Chapter 898

The three aerial fortresses flew eastward all the way, Xue Changkong kept in radio contact with the Baiyun Mountain headquarters while calculating the distance.In the radar station of Baiyun Mountain, Tie Linfei and others used a ruler to measure the distance, and kept a close watch on the movements of the three birds leaving the nest.When the three fighter planes flew over Ningbo, it was also the time when Tie Linfei and others were most nervous.After the last air raid, Ningbo has been built by the Japanese into the strongest military fortress in South China.Not only the South China Front Army is here, but the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet also has a base here.Under the current situation, the strength of the Japanese air force is still far ahead of the cadet army. Therefore, once discovered by the Japanese army, it is really hard to say whether the three air fortresses can escape safely based on the performance of the new Japanese fighter planes. matter.

Seeing the three blue dots flying farther and farther away from the virtual point of Ningbo, Tie Linfei and others breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Tie Linfei said: "Now, we will wait Master Xue, send back the good news."

"The trip to Tokyo must have been a success. If my guess is correct, Mr. Xue and the others must be grinning happily at the moment. After passing the most difficult level, the vast sea behind will be unobstructed. If this air raid Success, from now on, I believe the Japanese will have a new understanding of the strength of our air force!" Air Force Staff Officer Xin Yicheng said.

Xin Yicheng was a classmate of Tielin Fei's and was once a captain of the [-]rd Division of the U.S. Air Force.As a Chinese, being able to do the position of captain in the technical branch of the Air Force shows that he has a considerable level.Tielinfei didn't know that his classmate was actually promoted to this position, but Gu Lianyun accidentally heard it mentioned when he was in contact with the U.S. Air Force. She immediately took it to heart and mentioned it in the telegram to Ouyang Yun.Ouyang Yun naturally refused to let it go, so he asked Tielinfei to contact Xin Yicheng, and then found another chief of staff for the Air Force who was returning from overseas.

Xue Changkong and the others didn't know that they had just gone through the most difficult level.The airmen who can be allowed to participate in this air raid on Tokyo are all absolutely excellent in thinking and skilled in the military.It is an honor in itself to have them carry out this mission.

During the long flight, even Xue Changkong felt sleepy.However, once he thought that his combat mission this time was to air strike the Japanese mainland, and it was the capital of Japan, he couldn't help but lift up his spirits and become excited.Regardless of the outcome of this battle, as long as they can safely appear over Tokyo, it will be a great victory.

The Japanese have always had a concept that Japan is a country protected by Amaterasu, which cannot be invaded by other countries.Think about it, the Mongol Empire Dayuan, the group of people who caused the "yellow peril" in the west at that time, encountered a tsunami when they attacked Japan, causing 10,000+ troops to be directly swallowed by sea water - just think about this, Japan People think that their country is taken care of by the gods in the sky, and they will not be invaded by foreign enemies at all.

Xue Changkong and the others did not know this allusion.It is precisely because they do not understand this allusion that they are walking on thin ice and being cautious all the way eastward.Ouyang Yun knew this, that's why he paid so much attention to the reaction of the enemy troops in Ningbo, and let Tie Linfei and the others focus on monitoring the movements of the devils in Ningbo.Ouyang Yun was well aware of the short-selling situation in Japan at that time, so he had full confidence to have high hopes for Xue Changkong's actions.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, Xue Changkong and the others finally set foot on Japanese territory.At this time, below them, the Japanese land was still lit with sparkling lights.Kagoshima, Matsuyama and other places all have military factories of the Japanese army. These military factories are brightly lit all night because they are recognized by Japan as voluntary overtime workers.As for a city like Yawata City, because it brings together the essence of the Japanese steel industry, its lights are always on 24 hours a day, and there is no time to go out.

"Brothers, we have entered Japan's airspace!" Xue Changkong said softly in Huami. He looked down through the porthole and saw the star-like lights below. Something jumped in his heart, and he suddenly became excited.

He is not the only one who feels excited for no reason. In fact, almost everyone is very excited at the moment. They look at the star-like lights below, and what they think in their hearts is: The devil of the dog day has been suppressed by you at the door of the house. Let's fight, this time, I can finally lead the war to your country.Putting the plague in Tokyo was an extremely secretive operation. Except for Xue Changkong, no one else who participated in this mission knew exactly what they were going to do.The task given above is very simple, it is to go to the sky above Tokyo, teach the Japanese a lesson, and tell those ignorant devils that the Chinese also have the ability to attack your homeland, so please restrain yourself when fighting on Chinese soil .

