Chapter 3111
One after another, the defeated army reports of a certain division and a certain independent brigade and telegrams requesting tactical guidance were sent to Koizumi Toshiichiro. At first, Koizumi Toshiichiro was able to treat them calmly and dispatch them calmly.However, when the Japanese Army Headquarters in Southeast Asia appeared on the list, he could no longer remain calm.

"Your Excellency, in the current situation, you must make a decision as soon as possible. Either simply abandon the remaining troops, including some troops that were scheduled to retreat in the second echelon, to ensure the withdrawal of the main force, or simply abandon the retreat plan," Standing in front of a huge sand table, Masaharu Homma looked at the densely packed red and green flags on the sand table, and suggested to Toshiichiro Koizumi.

"What do you think?" Koizumi tried to keep his tone as calm as possible.

"My suggestion is the first option. Your Excellency, the Chinese have already made a breakthrough, and with our current command system, it is impossible to gather all the troops in a short period of time. Of course, if you choose the second option, It's not that we have no hope of victory, but the price will be very high!"

"How many troops have been defeated by the Chinese army?" Koizumi asked bitterly, Yaskawa Hideo, the head of the combat department.

"National Independence Army Malay Front Army Third Division, Fourth Division, Fifth Division, Seventh Division, Mixed Independent First Infantry Brigade, Mixed Independent Third Infantry Brigade; Indonesian Front Army No.13 Division, No.20 Fifth Division, Mixed Independent Fifth Infantry Brigade, Mixed Independent Ninth Infantry Brigade; Philippine Front Army Mixed Independent No.30 Seventh Infantry Brigade; Part of the [-]th Division of the Royal Army—”

"Bage, what happened to the [-]th Division? Didn't I tell them to retreat early?"

Yaskawa Hideo's voice lowered: "I heard that the captain of the [-]rd Regiment, Nitta Yoshitoyo, made his own claim and wanted to ambush a Chinese army that was rushing forward, but was first spotted by the fighter planes of the Chinese army... "

"Bage! Why didn't Sasaki stop him?"

"General Sasaki is on his way to the headquarters at your order."

The [-]rd Regiment was by no means the only unit that the Japanese army decided to ambush the Chinese army without authorization. Among them, there are also successful examples.For example, now, in Bukit Cambi, an independent brigade belonging to the Japanese Southern Front successfully ambushed the right army of the Central Seventh Army.

The Seventh Army was the first to contact Wang Yunhe, and they knew from Yilu and others that the Japanese army intended to abandon Singapore. Therefore, after Wang Yunhe confirmed the authenticity of this information, Lin Jiangshi's The mind is big.According to the original plan, the Seventh Army would launch a breakthrough directly from the direction of Segamat, and then head east all the way to Singapore.According to Lin Jiangshi and Bao Guohua's original idea, even if the timing of their attack is wrong, as long as the Seventh Army forms a group, then even if they can't seize the opportunity to beat the Japanese army, they can still advance all the way and be blocked by the Japanese army. Hold on until reinforcements arrive.Now, since the retreat of the Japanese army is already in progress, they don't worry about being blocked or even ambushed by the Japanese army. In order to pursue efficiency, Lin Jiangshi decided to divide his troops into two groups.Among them, the main force still followed the original route, and a partial division was separated to take the southern line, in order to strive to bring the places near the canal into governance when the main force advanced to Singapore.

In that time and space, although Singapore was known as an independent country, its actual size was only as large as a larger county in China.In this time and space, since Ouyang Yun has decided to incorporate Singapore into China's territory and make it an important node for China to control the Strait of Malacca, he naturally hopes that the larger the territory of Singapore, the better.How to ensure this?War is naturally the best and most convenient means.In the telegram of the Supreme Command, Lin Jiangshi mentioned this implicitly, which is also an important reason why Lin Jiangshi decided to divide his troops.However, things backfired, and his division of troops almost made a big mistake.

The size of the Right Route Army is one brigade plus one chariot regiment, and the commander is a major general named Xiao Yunhai.Around four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai's troops arrived at a three-way intersection in Bukit Campi.At this fork in the road, when Xiao Yunhai discovered that he had lost contact with the reconnaissance troops, he immediately ordered the troops to suspend their advance. "Xiang Nanhua, take some people to the front to scout, Wang Cun and the others may be in trouble," he told Xiang Nanhua, the company commander of the guard company.After Wang Cun led his people away, he got out of the car and looked around, and said to Chief of Staff Tu Shuncheng: "The forest here has not been destroyed, we must be careful of the little devil's ambush!"

Tu Shuncheng: "From Liminda, we haven't encountered a single enemy, which is indeed a bit wrong."

Since the end of the Malay War, the Seventh Army has stepped up its reconnaissance of the surrounding areas of Singapore, so Xiao Yunhai knew that there should have been at least two divisions of the National Independence Army on their marching route.Since the United Command dispatched the aviation unit to launch the bombing, even if these National Independence Army escaped, but with the military discipline of the National Independence Army, Xiao Yunhai did not believe that they could take all of them away.During the march, this abnormal situation had already aroused his vigilance, but now that the reconnaissance troops lost contact, he suddenly raised his vigilance.

Xiao Yunhai and Tu Chuncheng were very careful, but this time their opponent was a difficult guy.So, when Xiang Nanhua suddenly sent back an alarm and there was intense gunshots ahead, Xiao Yunhai led his troops rashly to rush forward, but was ambushed by the little devil.

The commander of the Japanese army who organized this ambush was also a major general named Miki Sanada.

As the brigade commander of the 29th Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, Sanada Mikio was trained by Koizumi Toshiichiro because of his outstanding performance in the Australian War. He was promoted to the third rank at the age of [-]. The brigade commander of the [-]th was considered an upstart in the Japanese army in Southeast Asia.

The [-]th Brigade, as the defender of Muar, was also in the second echelon retreat sequence.However, because Sanada Mikio felt that it would be dishonorable for the Imperial Army to retreat without a fight, so after receiving the retreat schedule, he began to make arrangements, intending to teach the Chinese Army a lesson before retreating.

Sanada Mikio is good at calculations, knowing that the Chinese army must have their defense plans, so he did not choose to stand firm or ambush in Muar, but chose the battlefield at Bukit Campi, which was stationed by the National Independence Army.In order to ensure the successful implementation of the ambush plan, he used the authority of the Royal Army to allow the National Independence Army stationed in Liminda and Bukit Campi to withdraw in advance to paralyze the Chinese army.Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and the others traveled all the way, so they couldn't see a national independence army.

(End of this chapter)

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