Chapter 905 Sichuan Army
The commander-in-chief didn't speak for a long time, Ye Zhao couldn't help feeling a little nervous.Is the commander-in-chief blaming himself for his ineffectiveness?Alas, who would have thought that Li Yunheng and the 16th Army were so bad, the three divisions had nearly 2 people, and there were strong fortifications, but they couldn't even hold on for an hour.It's really unbelievable, but the truth is so cruel.If they can persist for an hour, a regiment stationed at the forefront will be able to rush to Jiujiang City.A regiment of students may not be able to handle any major events, but there is absolutely no problem in delaying for another hour, and with this hour, I can lead the main force to rush over.At that time, defending Jiujiang will definitely be a no-brainer, at least, it will also be able to contain the Japanese offensive-of course, it is too late to say anything now.A division of the Japanese army entered Jiujiang, and even occupied Jiujiang City. At this time, if you lead the team there by yourself, you have to gnaw hard bones.Ye Zhao is confident that he will counterattack Jiujiang, but if there are heavy casualties, it will not be worth the loss.

Ye Zhao's timely report of the battle situation was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to Ouyang Yun.Just before he called, Ouyang Yun stared at the sand table, considering Peng Ze's possible role in this battle of Hankou from the overall situation, and suddenly a very bad thought flashed in his mind.He didn't notice any problem before dispatching troops, but now, after re-examining the positions of the Chinese and Japanese troops participating in the war, he was suddenly surprised to find that if the Japanese army, the Central Army and even some local armies had a certain tacit understanding, then Peng Ze would be very It may become an isolated island. At that time, the situation of the student army will be difficult.

He was really afraid of what would happen, just when he was worried that if Jiujiang was lost, the Xuebing army would be in extreme danger, Ye Zhao's phone call came, confirming the news of Jiujiang's loss.Jiujiang's loss was so fast and unexpected that he suddenly had a small thought: Could this be a game?Even the battle of Hankou was a bureau, a pit dug by Lao Jiang and the Japanese together, waiting for the student army to jump into it.Once this thought arises, it grows up like a devil, and quickly fills up Ouyang Yun's whole body and mind. It even makes him feel like ants are gnawing on his heart, making him want to reach out and scratch it twice. .If this is the case, then the so-called Chongqing incident may have been a play planned by Lao Jiang and the Japanese a long time ago. If this is the case, then this is really terrible.

What should we do now?Does Peng Ze need to stick to it?Do you want to break out immediately before the Japanese army has fully occupied Jiujiang?But in that case, the Madang Fortress and the important land of Xiaogushan had to be abandoned.The importance of the Madang Fortress to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is self-evident. Once the Madang Fortress is lost, the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet will be able to reach Wuhan directly. At that time, it will be difficult for Wuhan to hold on... In just 5 minutes, Ouyang Yun was tossed Thousands of thoughts.In the end, after an ideological struggle, he still decided to trust the Chongqing government, trust Jiang once, and decided not to take any drastic actions.He didn't take any drastic actions, but he had to be prepared for the road ahead, so after he gave Ye Zhao the order to guard Hukou to observe the changes in the Jiujiang battle situation, he immediately contacted Li Zongren, Chen Cheng and Xue Yue.

The battle of Xuzhou commanded by Li Zongren was fought quite well. Although he was forced to give up in the end, it caused great damage to the Japanese army.It can be said that the first battle in Xuzhou made Li Zongren's reputation as a famous anti-Japanese general.And precisely because of his outstanding performance in the Battle of Xuzhou, when the Battle of Hankou began, the Military Commission would hand over the command of the north bank of the Yangtze River to him.

As a general, you need victory to build confidence in yourself against the enemy.Because of the opportunity obtained in the Xuzhou Battle, Li Zongren's confidence in the Japanese increased greatly.Therefore, after receiving the new appointment, he embarked on the journey to Hankou with full confidence.However, not long after he arrived in Hankou, he had just taken over the command of the Jiangbei Army, and the cruel facts gave him a blow to the head.There are quite a few Chinese troops in Jiangbei. In addition to the Central Army with five divisions, there are six Sichuan Army divisions and two divisions in Yunnan. Except for turning around in the headquarters, he couldn't even get out of Wuhan City.

Not only Li Zongren and Chief of Staff Bai Chongxi did not expect this situation, even Ouyang Yun did not expect it.Ouyang Yun thought that Li Zongren, as the commander-in-chief of the North Shore, had certain prestige and decision-making power, so he contacted him, on the one hand, to get his assistance at a critical time, and on the other hand, to hope that he would come forward to mediate between himself and Yang Sen All at once, turn hostility into friendship, so that the Sichuan Army will not make trouble when the Xuebing Army may be in trouble.

Since the beginning of the Revolution of [-], the situation in Sichuan has been the most complicated among the provinces in China.The fighting situation in Sichuan is complicated, and the various forces and warlords are on the stage. The cruelty of the civil war can be said to be unmatched in the whole country.

In the current Sichuan, Liu Xiang and Yang Sen were originally in power together.Liu Xiang and Yang Sen, the two once sworn enemies, no matter what their personal morals are, no matter what unbearable means they have used against their own people in the civil war, what is worthy of praise is that, externally, the two people's The attitudes are the same, and they are all willing to follow Lao Jiang's order and lead the army out of Sichuan to participate in the War of Resistance.

