Chapter 887 The Great Victory
Alcohol is something that you should not drink too much when you are in a bad mood.Ranji Inoue and Tomo Nakahiro are both in a bad mood. Two frustrated people drinking together can easily lose control.

The military discipline of the Japanese army is very strict, and drinking is strictly prohibited during the march. However, considering that the large troops have already left, and it must be after midnight when they arrive, both Inoue and Nakahiro want to drink some wine and sit in the car. squint.As they drank and drank, they couldn't speak clearly, and then the two of them let go of their hands, tilted their heads, and fell asleep on the car seat.

The artillery guards were at the forefront. Because of the nature of the troops, the devils with little combat experience didn't think that anyone would open their eyes and try to ambush them, so except for the armored vehicle that cleared the way, it still behaved like that. Other than that, everyone else was dozing off in the truck.At least in Taiwan's "mainland", the Japanese army is highly mechanized, and the marches are all carried by trucks.But now it seems that trucks may not be a good thing. Look, eight out of ten devils have squinted their eyes.In addition to the headlights in front of the armored vehicle clearing the way, there is also a searchlight installed in front of the machine gun turret to search for the surrounding enemy.This searchlight turned around and became the most taboo thing for the officers and soldiers of the Second Regiment.

Lin Xiaoyu's heart is a bit big. Not only does he want to wipe out this devil, but he also wants to rob the opponent's artillery. In this way, in order to solve the opponent as soon as possible and break into the enemy's position, their ambush must be very close to the road .Chen Xiaochun is from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The reason why he joined the Xuebing Army was to avenge his sister.Because of her beauty, Chen Xiaochun's sister was first defiled by the Japanese chief of the town's police station, and then sent to the mainland, where she became one of the comfort women.After participating in the student army and getting the guns, the first thing Chen Xiaochun did was to run for more than 50 kilometers alone, and killed the Japanese director in a daze.

Afterwards, he was recorded as a major demerit because of this, and became a small squad leader because of this.Now, he led the soldiers of his class to ambush in the bushes under the road.The searchlight flickered across their heads, and many soldiers bit their lips nervously, worried that they would make noise out of fright.Chen Xiaochun behaved very calmly, the psychological quality of people who have killed people is different from that of ordinary people.He pressed his face against the cold grass, his eyes stared at the somewhat arrogant armored vehicle through the camouflage on his head, and he held a grenade tightly in his right hand, ready to fight.

Lin Xiaoyu was lying on his stomach only 150 meters away from Chen Xiaochun. He stared wide-eyed as he watched the Japanese troops drive into the ambush circle like a long snake. Finally, he suddenly raised his gun and let go, while shouting: " beat!"

Gunshots rang out immediately, followed by a series of explosions. The engineering soldiers of the Second Regiment laid a lot of landmines on the road. This kind of chain mines can be regarded as the heavy weapon most often used by the Taiwan Corps.A dozen landmines exploded one after another, overturning five trucks at once, and dozens of devils were taken away by their Amaterasu gods before they could figure out what happened.

The soldiers of the Second Regiment were all in ambush by the side of the road. This kind of ambush really tested the quality of the soldiers, but now it seems that the soldiers of the Second Regiment, whether they are veterans or those new recruits, are all very competitive, so they can catch the first With the machine, the little devil was caught off guard, and he was able to replace the balance of pros and cons in the number of people all at once.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Some devils screamed.

The marching formation of the Japanese army is like this, the infantry guards lead the way, the artillery is in the middle, and the ghost soldiers of the Zhonghong Brigade are behind.But now, the infantry in the front and back are the first to be attacked.

Not to mention the infantry guards, they only have the strength of a squadron, and there are only about ten trucks, serial mines and grenades, the second regiment's first round of attack destroyed seven trucks, and they were blown to death. There are more than 130 devils.The rest of the devils were thrown under the car, or started to jump to the ground in a hurry, but what awaited them was a dense rain of bullets.

The infantry of the Zhonghong Battalion were not taken care of by the landmines. However, when a hundred grenades fell at close range at the same time, the convoy was immediately disrupted, and more than a hundred devils were directly killed.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, get out of the car!" "Counterattack, counterattack!"... All kinds of cries on the Japanese army's position rang out, and after the initial panic, the devils began to jump out of the truck one after another, and then stood guard. The truck started to fight back.

Ranji Inoue and Yuichi Nakahiro were awakened by the sound of gunfire immediately. The two devils looked at each other through the dim lights in the car, and then asked angrily at the same time: "Bage, what happened?"

Kazuo Yamashima, the chief of staff of the artillery brigade in front, turned pale and replied respectfully: "We have encountered an ambush!"

Inoue's face immediately changed. He didn't believe it at first: "How is it possible?!" Then he asked: "How many enemies are there?"

Zhonghong Youyi had already opened the car door and jumped to the ground. He immediately drew his gun and shouted: "Assemble, assemble!"

