Chapter 2861 Snow Leopard
When Fu Quansheng just proposed to pay a little rent to the mayor of Fortaleza, Chu Meng looked at him like a monster.And when he mentioned that the permanent lease of this port is like when the British leased Hong Kong, Chu Meng couldn't help but be moved.Because of the weak performance of the British army in the war against Japan, Hong Kong had already been taken back by this time.However, because Hong Kong and Macao are good materials for patriotic education, the history of Hong Kong and Macao being forcibly leased by Britain and Portugal is still active in textbooks and newspapers.Chu Meng has no big picture and doesn't care about "the country needs a military base in South America", but he values ​​honor very much.As soon as he thought that Fortesa would add his own name to the explanation of terms in the future, Chu Meng narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then decided: "Okay! I will do as you said." Then he ordered: "Fu Quansheng!"


"Now I order you to take a few people to the city. Your task is to find the mayor of Fortaleza and get him to agree to lease the port to us. The term is 99 years."


When Chu Meng was thinking about the future of Fortaleza, Costa had already contacted President Vassis with the help of a telegraph.In order to avoid the accusation of incompetent command, Costa tried his best to describe the special warfare brigade as an almost omnipotent army that can go to heaven and earth, and finally gave advice, saying that if Brazil does not want to become China and the United States Victims between two superpowers, the wisest thing to do is to remain neutral: "... Your Excellency, it is not that I am underestimating myself, but the fact is that although our soldiers have shown great bravery, but, but we have not even an hour. I couldn’t hold on. According to my observation, the strength of the Chinese army should be stronger than that of the US military... Our difficulty in Brazil is that we are too close to the US, so we have to be constrained by the US in many ways. But your Excellency, please forgive me To put it bluntly, if we really choose to fight China to the end, let alone whether we can win the fight. So what if we win? Do we still have the strength to go to Asia and attack China’s mainland? So, since we win If you don’t get any real benefits, why don’t we sell the Chinese a favor…”

Costa's long and tedious telegram had a great impact on Vassis. In addition, Stadinius was unable to give the specific time for the arrival of the reinforcements. After thinking twice, Vassis first ordered to suspend the attack. Hua Xuanzhan energized, and then directly requested to contact Truman by telegram.

In the telegram, Vassis declared bluntly: "If your country cannot provide de facto military support within 24 hours, the Brazilian government will have no choice but to accept the Chinese government's request for lease in order to avoid greater personnel losses..."

Truman received the report less than an hour after the battle of Fortaleza ended.The report came from an OSS intelligence officer named Ellison, who had witnessed the defeat of the Brazilian army because the Brazilian army was defeated too quickly, he wrote in the report to his superiors : "...The Chinese army defeated the Brazilian army with lightning speed, and the total time did not exceed 10 minutes..."

After learning about the Battle of Fortaleza, Truman was very worried about the powerful combat power shown by the Chinese army. After thinking about it for a long time, he invited MacArthur to ask in detail about the combat power of the Chinese army.

After becoming a Japanese prisoner of war for the second time, MacArthur had the consciousness to retire from active service.Returning to Washington to endure such a meeting that amounted to criticism, he completely gave up and looked away from everything.

"Of course the Brazilians are no match for the Chinese. Mr. President, you should know that China has been at war since 1931, no, to be precise, it should have been in a state of war since 1911. What about Brazil? One is training in a perennial war environment. One of the fierce tigers that came out was a dog that guarded his yard all the year round. Not to mention [-] against [-], even [-] may not be the opponent of the Chinese...

"Although I think accepting the Japanese proposal is more in the interests of the United States, I have to remind you that at this stage, the United States is definitely not China's opponent...

"No, it's just the opposite. Just because we are not the opponents of the Chinese now, we need allies like Brazil more, and we need them to help us contain a certain amount of Chinese power...

"Actual support? Mr. President, may I ask, is the government really ready for a full-scale war with China? If so, it is very unwise for the US military to stand on the front line of confrontation with China prematurely. Mr. President , In some respects, I think we can actually learn from China’s experience. For example, organize a volunteer army to provide real support to Brazil in the name of the people. We can also pull in Canada, Mexico and other North American countries. Containment, their role It is also a restraint. After all, there are only so many people in the Chinese Middle East Expeditionary Force, and does Chu Tiange dare to abandon the Middle East? So they cannot stay in South America all year round. And as long as they withdraw from South America, it will be our victory, right?"

It is no secret that there is a Chinese volunteer army active in Europe.Although the number of Chinese mercenaries employed by Free France is only a little over 300, their role can be compared to a brigade or even a division.

After Hitler's death, the European continent was once again in conflict due to the German civil war, and France was not spared.Because the Vichy government in France chose to side with the German SS, while the Free France in Emboss chose to restore the country independently.As a result, the Vichy government, with the support of the German SS, was able to set up obstacles to the French Restoration Army from Gibraltar, while the Free France had to fight alone, starting from Gibraltar and fighting all the way through.

The obstacles that the Vichy government set up for the National Restoration Army were by no means limited to the military. At the same time, they also sent a large number of agents in an attempt to assassinate the top leaders of the National Restoration Army and even Free France.The so-called open guns are easy to hide and hidden arrows are hard to guard against. After the Vichy government resorted to this asymmetric tactic, following the two assassinations and serious injuries of the generals of the National Restoration Army within a month, Ang Boss was under pressure and could only ask the Chinese government for help. .However, the Chinese government, adhering to the previous promise, reorganized Fox Tong and Spike, which originally supported European countries in guerrilla warfare against Japan, and formed a mercenary company named "Snow Leopard", which is responsible for the restoration of Free France and France. Senior military officers provide security.

Not long after the "Snow Leopard" was formed, it became famous in Europe because it thwarted an assassination operation against Emboss. It was also because of this incident that MacArthur came into contact with information about Chinese mercenaries.

(End of this chapter)

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