In the past, Liu Xiang was secretly executed by Lao Jiang.But in this time and space, because the Xuebing Army dominated the rampant battle in the later period of the Nanjing Battle, the cruel history of the past was changed.Therefore, Liu Xiang died well, and finally died of illness in Wuhan.

After Liu Xiang died of illness, Yang Sen took over his army. As a result, there was an inevitable "misunderstanding" between him and Ouyang Yun.There are now two Sichuan army divisions in the Xuebing army sequence, and even the designation has been changed.When Ouyang Yun invited the Sichuan army to go to Guangdong, he actually did a good deed. After all, at that time, the two Sichuan army divisions had already lost their strength in the first battle and lost their logistical supplies.However, in the eyes of the soldiers, Liu Yuqing and Rao Guohua, what was a good thing, in Yang Sen's eyes, it was Ouyang Yun's dishonest deeds.It's hard to put it bluntly, in that case Ouyang Yun recruited the two Sichuan army divisions, that's taking advantage of others' danger.

In the previous time and space, Ouyang Yun was from Sichuan. In addition to this time and space, the Sichuan army showed the iron bones that the Chinese people lack most at present. Therefore, Ouyang Yun has a good impression of the Sichuan army.However, goodwill is one thing, and it is impossible for him to sacrifice the interests of the Xue Bingjun to please Yang Sen.All along, because of the strength of the Xuebing Army, Ouyang Yun was not worried that Yang Sen would have any bad intentions against the Xuebing Army.But now, he has to worry about whether the Sichuan army will make trouble when the Xuebing army is in trouble.In view of this idea, he will take the initiative to contact Li Zongren, hoping that he will make peace and eliminate Yang Sen's misunderstanding of him and Xue Bingjun.

Li Zongren has had a hard time recently.As mentioned earlier, he has no direct troops under his command, although there are five well-equipped central divisions, the Sichuan Army and some other local troops.However, the troops didn't listen to him very much, so even if he had a good strategy against the enemy, he could only sigh in vain because the order could not be followed.He knew about the fact that the Xuebing Army was changing defenses against the No.70 Fourth Army. The 74th Army had been in the limelight some time ago. The most glorious victory (the central government's consistent style is to control the media, to describe black as white, and white as black, so whether it is the Xuebing Army that wiped out the 108th Division in the Battle of Tianjin, or Li Zongren In the battle of Xuzhou, the two divisions of the Japanese army were severely damaged, these were deliberately forgotten by the media controlled by the central government).The dignified direct descendant of the Central Army is actually handed over to a warlord. The five division commanders on the north bank of the Central Army were not very convinced, but now they are better. The brother troops have achieved such brilliant results. These Central Army have also risen, as if they have won the battle Yes, let alone Li Zongren.

The Sichuan army is a well-known beggar army. Although the will to fight is not bad, the equipment is too poor and the combat effectiveness is objectively low. Therefore, even if Yang Sen is willing to listen to Li Zongren, Li Zongren dare not count on them to be the main force.When Ouyang Yun took the initiative to contact him, he was drinking with Yang Sen and discussing the next strategic plan.Yang Sen, no matter how disgraceful he played in the Sichuan Civil War, it is worthy of respect that when he led his troops out to fight in Sichuan, he showed the basic qualities that a Chinese soldier should have.The 2nd Army of the Japanese Chinese Expeditionary Army tried to launch two relatively sharp offensives in Guangshui and Dawu. As a result, they were blocked by Yang Sen and his group of beggars with their lives.It was precisely because of the performance of the Sichuan army in this battle that Li Zongren opened his arms to Yang Sen, and began to confide in him, becoming a real friend in need.

"Commander-in-Chief, your telegram!" The adjutant stood at the door and said respectfully.

"Bring me to see!" Li Zongren drank some wine, acting very casually.The telegram was handed over to him, he glanced at it, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing him, Yang Sen leaned over and said, "Brother Delin, what a good thing you are so happy about."

Li Zongren spread the telegram directly in front of him, and said, "Zihui, good news, we have a solution to the problem we are most worried about."

Recently, the 2nd Army suddenly fell silent, which made Li and Yang uneasy for a while, not knowing what the Japanese were planning, and worried that the Japanese would suddenly erupt in silence.In that case, the vast line of defense will definitely not be guaranteed.And once Hankou was directly exposed to the iron heels of the Japanese army, then no one can say for sure what happened next.

Li Zongren regarded Yang Sen as his own. Just now, he was still saying: "The Sichuan Army has a good foundation, but unfortunately the equipment is too poor. Those people in Chongqing, this is the standard. Eat grass."

Regarding this, Yang Sen was also very helpless.Sichuan was originally an inland city in China, and there were too few opportunities to contact the outside world, so unfortunately, it was a frog in the bottom of the well. When the Sichuan army was still fighting with the old-fashioned Hanyang, everyone started Equipped with aircraft, tanks and cannons.In modern warfare, what is fought is actually poor equipment, so no matter how good your soldiers are, if you don't have equipment, it's still useless.

The Sichuan army has a good foundation and is able to fight tough battles and even win battles, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, it must have decent equipment.What Li Zongren and Yang Sen are most worried about recently is how to obtain advanced equipment.Therefore, when Li Zongren said the above words, Yang Sen immediately became excited. He grabbed the telegram and read it at a glance, and then he understood the meaning of Li Zongren's words.His furrowed brows finally opened up a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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