Chapter 895
The Guangzhou Branch of the Anti-War Alliance did not develop smoothly in Guangzhou.The Xuebing Army is different from other factions in China. Once the Japanese devils are captured by them, the humanitarian treatment they can enjoy is almost zero.It's not that the Xuebing Army deliberately abused the prisoners, but the Japanese regarded being captured as a shame, and they didn't cooperate very much after being captured.And their non-cooperation may be tolerated in other factions' troops, but in the Xuebing Army, they will only ask for trouble.

People respect me as much as I respect others. Ouyang Yun is such a person, and the Xuebing Army was influenced by him, and they treated prisoners of war with this attitude.During World War II, the Yamato nation as a whole was poisoned, so people like the so-called anti-war alliance are really rare.The Japanese don't regard war of aggression as such a great crime, they believe in the law of the jungle and take it as their creed, so Ouyang Yun naturally doesn't bother to talk to them about morality.Once Japanese officers and soldiers are captured, except for some valuable generals, the Xuebing Army will deal with it patiently, and there are basically only two paths for others.If you cooperate, then you can accept labor reform. If you don’t cooperate, sorry, after you go to the military court, you will be shot at another day.

When he was still in Renqiu, the Xuebing Army had an unwritten rule to enforce the so-called battlefield discipline.That means no prisoners.During the Battle of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, each army, division, and even brigade of the Xuebing Army frequently enforced battlefield discipline, which directly caused a large number of devils who lost their resistance to be tortured and killed, which also made it difficult to carry out the work of the Guangzhou Branch of the Anti-War Alliance .

Takahashi Ryoko once complained to Ouyang Yun about this matter, but he didn't get a positive response.Ouyang Yun's answer was very straightforward: Don't ask me about this kind of thing, if you want to blame them, blame them themselves, if they know how to restrain themselves, what to do and what not to do as a soldier?Well, of course we treat them the same way we treat soldiers, but what do they do?As soldiers, are they worthy of their uniforms?I don't know if this is what your government means. If so, then I can only say regretfully—your government's attitude has caused their soldiers to lose their honor as soldiers. So, what qualifications do they have for receiving military treatment? !
Everything the Japanese devils have done in China is anti-human and anti-society.For such people, Ouyang Yun would naturally not give them fair treatment.Ouyang Yun's attitude determined the drastic measures that the Xuebing Army would take against the Japanese army.Because of this, when the plague incident was exposed, Ryoko Takahashi began to worry about whether Ouyang Yun would take revenge.After Mei Lanshu's speech, her guess was confirmed, she couldn't help tossing and turning, and decided to seek favor with Ouyang Yun no matter what, so that he would stop his actions against Japanese civilians.

After lunch, the army continued to march.In the sky, occasionally a reconnaissance plane passed by, and the roar of the engine was earth-shattering, which always surprised Ms. Liangzi.Although the Xuebing Army Air Force is young, after this period of development, it already possesses the aura of domineering.If the Japanese army still had the courage to fight against the Xuebing Army and Army, they didn't even have the courage to fight against the Xuebing Army Air Force.

The Xuebing Army Air Force and the Japanese Air Force fought N times, and the Japanese army won once. It was only by virtue of its numerical advantage several times over the opponent and by being caught off guard that the opponent was caught off guard.If Ouyang Yun wants to avenge the plague disaster of the Japanese, he can only use his advanced air force to carry out long-distance delivery.This made Miss Liangzi feel extra ear-piercing when she heard the sound of the engine.

Ouyang Yun's command car was arranged in the middle of the queue, in front of him were the eighth and twelfth divisions, and next to him was the third division.This formation was Chen Shichang's handwriting. As the chief of staff of the Northward Legion this time, Chen Shichang was responsible for the daily marching formation.He considered that Bai Liusu was in the third school, so he specially arranged it this way.

Compared with a year ago, the current student army is quite different. The most striking thing is that the marching is fully mechanized.The legion has nearly six divisions with a total of more than [-] troops, all marching mechanized.Except for the tank soldiers, armored soldiers, heavy soldiers, and artillery (self-propelled artillery), the traditional infantry all took trucks, which not only ensured the marching speed of the troops, but also prevented the troops from being too tired from walking on their legs and losing their energy in emergencies.Looking at the endless sea of ​​cars, Miss Liangzi was filled with emotion, remembering the scene when she confronted Ouyang Yun in Tianjin Daily Rental, she murmured to herself: "The truth is unbelievable, this man is just like a Like a magician!"

Miss Liangzi was lucky to ride in the same car with Ouyang Yun, but now Ouyang Yun was looking at the marching map, so she obediently didn't bother him. "After we arrived in Nanchang, we left a brigade to take care of the logistics team behind, and then went directly to Pengze to replace the No.70 Fourth Army of the National Army there..." The one who said this was Chen Shichang, who was in charge of the specific marching and marching routes of the troops. It was formulated by the staff officers headed by him.The reason why he went to Jiujiang first was at Chen Cheng's request.

