Chapter 893
Sending troops to Taiwan was Ouyang Yun's own idea. He was so persistent on the Taiwan issue that he even destroyed his previous image and style of doing things.However, when sending troops to Taiwan became a fact, this has become a matter for the Xuebing Army.The army of apprentices is getting stronger and stronger, and its cohesion with everyone has also increased.Jiang Guangnai's confidant, Jiang Chuanjun, was in Taiwan, and his two old friends and their families were also involved. It is understandable that he was more eager than others.

"The footsteps laid in Taiwan must not be lost. Jiang Dahe is good. The Taiwan Corps has grown to its current scale, which is beyond my expectations. The Japanese combined fleet has concentrated its efforts to block the Taiwan Strait, which makes it difficult for us to reinforce. Yes. However, the Air Fortress fleet is empty now. Therefore, we can find a way in terms of means! I believe that by concentrating our air power, we can completely gain air supremacy over the Taiwan Strait. As long as we have air supremacy, the Japanese will No matter how superior the troops are, it is impossible to completely wipe out the Taiwan Corps, Commander Chen?" Ouyang Yun looked at Chen Ce, the commander of the navy.

Chen Ce stood up and paid a military salute.It was the first time he participated in such a high-level student army meeting, and he still seemed a little reluctant to let go.

"How many submarines do we have now that are capable of combat?"

"Three. Nine submarines have been built, but there is a lack of skilled operators. I was just about to suggest to you, Commander-in-Chief, that I think it is necessary for us to open a Naval Academy. I am worried that our shipyards are on the After the scale, a large number of submarines will have to berth in the harbor because no one is driving them, which is really wasteful.”

"Don't worry about personnel. I will give you sufficient manpower by September at the latest. But now, I hope that the three submarines can move. The Japanese joint fleet is now rampant, and they regard Fujian and the coast of Guangzhou as their own. The backyard is gone, you have to teach them a lesson and force them to shrink their range of activities."

"No problem, this task will be handed over to me."

Since the Dongshan base was attacked by the Japanese army, the navy of the Xuebing Army disappeared from everyone.Many people were unaware of the construction of the Hainan Naval Base. They suddenly heard that the Xuebing Army had several submarines. They looked at each other, and they felt a little weird while being surprised.

Ouyang Yun understood their feelings and explained: "Brothers, the idea of ​​building a naval base in Hainan was only after I found Brother Chen Ce. This is the only naval power in our student army. I'm worried that it will happen again." Dongshan base attack incident', so I didn't tell you. Hehe, you won't blame me for not reporting it?"

The bigger the school soldier's property and the longer his strength, the higher the authority of Ouyang Yun.Everyone heard what he said, and quickly said: How is it possible?does not exist does not exist...

After this episode, Ouyang Yun mentioned the issue of sending troops to Hankou.He said: "Commander Li and Commander Chen have been sending me electricity every day during this period, hoping that we can send troops to the north bank or the south bank. What they mean is that they want me to send an army directly to them to command. To be honest, I'm not at ease. It's not that I doubt their command level, but I was really scared by what happened some time ago. So I decided that this time I will personally lead the team and draw a division from each army to form the Northward Army to go to Hubei. Well, a few army commanders, you can recommend yourself and see which division of each department will take up the task of going north—Old Li, you come first.”

This old Li is naturally Li Tieshu.Li Tieshu frowned and thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the third master. He Zhengjiang is always yelling that I won't give him a chance. This time, he will give him this chance."

Ouyang Yun nodded and looked at Li Hanhun.Li Hanhun said: "The first army will go to the third division, then we will go to the sixth division. But commander-in-chief, I don't know if I should say something properly. I think it is not appropriate for you to lead the army yourself. You are our commander-in-chief." , is the supreme leader of Fujian, Guangdong and Qiongxia, I cannot do without you at home!"

When Li Hanhun said these words, many people immediately echoed them. Ji Xingwen even stood up and said, "Ouyang, I want to give you my opinion. Ever since I became the political director, it's as if I've been abandoned by the military camp." , let alone war for so many years, the sound of cannon fire is rarely heard, this time, let me go to the front line to experience it?"

Ji Xingwen said this pitifully, no matter what his real thoughts were.As soon as he opened his head, it was going to be a disaster. Jiang Guangnai and Li Tieshu came forward one after another and asked to lead the team.And after they fought, Stern, the commander of the Jewish Independence Army on the side?Ouyang was upset, and he shouted in Chinese with obvious retroflex: "Commander-in-Chief, it's not fair, every war is not for us Jews, you are racially discriminatory, I, I seriously protest!"

