Chapter 908
Whenever there is a large army in the Xuebing Army, Spike will definitely accompany it.Moreover, every time there must be some loud noises, so that when an insider mentions the Xue Bingjun, he will definitely mention the wolf's teeth and call it Ouyang Yun's sharp claws.

Langya dispatched a regiment this time, and the leader was still Xiao Yi.It was not Xiao Yi's turn to dispatch Langya this time, because he was appointed by Ouyang Yun to go to Shanghai to preside over the counterfeit coin war.However, by chance, because the Japanese army's biochemical troops were accidentally discovered in Nanjing, and they got into the plague.So, halfway through the journey, they were recalled again, and then isolated.The counterfeit currency war was directly related to the survival of the 57th Army, so there was no delay, so when Xiao Yi was recalled, Ouyang Yun sent Ding Yi to preside over it.Langya is the reserve of middle and low-level officers in the cadet army. Once there are vacancies for some brigade commanders, Ouyang Yun will choose someone from Langya to fill them up. Gradually, he became the deputy brigade commander of Langya.As soon as Ding went to Shanghai, and Guo Da was in charge of Guangzhou's defense, Xiao Yi could only be the leader of the north this time.Xiao Yi originally regretted not being able to go to Shanghai, but now he was able to participate in the Battle of Hankou, which was a blessing in disguise.

Anqing has been occupied by the Japanese army since the Battle of Nanjing, and has since become the front line for the confrontation between the Japanese army and the Chinese army.Anqing originally had a small airport, but after the Japanese occupied it, construction was carried out to transform it into a large front-line airport.Anqing Airport has been expanded, and now it can park more than 200 fighter jets, and there are four runways that can fly fighter jets at the same time.The existence of Anqing Airport can be said to have become a decisive factor in the final direction of the Battle of Hankou.The Xuebing Army Air Force is not yet capable of maintaining two battlefields at the same time. Therefore, Ouyang Yun can only rely on the Spike and adopt special attack tactics.

That night, after the battle plan was approved, Xiao Yi took two squadrons with a total of 140 Spike Special Forces on the road.Wolf Fang's battle plan was formulated by Ouyang Yun himself.They will first sneak into the east, and then choose the nearest swimming route to swim there at night.

The surface of the Yangtze River below the Madang Fortress has now completely become the world of the Japanese army.The patrol boats belonging to the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet cruised the Yangtze River almost day and night, which forced Xiao Yi and the others to swim at night.Fortunately, people from Langya have lived in Guangzhou for a long time, and they have good water skills, and the water surface of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi is not too wide, so swimming in the middle of the night is not too difficult a subject.

Spike is the key force to conquer Anqing this time. The existence of Anqing Airport is the biggest threat to the chariot troops.And as long as those fighter planes are resolved, once the chariot troops are able to cross the river safely, it is bound to be like entering a land of no one.

In order to cover Langya's actions, Ye Zhao will take some measures to paralyze the Japanese army at Hukou.So, on the morning of June 6nd in Jiujiang Middle School, the following scene happened in the new headquarters of the 2th Division of the Japanese Army—just when Zhongdaoqing village just woke up and began to wash, the communication staff officer on duty suddenly ran away in a hurry Come over and report to him: "Your Excellency, the Chinese are accumulating troops at Hukou and have the intention of attacking our army. Senior Commander Kazuo Ancun asked if they want to move the defense line to the east."

Nakajima Qingcun resolutely carried out Okamura Ningji's order. After occupying Jiujiang, he did not rush to expand the results of the war to the southwest, but launched a defense on the spot. The defense was that the student army would take the initiative to attack Jiujiang.Hearing this, he hurriedly washed his face with a towel, and said: "Call the officers in the city for a meeting. Our current enemy is the most elite student army in China. The Chinese army is very powerful. We should pay enough attention to it." !"

"Hay!" The staff officer on duty saluted, then turned and ran. Ten minutes later, a brigade leader in the city, three regiment captains, thirteen brigade captains, and a group of staff gathered in the auditorium of Jiujiang Middle School, waiting for Nakajima's instruction.

"Commander is here!" With a vigorous yell from a young staff officer, Nakadao Qingcun walked into the auditorium expressionlessly.

All the officers immediately stood up, straightened their waists and looked at their division commander, many of them showed fanaticism in their eyes.

It has not been long since Nakajima took over the post of commander of the 106th Division. For a time, these officers were still not convinced.But now, His Excellency Nakajima has proved his command ability with actions.As expected of the "Long Island Fox", they took down Jiujiang without bloodshed.And occupying Jiujiang can directly threaten the flanks and even the rear of the Xuebing Army. The 106th Division once fought against the Xuebing Army under the leadership of the former division commander Junrokuro Matsuura in the Battle of Nanjing. Of course, that time, the 106th Division was defeated miserably. Even now, many officers who served at that time often think of This will make you feel resentful, always thinking about when you can get back on the field.

Now, because of the wisdom of the commander of the division, it seems that this ideal is not difficult to realize. How could this not make these officers worship Nakajima wholeheartedly.