The No.70 Fourth Army played a huge role in encircling and annihilating the 17th Division of the Japanese Army, and suffered heavy losses. Among them, the 51st and 57th Divisions had a loss rate of more than 70%. No.70 The Fourth Army is the direct line of Lao Jiang's direct line. This time the loss is so heavy, Lao Jiang feels distressed.But Peng Ze's position is too important. Once Peng Ze loses, the whole Jiangxi will open the northern gate. Therefore, Chen Cheng felt the chairman's wishes, so he repeatedly asked the student army to go north quickly. Take over the defense of the No.[-] Fourth Army.

"Commander-in-Chief, I personally think it's better for us to go directly to Jiujiang. Jiujiang is facing the river on three sides, which can just give full play to our army's firepower advantage, and it is much easier to defend than Peng Ze. The Japanese have basically controlled Peng Ze's many waterways. At that time, those gunboats will be a great threat. Moreover, if the national army behind us is lost, we may even be surrounded in Pengze. The dense water network in Pengze is not conducive to the mechanization of our army..." Chen Shichang has really grown up now.At such a young age, he was able to serve as the Chief of Staff of the Northward Legion this time, which shows his weight in Ouyang Yun's mind.Different from those older colleagues, Chen Shichang first considered issues from the perspective of the student army, so he had the latter rhetoric.

Ouyang Yun silently looked at the map without speaking, but in his mind, the phrase "Madang Fortress" jumped out.In that time and space, the Madang Fortress failed to play its due role because of the betrayal of the spies. The fortifications built by the Chinese worked hard, but in the end it was cheaper for the Japanese.But in this time and space, the emergence of the butterfly effect has changed all of these.The defenders of Madang Fortress have changed, and, not only did they not lose in the first round of the confrontation between the two sides, but they made the No.70 fourth army.

The Madang Fortress is an existence comparable to the Jiangyin Fortress. As long as Madang is firmly guarded, the Japanese idea of ​​opening a gap on the south bank of the Yangtze River will be shattered.With Shangrao and Yingtan already recovered, Peng Ze's existence also ensured the safety of Fujian and the northern lines of Guangdong. Thinking of this, Ouyang Yun said: "No, if we don't go to Jiujiang, we will guard Peng Ze!"

"Yes!" Chen Shichang replied, and then started homework with another staff officer holding a ruler.

After entering May, the weather in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River became a bit hot, which saved a lot of work in the logistics department of the Xuebing Army. On the basis of the original uniforms, all the soldiers only added a vest and a blanket to meet the needs of this march. up.Ouyang Yun also wore this kind of vest. The difference was that his vest was modified by Pan Meiren, with two extra pockets for cigarettes and lighters.The weather was fine today, and being bored in the car at noon, Ouyang Yun soon felt the heat, so he took off his shirt and only wore the vest, which made him look a little less powerful, but looked terrible Much closer.

Ms. Liangzi talked a few times, but she was afraid of affecting their discussion of the military situation, so she never interrupted.Japanese women are actually a little moved, because they are now studying military affairs, and as a Japanese, they have no intention of avoiding her. Does this mean that after the last heart-to-heart exchange, Ouyang Does Yun really believe her?

"Commander-in-Chief!" The Japanese woman called him softly.

Ouyang Yun was holding a cigarette in his hand, instinctively, he quickly snuffed it out in the ashtray in the car, and said, "Sorry, I forgot you were here!"

In that time and space, when there were women present, Ouyang Yun didn't smoke, and if he couldn't stand it anymore, he would ask for their opinions.He has kept this habit all the time, and it's not a big deal at ordinary times, but at this moment, his quality is more and more prominent.

The Japanese woman felt warm in her heart, and she said, "It's okay, I used to smoke too."

"Oh," Ouyang Yun grinned, glanced at her, and then remembered that the person in front of him was once Kenji Doihara's right-hand man and a senior Japanese spy.He said: "Miss Liangzi, you really shouldn't have acted with the army. This time it won't be as usual, and the battle will be extremely fierce. You should know that bullets don't have eyes on the battlefield."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your concern. However, I have to come this time. Commander-in-Chief, I have a question to confirm. Does Minister Mei's speech last time mean that the cadet army is going to send a message to Japan about the plague incident not long ago?" Retaliation?"

Ouyang Yun frowned, he didn't expect Japanese women to be so sensitive and able to draw such a correct judgment from this matter.He didn't know that the reason why Liangzi came to such a judgment was not because of Mei Lanshu's speech, but because he understood his personality.He thought for a while and said, "I can't tell you about this, because it's confidential."

"Commander-in-Chief, I know that our country has adopted such an inhumane method of warfare against the people of Guangdong. , Japanese civilians, they are also innocent..."

Ouyang Yun shook his head, he stared into her eyes and asked: "Are you sure? I heard that many of you Japanese civilians donated everything, even their bodies, to support the so-called 'Battle of China'." Donated. Hehe, they are considered innocent?!"

(End of this chapter)

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