"Slap!" Seeing that everyone was arguing a little outrageously, Ouyang Yun slapped it down, immediately startled everyone, and changed the atmosphere of the meeting room.Ouyang Yun did this just to talk, but not because he was angry.The topic raised by Stern was a bit big. He answered this question first, saying: "Stern? You are not level. I engage in racial discrimination? You, and Mr. Bonn, you pat your conscience , Do I have it? It seems that it hasn’t been long since the command of your Jewish army has belonged to me? Before, I had no right to send you out—”

Before he finished speaking, Old Bonn quickly stood up and said, "Commander-in-Chief, Stern didn't mean that. He just felt that an army could not grow up without going through actual combat, so he asked you to give the Jewish Independence Army a chance. Let our boys also see the world of blood. Commander-in-Chief, I admit that the so-called Jewish military regulations we formulated before were purely short-sighted and our short-sightedness. Commander-in-Chief, I still remember you What I said at the beginning - you Jews, if you want others to regard you as your compatriots, you must first have the awareness to regard each other as your compatriots and dedicate yourself to this country. Commander-in-Chief, today, we Jews really regard ourselves as Chinese People. Since we are a part of China, we also have the responsibility to defend our country, so this time, we sincerely hope to get the chance to play."

The shrewdness of the Jews is known all over the world. They formulated the regulations at the beginning of the establishment of the Jewish Army, because they did not want young men of their own nationality to serve as cannon fodder for the Chinese for no reason.However, as the strength of the cadet army became stronger and stronger, as the cadet army had faintly shown the aura of kingship, the Jewish mind changed.When Ouyang Yun accepted the Jews, he once proposed that he would fight for an autonomous territory for them in the future.This sentence has always been deeply remembered by the Jews.The stronger the Xuebing Army, the greater the possibility of Ouyang Yun fulfilling this promise. At this time, the leaders of the Jewish Chamber of Commerce discovered that the Jews in the Xuebing Army's family had a tendency to be marginalized.Moreover, the Jewish soldiers headed by Stern have always believed that if the Jews want to achieve self-government in the future, they must have corresponding martial arts.Martial arts requires experience and the accumulation of blood and sweat. That's why they raised the issue of sending troops so urgently at this meeting of sending troops to Hankou.

The Jews' love for feathers made Ouyang Yun ignore them now.The Jews suddenly changed their gender and began to truly regard themselves as Chinese, which he naturally welcomed.After thinking about it, he decided to accept their offer.Of course, considering political and other factors, he was not going to let him participate in the Battle of Hankou. Instead, he decided to let them use the name of drills to carry out similar establishment of bases in areas where Zhejiang Fox Tong and Xinghuo brigades are more active. Or combat missions such as anti-sweeping to help the student army stabilize the southern war situation.

After making up his mind, he smiled and said to Old Bonn and Stern: "I'm very pleased that you can think this way. Stern, this Hankou Battle involves too many aspects and has strong political factors, so you should participate It is not a wise move to go in. I have also considered the situation you just mentioned. The growth of a troop really needs to be tested in actual combat. Well, I am planning to send a troop to Zhejiang to carry out harassment during this time, so as to Contain the attention of the South China Front Army, so that they dare not lightly start a large-scale war. If you take the initiative to ask for a battle, I will leave this task to you. Well, I hope that you can achieve the greatest growth at the least cost—you understand me mean?"

Stern was a simple guy and said yes right away.Old Bonn thought for a while before nodding.

After the issue of the Jewish Independence Army was resolved, Ouyang Yun once again reiterated that he would personally command the dispatch to Hankou, and no one had any objections.And at the end of the meeting, he proposed a vote.He said: "Let's talk about a heavy topic next. Everyone has a personal experience of the plague a while ago, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Biao immediately interjected: "Commander-in-Chief, can't we just let this matter go? When did our cadet army suffer such a loss?! His grandma can't beat us on the battlefield. How dare you engage in such a despicable method. Commander-in-Chief, we must retaliate with an eye and give the Japanese some color!"

Chu Tiange continued: "That's right! Otherwise, the Japanese would think that we are easy to bully, and they might plan such despicable actions!"


After Ouyang Yun and the others finished their speeches, they said: "People who know me well know that I protect my shortcomings and will take revenge. Through the hard work of comrades from the Ministry of External Affairs, Hutong, we have now grasped the Japanese plan to plan this 'Guangzhou plague incident' Just like your assumptions, I will definitely take revenge on the Japanese. The means of revenge is to retaliate against the other side. Now, I initiate a vote on this matter, and if you agree, please raise your hand!" After finishing speaking, he raised his hand. hands up.

Chu Tiange and Guo Biao raised their hands immediately, and the others raised their hands after pondering for a while.As a result, the "plague" air strike against Tokyo, Japan, was unanimously approved by the senior officials of the Xuebing Army.

(End of this chapter)

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