Zhongdao Qingcun sat down first, then took a look at everyone, and said, "Everyone sit down!"

"Wow!" Everyone sat down in unison.

Nakajima glanced at the crowd again, and then asked: "Those who have participated in the Battle of Nanjing, please raise your hands!"

Almost everyone raised their hands.

Nakajima: "It seems that all of them participated in the Battle of Nanjing, so they all fought against the Xuebing Army."

Shanikeyuan stood up and bowed his head: "Your Excellency, I didn't respect you enough before, I'm sorry!" Then he raised his head and said loudly: "Your Excellency, please lead us to defeat the Xuebing Army. Ouyang Yun is in Pengze, we I look forward to being able to capture him alive under your leadership!"

During the battle of Nanjing, Shanike Yuan was the brigade commander of the 111th Brigade and a major general.However, after this battle, because it was not good for the Xuebing Army, Matsuura Junrokuro, the head of the Qian division, was directly recalled to the country, and he was also demoted and became a regiment captain.The post has been demoted, but the military rank is not easy to deprive.Ever since, Yamaikegaki opened up the first case in the Japanese military circle, serving as the captain of the regiment as a major general.This precedent is not honorable, and it is a great shame and humiliation in the eyes of Yamaike.Therefore, what he thinks all the time is to fight the Xuebing Army again, defeat Ouyang Yun, and regain his dignity as a warrior of the Emperor.

Nine out of ten of those present here have suffered from being a student soldier and have been reprimanded for it.Shanikeyuan took the lead, and the others stood up one after another, saying in unison: "Your Excellency, please lead us to defeat the student army!"

After Nakajima replaced Matsuura as division head, the latter's old subordinates were not very convinced.Nakajima used tactics to capture Jiujiang without bloodshed, and he also meant to prove himself to them and demonstrate.Now, seeing that everyone turned to him, the "Long Island Fox" showed a reserved smile.He waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down, and then resolutely said: "Masters, I have seen your determination. Very well, with your efforts together, our 106th Division will definitely be able to wash away the shame of defeat in the Battle of Nanjing and rebuild its glory Mangosteen, lift up the sand table!"

"Hay!" Combat staff officer Mangosteen Youcheng brought in a huge sand table with a few military policemen.When the sand table was placed in front of everyone, and when the topography of Pengze was faithfully reflected in front of everyone, several devil officers who knew the goods immediately exclaimed: "Your Excellency, this is the latest combat map! Your Excellency, it is you who personally Made it?"

The "Long Island Fox" had the experience of studying abroad in Western Europe, and this sand table is one of the achievements of this study abroad.

The Japanese army has actually started using sand tables a long time ago, but this is the first time that such a delicate and precise size has been presented.It's no wonder that these devils yelled and screamed, as if they had picked up ingots in wrestling.

Nakajima didn't mean to show off, after all, this thing has been popularized in the West for a long time, so there is really nothing to brag about.He took the baton from Mangzhu's hand, pointed to the point at the lake mouth and said: "Masters, you are summoned because the latest information has just come from the front. The army of apprentices has gathered forces in the Hukou area, and there is an active attack Gentlemen, you all know Commander Okamura’s combat intentions, right? The reason why we want to capture Jiujiang first is to encircle the army of apprentices and try to wipe it out. Gentlemen, your actions in the Nanjing battle I have studied the encounter in detail, have you ever thought about why the battle failed?"

At the end of the Battle of Nanjing, with the withdrawal of the main force of the national army, the Japanese army actually had an absolute advantage.However, because they wanted to encircle and annihilate the Xuebing Army, the Japanese 106th Division attacked rashly to block the Xuebing Army's retreat, but was ambushed by the Xuebing Army instead.It was precisely because the 106th Division was first surrounded by the Xuebing Army that the Stone Bridge War was triggered. As a result, the Japanese army suffered heavy losses and lost the opportunity to encircle and wipe out the Xuebing Army.

That battle, for the devil officers present, was a painful memory that could not be recalled.All the devils, including Yamaike, were caught in painful memories, and the venue was deserted for a while, and no one said a word.

Two minutes later, Nakajima said: "The reason is actually very simple, because you put yourself in the position of the main force from the beginning, you only want to destroy the enemy, but you don't even know the enemy's strength at all. Xue Bing It started when it was in North China, but gentlemen, let me ask, who of you has really studied it? No? So, when you face the sudden burst of powerful combat power of the Xuebing Army, do you You will panic! Gentlemen, I did not intend to attack you, if you still hold the idea that the imperial army is invincible in Asia, then I suggest you not to participate in this battle! Gentlemen, do you have any questions?"

Nakajima wasn't actually telling the truth.He did carefully study the advances of the Battle of Nanjing and the reasons for the defeat of the Japanese army, and he came to the conclusion that the reason why the Central China Front Army suffered a big loss when it was in power was that the high-level officials did not pay attention to the army. .However, some people still want to encircle and wipe out the Xuebing Army to make great achievements. In this way, didn't they just fall into the Xuebing Army's plan? !
(End of this chapter)

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