The closer he got to Tokyo, the more nervous Xue Changkong became.The radar radiation distance of the Baiyunshan radar station is limited, and they could not be found as early as two hours ago.At this time, how to confirm the target city depends on Xue Changkong's luck.Although it is said to be flying in a straight line, everyone in the know knows that the so-called straight line actually detours for a certain distance.There is still a technical gap between the current theodolite and later generations, because without the help of satellites, they measure distances based on pre-input data, and there are still certain errors.And Xue Changkong's task is to minimize this error.

Nagoya is one of the big cities in Japan. The brightness of its lights is obviously different from that of ordinary small cities.After all, Xue Changkong and the others entered Japan for the first time. When they found that the lights below were much denser than the Japanese cities ahead, they thought they had arrived in Tokyo.

Xue Changkong pressed the send button, and he seemed a little excited: "Brothers, Tokyo is down below. After a six-hour flight, our destination has finally arrived. I now order to execute the air strike plan!"

The modified sky fortress that Xue Changkong was driving roared and swooped down.

According to the route, these three aerial fortresses first visited Kagoshima, a coastal city in Japan. When the island was above the sky, the devil air defense soldiers below did not feel anything unusual.They thought it was just a night training for a certain aviation unit of their country, so they didn't take it seriously, what should they do, and thus, they missed another opportunity to discover the enemy's situation in advance.

Xue Changkong took the lead in the dive, accompanied by two other fighter planes, and the three sky fortresses quickly descended to an altitude of about 3000 meters, and began to examine the Japanese city below more closely.

It was past one o'clock in the morning, and most Japanese people had already fallen asleep.Nagoya is no exception. Except for some entertainment venues, some military factories, and special departments, all the Japanese fell asleep, unaware that a disaster from heaven was slowly approaching.

Dropping dead mice and some special liquids will not cause too much abnormal noise at all. Xue Changkong and his team's combat operations are unnoticed. No response at all.

The completion of the task was so easy that Xue Changkong and the others were very dissatisfied.Air Force?If you can't destroy one or two enemy planes during the mission, it's really a disappointment.This is an air raid without gunpowder smoke, so it is impossible to cause too much noise, which was originally conducive to their retreat, but perhaps because they feel that there is no pleasure in completing the mission without fighting, so when all the clinker bags are dropped Afterwards, Xue Changkong and the others felt a little unfinished.

"It's all over?!"

"It's over!" "Mr. Xue, why do I feel like a thief if you don't keep quiet? Mr. Xue, should we teach the little devil a lesson?"...

There are always restless people who feel that the completion of this mission is too heroic, and that heroism is at work. They hope that the call will be more exciting.

Xue Changkong himself loves to be lively. When he participated in air battles, he liked the kind of melee where everyone was entangled. Hearing someone say that, he immediately had the result of making the noise louder.So, he said: "Brothers, we brought so many cannonballs, don't waste it. It's not easy to come here once, let's put a few cannonballs as a souvenir!"

"Yes!" "Okay!" "Yes!"

Those who can be selected to participate in this operation are skilled in themselves, and they are all masters who are afraid of chaos in the world.The orders given by Xue Changkong just catered to their appetites, so before he finished speaking, the other two sky fortresses roared down and rushed down. Hit wherever you want, hit hard!"

The air fortress is equipped with machine guns as the main and machine guns as the auxiliary.As soon as the machine gun fired, the sound could not be concealed. "Boom!" With several explosions, the originally quiet Nagoya immediately became chaotic.First the police were on alert, and then the so-called reserve forces.The Japanese reserve system is very mature, and every city has a corresponding reserve force. These reserve forces are the regular army when they are on the battlefield, so both the organization and training are very strict.Until this time, the Japanese actually did not understand what happened.But it doesn't matter, these devils are extremely patriotic, so no matter there are rebels or other things, as long as the commander gives an order, they can immediately go into battle.Of course, when they found out that the attack was coming from the sky, their reaction was brilliant.

"Bage, where's the air force?"

"Are the airmen going to rebel?"

The Japanese didn't dare to guess that the mainland was under an air raid at first, so they subconsciously thought that a certain aviation unit had mutinied.And what they couldn't have imagined anyway was that when they started to snipe the rebels bravely, the incoming enemy troops had already begun to return.

(End of this chapter)

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