Chapter 2876 Orphan Note
From time to time, comrades fell to the ground around them. They were either shot in the head or in the chest. Nine out of ten were killed by one blow.Before MacArthur's retreat order was issued, most of the American soldiers were heartbroken after being brutally beaten by Chinese soldiers by name.At this time, MacArthur suddenly issued an order to retreat, tantamount to declaring the legalization of escape, so whether it was those who had no fighting spirit or those who had become extremely brave, in a blink of an eye, they had no fighting spirit, and they all wanted to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible.

It is indeed a "ghost place". For American soldiers, this is the only combat experience they have ever seen in their lives.They knew that the number of enemies was not large, and they also knew that as long as they rushed through the low wall, they would see the dawn of victory.However, the Chinese seem to be able to defecate magic, and none of them can be seen when they are about 50 meters away from the low wall, but once they charge, they will immediately be sniped mercilessly.

There are also American soldiers who were aroused to fight and gritted their teeth and wanted to compete with Chinese soldiers.However, as two recognized snipers among the mercenaries were shot to the head and died, the remaining American soldiers who had received training in sniper tactics lost their courage, and the war entered a strange rhythm.

After the war, some officers of the Meissen Security Army who survived the battle summed up the gains and losses of this battle, and believed that there were two fundamental reasons why the Meissen Security Army was defeated—one was the tactical error of the supreme commander, and the other was the front line The officers failed to inform the headquarters of the frontline situation in a timely manner, which made the headquarters unable to adjust the tactics in the first place.This view was once very popular in the nearly ten years after the end of the Second Pacific War, and MacArthur was dubbed the honorable title of "incompetent man" until he died in dismay—until a book titled "America Once and Release of the book "Brazil Missed" --

The author of this book was written by a non-commissioned officer of the Meissen Security Army who participated in the first battle of Fortaleza and survived. In this book, he directly refuted this view by unearthing a large number of historical facts, and expressed his opinion on MacArthur's battle. Performance is objectively evaluated.It is believed that the root cause of the failure of the Meissen Army was the disparity in strength between the two armies. Even if MacArthur was wrong, it was because of his underestimation of the opponent's strength, which had no direct relationship with his command level.

"...Until now, I often wake up from nightmares, as if Chinese snipers were aiming at me from a distance. In this battle, according to the data finally submitted by the two militaries to their respective governments, a total of 600 security forces died in battle About [-] people. Among them, more than half of the fatal wounds were on the head. Gentlemen, after seeing this, should you understand how terrifying our opponents were at that time?"

The news that the Maison’s security forces had failed in the first battle and that MacArthur had escaped almost alone reached the White House. Truman’s first reaction was to quickly summon Knox and ask him about the feasibility of going to war with the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet of the Atlantic Fleet at this stage.His original words were: "...according to my understanding of Ouyang Yun, if General MacArthur can drive the Chinese out of Fortaleza, Ouyang Yun may release a series of cruel words to intimidate the Brazilian government and even our country, but it is limited to this That's all. Now, the situation has become more complicated, and I even have to worry about accepting such a situation, that is, what if the Chinese stay in Fortaleza and don't leave? No, this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen. If I do it now Order General Nimitz to attack Fortaleza, do you think they can defeat China's Genghis Khan aircraft carrier fleet?"

When the Xuebing Army first started to engage in aircraft carriers and ocean-going fleets, the US government not only did not take it seriously, but also had such an attitude, that is, with their hands in their sleeves and a cigar in their mouths, they were always ready to look at the Chinese. joke.

The facts slapped the Americans hard. It is true that the Chinese were engaged in a modern ocean-going fleet and an aircraft carrier for the first time. A real threat to U.S. interests in the Pacific.

Later historians have analyzed the fundamental reason why the Truman administration made a secret treaty with Japan in spite of the world, and finally they came to the conclusion that regardless of the issue of the [-] prisoners of war, the Truman administration may conclude a treaty with Japan, because in In East Asia, China has replaced Japan as the biggest threat to US interests in the Pacific.

"...When we look at the history of the development and growth of the United States, it is not difficult to find that the real rise of the United States benefited from the First World War. The successful precedent of the First World War is a lesson. When the Second World War breaks out, it is not difficult to imagine how the Americans will react. Americans will definitely think that this is another opportunity for speculation. Seeing this, some people may say that Americans lack a sense of justice. I would like to say something good for them. When it comes to the level of national interests, it has nothing to do with justice. It doesn't matter. The nature of the state apparatus determines that no matter who is in power, the US government will have demands in this regard..."

The above passage comes from a very popular book analyzing the history of World War II. There are rumors that the author of this book is Ouyang Yun.However, he has never been able to get his own acknowledgment.Through this book, we can also understand that Truman was not so much forced to make the Japan-US treaty, but rather he was kidnapped by the national will of the United States, which made such a decision that seemed unbelievable at the time.

The reason why Truman summoned Knox is so special here is that if Knox had given an affirmative answer at that time, then the starting point of the Sino-US war or the second phase of World War II is likely to be that day.

"Mr. President, I know what kind of answer you want, but unfortunately, I don't think Nimitz and the others are ready. No, I don't even think that the country is ready for this."

On whether to declare war on China immediately, Truman can actually be arbitrary. However, because the United States cannot bear the possible consequences of the defeat of the Atlantic Fleet at present, he still has reservations and chooses to seek professional advice first.Still not giving up, he asked, "What are the chances of winning? Can it exceed [-]%?"

Knox thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "Mr. President, this question is too difficult, and I am sorry that I cannot give an accurate answer. The Chinese aircraft carrier may not be as good as our country in terms of personnel training and command technology, but they have the most advanced aircraft carriers in the world. The carrier-based aircraft also has the most advanced ship-to-ship missiles and air-to-ship missiles. The huge advantages of this equipment will make the outcome of the war confusing—"

Knox considered the acting president's psychological acceptance, so he used very euphemistic words.Truman is not a fool, how can he not understand his painstaking efforts.Sighing softly, he said to himself: "It seems that we can only continue to rely on Mei Sen."

(End of this chapter)

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