerable market. Now, the occurrence of the "poisoning incident" has just shifted to the Solomon government. The opportunity of public attention, they packaged it as the Chinese people's "revenge of kindness and revenge" also immediately gained strong public opinion support.

In this environment of public opinion, Chinese fighter planes suddenly gathered in the East, giving the Solomon government another opportunity to whitewash itself in front of the public.

Instigated by the White House, the so-called military experts in the United States went to TV stations and appeared in newspapers one after another. Under their exaggeration, the concentration of Chinese fighter jets in the East became China's overlord behavior to enclose territory in the Middle East, and Ouyang Yun became People like Hitler have become "the greatest threat to world peace."

The farce being played out by the upper class in the United States has not affected the evacuation of overseas Chinese by the Chinese coalition government. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the American media, the attitude of the Chinese media is much calmer and more rational.As the relevant provisions of the "Melbourne Secret Treaty" were disclosed to the world, Chinese media people rationally analyzed the possibility of an alliance between the United States and Japan, and at the same time called on the government to increase diplomatic efforts to smash the The Japanese government's conspiracy to drive a wedge between China and the United States.

It is not difficult to see from this that among the Chinese people, the image of the US government during this period is still positive.

In fact, the coalition government did not give up its diplomatic efforts without appeal from the media. However, with the outbreak of the "poisoning incident" and the US government taking this opportunity to raise the banner of anti-China, the top leaders of the coalition government have no longer dared to restore the Sino-US alliance. Expect too much.Of course, since China is now the de facto chairman of the United Nations, even if it is to stabilize this position, diplomatic efforts must be made.The difference is that the direction of diplomatic efforts is not aimed at the United States, but at other UN member states.

When warships under the jurisdiction of the US Pacific Fleet reappeared in the North Pacific waters, Chen Cheng, a typical pro-American faction, knew that there would never be a day of peaceful coexistence between China and the United States.Like the Pacific Fleet, the important military bases in the North Pacific are all taken from the United States without exception. In order to protect China's Pacific interests, it is naturally impossible for the Pacific Fleet to return these military bases to the United States.So, if the United States still wants to maintain its influence in the Pacific region as before the war, there will be a war between China and the United States sooner or later.

Chen Cheng has quite a strategic vision, so he will be able to see this matter quickly.But not everyone in the Supreme Command is such an expert, so some people touched Ouyang Yun's eyebrows because of this matter, and ended in a boring end.

Faced with their proposal of "can we sacrifice a little interest to avoid war with the United States", Ouyang Yun directly asked: "A little interest? If the Americans ask us to return Midway and Guam, do you think we will give it or not? This It is definitely not a matter of a little interest, but a major issue related to the future of the nation. So I advise you to prepare mentally early, there will be a war between us and the United States sooner or later!"

(End of this chapter)

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