Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 467 Decisive Battle at Changping

Chapter 467 Decisive Battle at Changping (23)

In the case of the Xuebing Army with a tank regiment, the melee is obviously extremely beneficial to the Japanese army.And when Mitsunao Hisahiro hid the three hundred death squads in the vertical trenches, he didn't think about it at all.Originally, he only hoped to blow up as many tanks as possible, but the achievement of this situation now undoubtedly allowed him to see the dawn of victory.

Ouyang Yun naturally did not expect that just because he participated in the battle in person, it would cause confusion in the command of the participating troops, thus creating such an opportunity for the little devil.This responsibility, no matter how the middle and senior officers of the cadet army who participated in the battle this time excused the young officer, he could not be exempted from responsibility.

Under the leadership of the brigade Nagahiro Hiromitsu, the Japanese army quickly penetrated into the ranks of the Xuebing Army. In just a quarter of an hour, at least two thousand devils rushed into the formation of the Xuebing Army, and began the most brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Without time to investigate why this situation happened, Ouyang Yun immediately asked the officers around him to go back and gather the team, and then he said loudly to Liu Kui: "Liu Kui, it's time to show the appearance of the guard group directly under the army. Hand-to-hand combat, we are not afraid of the Japanese!"

Liu Kui had already realized the reason for this situation at this time, so he was not moved by the aggressive generals at all, and calmly ordered a battalion commander named Zhang Jun beside him to immediately protect the military seat and withdraw to the rear, and then organized a team to meet the enemy. Devil.

Zhang Jun was very responsible, and immediately asked several soldiers to set up Ouyang Yun and retreated to the rear.How could Ouyang Yun be willing to leave at this time, he couldn't help shouting: "Zhang Jun, what are you doing? Are you holding the officer hostage? You still don't let me go! Give me my gun!"

Zhang Jun and Liu Kui's personalities are surprisingly alike, although their faces are full of smiles, but they are not ambiguous in carrying out the task, no matter how Ouyang Yun calls, he will be firmly held by the soldiers of his battalion The guard rushed back in the middle and withdrew.

Seeing that the situation ahead was becoming more and more chaotic, some devils even began to assist the tanks with grenades.Ouyang Yun became anxious, and quickly lowered his request, saying, "I'm not going to the head office, am I? I'm here to hold the line, and I'll shout a few times, which will definitely be helpful to appease the soldiers." This time, Zhang Jun didn't insist, but just made a request , I want to shout for him, saying that I am afraid that once his identity is exposed, it will cause a wild counterattack by the little devil.

Ouyang Yun had no choice but to agree.Then, a strange scene appeared next. First, several soldiers shouted: "Brothers, the military seat said that our swordsmanship is specially designed to defeat the assassination moves of little devils. Everyone should fight calmly, and we will surely win." Then Nearly a battalion of soldiers shouted in unison, and the shouts resounded throughout the battlefield, even covering up some explosions.

Melee is the most important quality of individual soldiers!Because you may not have the protection and coordination of comrades-in-arms by your side, and what you are facing is not just the enemy in one direction.

This sentence was said by Liu Kui in class when he was an instructor at the military academy, and his basis was the battle that was later known as the "Changping Melee".

The quality of an individual soldier is a general concept, which not only includes the soldier's killing skills, but also a very important point, which is the soldier's will to fight. Popularly known, it is whether he is afraid of death or not.

The reason why the "Changping Melee" was later recorded in military history is because the soldiers on both sides of the melee were desperate and ruthless characters.In the most tragic place of the battle, the soldiers from both sides rushed together, pinching their cunts and biting their ears, doing everything they could.For a time, the advantage of the Wei Qing-style assault rifle was offset by the little devil's frantic stabbing. When a glaring bayonet stabbed at the chest and abdomen, most of the soldiers in the Xuebing Army chose to pull out Out of the back of the big knife.

The turning point in the battle occurred 10 minutes after the melee started.In the long 10 minutes, the Xuebing Army paid the price of killing more than [-] people and injuring more than [-] people.The [-]th Division counted the previous human bombs, killing more than [-] people and injuring more than [-] people.Why did the Japanese army have a much higher number of deaths than injuries?Because Xue Bingjun's big sword slashed down, it was rare that he survived a blow.

As a guard force, no one in the guard regiment led by Liu Kui is equipped with a broadsword. Even if they are equipped with cold weapons, they are daggers and some hidden weapons.It was the addition of the guard regiment to the battlefield that turned the tide of the melee.All the officers and soldiers of the guard regiment were sharpshooters. They advanced and fired all the way, and quickly pushed back the devil's offensive.

And as more and more officers and soldiers of the cadet army were freed from hand-to-hand combat and began to use guns, the defeat of the Japanese army was inevitable.

It's ridiculous that when the Japanese army was surrounded piece by piece and started to be shot and killed by bullets.Jiuhong Guangzhi even raised his command knife and rushed to Liu Kui who was in the front and said: "Call your highest officer to come out, I want to fight him! China Pig, do you want to fight with our imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire? "

Liu Kui cursed coldly: "Stupid!" He raised his gun and shot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the devils on the opposite side immediately pulled their brigade leader down.

The battle has entered a normal track so far. Seeing that they are invincible, Hisahiro Mitsunao led about a thousand people to break out of the encirclement.Because the three lines of defense had also entered a fierce battle at this moment, in the end, their group of devils fled to the southwest.Separating a regiment to pursue tail-to-tail, Ouyang Yun led other troops to press down on the three lines of defense of the Japanese army.

On the three lines of defense, the Japanese army led by Xieyuan Xiongya and the teaching corps led by General Tong Linge played well from the beginning.The first contest between the two sides was the artillery unit.Compared with the Ninth Division, the artillery unit of the [-]th Division is much poorer, with only one field artillery brigade.The teaching corps has a regiment-sized artillery, which also includes four heavy artillery just equipped.The existence of four heavy artillery pieces was a nightmare for the [-]th Field Artillery Brigade. Each of them fired only five shells, and the position was covered by [-]mm shells.The reason why the [-]th Field Artillery Battalion was given a chance to show off its power was because the artillerymen in the corps were still not good at operating heavy artillery, so they adjusted their shooting positions three times in a row before they hit the right spot.

After the artillery was destroyed, Xiayuan Xiongmi dispatched a cavalry brigade to attack the artillery position of the Teaching Corps in a slash.Naturally, it was impossible for Tong Linge to let him succeed. He decisively withdrew the artillery regiment directly to the city, and then set up a new position in the city, using the heavy artillery's ultra-long range to attack the Japanese army.After being bombarded for about a quarter of an hour, Xieyuan Xiongmi lost his composure, left the position first, and launched a countercharge.

Tong Linge couldn't ask for it, the soldiers came to cover the water and soil, the whole army attacked and pressed up, and the two sides fought a positional battle.

In the field battle, because the firepower of heavy weapons such as mortars and grenades were all within the firepower coverage of the heavy artillery of the teaching corps, the only weapons that the Japanese army could rely on in the end were only the [-] big guns in their hands.So far, there was no suspense about the outcome of this battle, and Ouyang Yun led the team to arrive, which only speeded up the process.

It seemed that he couldn't fight, and the fate of guarding could only be eaten one bite at a time. Xiayuan Xiongmi couldn't bear the responsibility of exhausting the entire army, so he had to learn from his subordinate Hisahiro Mitsunao in the end and chose to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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