"Hush!" A flare rose into the sky, which was launched by the second regiment.The flares illuminated a two-kilometer radius, and those devils who were exposed to the light were immediately fired at by machine guns set high up in ambush.

"Concentrate superior firepower and catch the little devil by surprise. Only in this way can we reverse the gap in our troop strength!" Lin Xiaoyu said during the deployment before the battle.

His tactical arrangement has been faithfully implemented, and the more than fifty machine guns in the regiment have now become the sickle of death.The ignorant devils just jumped out of the car, and some even straightened up from the car, and were immediately baptized by the dense rain of bullets.Scores of devils were killed before a single shot was fired. In just 10 minutes, more than two hundred devils were knocked down by machine guns.

Chen Xiaochun threw two grenades in a row, overturned a truck together with his comrades, and after blowing up three devils by himself, he raised his gun and shot, specifically hitting the devils who jumped down from the truck in despair. Within a short period of time, four devils were eliminated.

"Blow the charge! Brothers, kill!" Lin Xiaoyu watched the progress of the battle intensively. When he found that the Japanese army's organizational system had been disrupted and many devils were in chaos, he waved his gun and gave an order to the trumpeter , and then rushed onto the road with the guard platoon fighters around him.

"Brothers, go!" With big knives, the recruits charged the Japanese army with shining spears.

"Assemble, follow me!" Zhong Hongyou shouted loudly, and more than 10 people gathered in less than [-] minutes.Seeing the Chinese man rushing out from his hiding place, he had no time to think about it, pulled out his command saber and swung it fiercely, shouting: "Warriors of His Majesty the Emperor, fight to the death!"

Chen Xiaochun got up from the ground and shouted: "Brothers, follow me!" Holding the gun tightly with both hands, he led the soldiers of his class to meet Zhonghong Youyi.

"Da da da!" Suddenly, a [-]-type heavy machine gun sounded, and he felt a strong pump in his abdomen, and he fell out immediately—under the personal command of Inoue Ranji, his The machine gun on the armored command vehicle began to exert force, and the Devil's machine gunner fired in bursts, immediately knocking down Chen Xiaochun and several soldiers around him.

"Squad leader!" Chen Xiaochun fell to the ground, and several soldiers under him immediately shouted.Everyone is local, although they didn't know each other before enlisting in the army, but just because of this relationship, the relationship has always been very good.The squad leader suddenly fell to the ground, which made the soldiers who were still a little scared immediately burn with anger!A soldier pulled out a grenade to kill the machine gunner, and then he tore off the string with his teeth, and was hit by several machine gun bullets, and the whole man was thrown backwards immediately.

The grenade rolled to the ground and began to smoke, and was about to knock down the students around him, Chen Xiaochun suddenly rolled over, grabbed the grenade with his right hand, and threw it out with all his strength.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded in the air less than ten meters away. Amid the sound of the explosion, several devils threw Zhong Hongyou down. However, one of the shrapnel shot out of the explosion still shot into Zhong Hong. The pain in his right eye caused the little devil to let out a strange cry, and then passed out.

A group of soldiers, led by Ye Shun, rushed towards the front armored vehicle. The few grenades just now failed to blow up the armored vehicle. Now, the machine guns on it have knocked down more than a dozen soldiers.In this case, instead of Lin Xiaoyu personally giving instructions, Ye Shun, who was closest to the armored vehicle, immediately directed his men to attack it.

"You cover me!" Ye Shun said to several soldiers, picked up a Qubing general-purpose machine gun in his arms, and fired fiercely at the machine gun turret of the armored vehicle.The bullet hit the steel plate of the shooting tower, and the flames splashed and made a harsh sound.The devil was so beaten that he didn't dare to turn around, and in less than a minute, the continuous shooting finally penetrated the steel plate, and then the devil was beaten into a hornet's nest, and the machine gun point was taken down.

The infantry at both ends were suppressed and beaten by the student army, and the artillery in the middle would be miserable without the infantry guards.To deal with these devils who were only equipped with short guns, and did not even carry infantry weapons, Lin Xiaoyu arranged for some veterans and recruits who were good at assassination.When the veterans were waving their gleaming blades and approaching those devil artillerymen, those devil soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly they all shouted and ran away in a swarm.

"Damn, isn't the little devil very brave?" Zhou Jicai, the commander of the Fifth Battalion in charge of this rank, was very upset. He hoped that his big blade would drink the blood of the little devil, but now it seems that it has come true. no more.

And how did he know that in the hearts of the little devils, the swordsmen of the Xuebing Army had already become their nightmare, and it was what all the Japanese soldiers feared and faced the most.

The Japanese are superstitious. They may not be afraid of death, but they are afraid of losing their heads and not being able to enter the underworld.In this way, Zhou Jicai became a success, allowing him to snatch 25 cannons very easily.

(End of this chapter)

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