Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3326 They really dare to shoot

Chapter 3326 They really dare to shoot

Bogson successfully opened up the situation, and Eisenhower was overjoyed when he received the report, and immediately ordered the whole line to start.A steady stream of U.S. troops rushed to Mindanao on various boats and rafts, and thousands of torches connected into fire dragons, lighting up the sky above the Surigao Strait.On both sides of the fire dragon, the local aborigines looked at the white and black soldiers in horror, and many of them talked about the "imperial army" for the first time.

As Toshiichiro Koizumi deepened the policy of co-prosperity, and as more and more indigenous soldiers became naturalized as the "imperial army", the aborigines of Nanyang also had a sense of identity with the Japanese army.Coupled with the previous atrocities of the US military, the lesser of two evils, it is natural that the natives of Nanyang are more willing to accept the rule of the Japanese army.

An elementary school in the north of Placer City, where Pogson's headquarters is located.Amid the roar of a gasoline generator, a simple power grid and communication network were laid out. With this communication network, Pogson can command troops in various aspects while sitting in the headquarters.As his orders were conveyed, the Americans soon built a simple defensive position with wooden stakes and sandbags snatched from the Kodama Division.

In Eisenhower's plan, at least 15 troops will be transferred to Australia this time.Before moving to Australia, he will spend a certain period of time in Mindanao, collecting food on the one hand, and collecting enough gasoline for Nimitz's fleet on the other hand.Because he didn't want to really fall out with Kenichi Koru's Eastern Front, Eisenhower temporarily delimited the scope of activities of the US military to the northeast of Mindanao.And he believes that when he drives all 15 people over, even if Gu Xian is unwilling, he should consider the overall situation and can only accept this fact with his nose held.

The Americans are working at night to build defensive positions, and Jiukuishan Er and his main force have arrived less than 5000 meters from the westernmost camp of Bogson's troops.Pogson sent patrols and secret sentries in all directions, but in front of Gao Shan, Jiu Kuishan Er's best reconnaissance subordinate, this arrangement of Pogson was like a decoration.

Successfully captured a tongue, learned everything he wanted to know from the mouth of the tongue, Gao Shan immediately reported to Jiukuishan Er, and asked for the next action plan.

"Inform Kodama Division Commander and get them ready for battle—no, remind them to guard their positions! What? Kodama Division Commander isn't here? Is Chief of Staff Great Suharto in charge now? No, don't Inform him. Since the head of the Kodama division is not here, no matter what happens, we can’t blame us.” After talking to Gao Shan, Jiu Kui Shan Er dismounted, handed the horse to his adjutant to lead him to the side of the road, and then personally He led the troops to complete the encirclement of the main camp of Bogson's troops.Prior to this, the reconnaissance unit led by Gao Shan had at least killed an American secret sentry and two patrols of eight people each, but the Americans had no response.

Hiding behind a tree, watching the Americans reinforce their positions in full swing, Jiu Kuishan Er grinned grinningly and said, "Send the order, everyone pay attention to my order."


The American soldiers under Pogson's command did not know that disaster was imminent. Because of the fear of the Japanese army, few people objected to building defensive positions at night.Of course, Americans have always been used to being free and undisciplined, so it is impossible for you to expect everyone to work hard.Their most common approach is to work for a few minutes and then rest for a few minutes.

Du Ke felt that he was very unlucky.As a reporter accompanying the army, he should not have been sent to do coolies.However, because of his wife's revolution, the newspapers and periodicals he served directly could not function normally at all. As a result, as he was abandoned by the headquarters, in order to survive, he had to join the army and become a real soldier.Du Ke is really not made for work, no, he barely shoveled a few shovels of soil, and then he was so tired that he sat down on the ground out of breath.Opposite him, a tall white man was struggling to dig a blast hole.Du Ke looked at it for a while, his throat was itchy, and he said to him: "Hey, John, the Japanese didn't dare to shoot today!"

As a reporter, Du Ke knew more about the relationship between the United States and Japan, so in his opinion, Pogson's previous order was really crazy.So when squeezing oil, he always squeezed into the crowd subconsciously, for fear that the Japanese would shoot if they couldn't control it.But now, after the oil was successfully squeezed, his mentality was completely relaxed, and then he had the desire to confide.

"They need us," John said, thrusting his shovel into the mound he had just made, and sitting down, too.

"The Japanese are so brutal, I still think it's a bit unreal."

"Who says it's not—" John said, looking around habitually, and then he saw a lot of figures in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, and shouted: "What is that?"

Du Ke looked in the direction of his finger, and immediately opened his eyes and exclaimed: "God! Japanese, it's Japanese!"

Jiukuishan Er was very courageous. He took advantage of the cover of the night to directly lead people to advance towards the main camp of Bogson's headquarters by rolling over them. When the distance was shortened to nearly 40 meters, he heard screams from the opposite side. The troops were ordered to stop.Then, he said to the chief of staff on one side: "Watanabe-kun, you go and tell the Yankees to get them out of Placer immediately, otherwise, this is where they will die! 5 minutes, tell the Yankees, I will give him 5 minutes !"

"Hay!" Yuki Watanabe responded loudly, then took a loudspeaker from one of his subordinates, brought it to his mouth and shouted loudly: "Listen, people on the other side, you are already surrounded by us, we give you You have 5 minutes to quit Placer immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

The sound of Watanabe Yuki's sudden explosion startled the Americans in the northwest direction. Many people immediately grabbed their weapons, but more people stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

Fortunately, Bogson has already laid the communication network.That's why Watanabe yelled no more than twice, and someone who could understand Japanese immediately reported to him.

"What? We're surrounded? Someone from the Kodama Division? What? You don't know who it is? 5 minutes—they only give us 5 minutes. Ask their number and tell their chief to come out, I want to talk to him Talk!" Pogson said, and immediately walked quickly to the northwest with a large helper.At this time, he didn't think the Japanese would actually shoot.

The command post is not very far from the front line in the northwest, but 5 minutes is not enough for him to walk there.So, he had only walked out about 400 meters when the gunfire rang out.

Sudden gunshots rang out intensively, followed by the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves. Seeing the gunfire that suddenly lit up in front of him, Pogson staggered and nearly fell down. Then, he shouted hysterically: "Bastard! How dare they open fire?" gun?!"

(End of this chapter)

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