Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 916 Landing Defense Battle

Chapter 916 Landing Defense Battle ([-])
At around ten o'clock, the first round of Japanese landing operations began. Dozens of fishing boats approached the river embankment at the same time. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Japanese soldiers jumped from the boats into the water holding the three-eighth cover.The first batch of devils were all good at water and able to maintain a certain combat effectiveness in the water. After they jumped into the water, they did not rush to the river beach, but established a line of defense next to the boat.They pointed their guns at the position where the machine gun company was located, and each of them made a posture of guarding against death to prevent the student army from launching a countercharge at this time.

The first trench where the machine gun company is stationed is still about 150 meters away from the river. This distance is originally the position where the machine gun can best display its firepower characteristics. However, Wu Gang’s original intention was to maximize the firepower advantage of the machine gun. Hitting would teach the devil a painful lesson, so he didn't rush to fire when he saw this. Instead, he pressed his hand and made a gesture of calm down.The machine gunners of the Xuebing Army were all strictly selected, and their psychological quality was particularly good. Therefore, although many machine gunners felt a lot of psychological pressure because of the devil's close proximity, none of them fired indiscriminately because of this.They were tightly attached to the handle of the gun, their right index fingers were firmly pressed against the trigger, their eyes were squinted, and they were ready to fight.

The closer he got to the opposite bank, the more nervous Yamaikegaki became.His binoculars almost never left his eyes. Through the binoculars, he had a panoramic view of the defenders on the river beach, and his heart beat faster because of this.The shelling just now was effective in destroying the defenders' positions, but the machine gun barrels protruding from the bunker showed that the defenders had not suffered much damage just now.Among the floating soil, camouflage-colored helmets were peeping quietly one after another. All these made the devils who were about to launch the first round of attack feel unprecedented pressure. The 106th Division has fought against the Xuebing Army, and most of the devils have already seen the power of the Xuebing Army.No matter how much they usually belittle the Xue Bingjun, at this time, no one dares to report such an attitude again.For the Japanese, it is a great honor to defeat the Xuebing Army and kill a Xuebing Army. Because of this expectation, the psychology of these devils is very complicated. They hope to fight the Xuebing Army and at the same time I hope that the apprentice army will withdraw as soon as possible, so that they can give up the opportunity of the white wolf.

When Nakajima asked Yamaike to be in charge of directing the first round of offense, Yamaike's mood was quite complicated.Of course, at this moment, compared with himself during the Nanjing battle, he is much more humble in mentality.He knew that being able to take charge of the first round of offense was the division commander's trust in him, and this was not an honor that everyone could have.However, if the attack fails, or even leads to an unmanageable ending, it means that his official career is over.

"Now, I only have to fight hard!" Shan Chiyuan said to himself in his heart, and then he began to find some reasons to comfort himself, and after calculation, he felt that if he went all out, the probability of winning was still very high Higher—there is only one brigade of the Chinese army in the entire Hukou, and even if all the Chinese army of a brigade is pressed in the Shizhongshan position, it is impossible to completely suppress its vanguard.And as long as he successfully establishes a beachhead, then he has successfully completed the task.

More fishing boats approached the river embankment, more devils got off the boats, and immediately began to charge.

The numbers "120 meters! 100 meters" were gradually reported at the observation post of the machine gun company's position, and all the machine gunners opened their eyes wide and pricked up their ears, waiting for Wu Gang's order.

Wu Gang had a cigarette in his mouth, and he took two puffs suddenly. When the observation post shouted "60 meters", he suddenly spit out the half-burned smoke and shouted: "Hit!" The trigger was pulled. "Da da da..." Gunshots rang out like popping beans, and nearly a hundred machine guns fired at the same time, which was no less than a thousand people firing at the same time.The gunshots rang out, and the devil officer in the Japanese reunion queue immediately gave the order to lie down.However, this river beach has been repaired by the students, and there is nothing to hide for a long time. Therefore, even if almost all the devils lay down immediately, more than a hundred people were still hit and fell on the ground screaming. On the ground, he closed his eyes and kicked his legs, and it was over.

Shan Chiyuan was crushed to the ground by a few devils, and he couldn't lift his head due to the heavy rain of bullets. Although he deliberately organized troops to launch a decisive charge, sacrificing some soldiers in exchange for space, but the bullets fired from the opposite side were too dense. At this moment, any devil who dares to stand up is a dead end, and is often hit by several or even a dozen bullets at the same time, and his body is like a broken plastic bag. Blood leaks everywhere, so he can only do this Think about it without being able to put this brave idea into practice.The ensuing bullets crushed the Japanese landing troops lying on the river beach, making it difficult to advance an inch, while the ghost soldiers who were still on the fishing boats who followed were mercilessly massacred.

It was a massacre, a row of machine gun bullets swept past, even though the devils were lying in the cabin with lightning speed, but the wooden cabin could not resist the invasion of bullets, so those devils were often caught by the bullets passing through the wood. Hit, and then lay there forever, either hissing and howling in pain, or closing his eyes and kicking his legs, completely staying there.

The original plan of Zhongdaoqing Village was that these fishing boats were to be used repeatedly to pass through enough troops to completely threaten the side of Madang Fortress.But now, dozens of boats are crowded together, and nearly half of the devils are tightly suppressed, and they don't even have a chance to disembark. Therefore, the return of these fishing boats seems to be far away.

Zhongdao Qingcun stood on a high ground about 500 meters away from the river and looked towards the opposite side with a telescope. When he saw the tongues of flames spraying wantonly on the opposite side, and saw the vanguard troops who were suppressed to death, his face changed instantly, " The elegance and calmness that the Long Island Fox should have lost, and it was impossible to think of a way to crack it.

The Chinese army on the opposite side is only one brigade, and there should not be more than one regiment defending the front of the Japanese landing force. However, the soldiers of this regiment are firmly guarding the Shizhongshan Linjiang position, and even the Japanese army has three times as many troops in the air. Due to the enemy's strength, he was unable to give full play to his superiority in numbers.

The heavy firepower ratio of the apprentice army was far beyond Zhongdao Qingcun's expectations. Facing the dense firepower of nearly a hundred machine guns, at this moment, even if three thousand devils passed by, they would not be able to make an inch of progress.

Wu Gang operated a machine gun himself, and the third barrel has already been replaced.He is quite satisfied with the previous shooting. In just 5 minutes of intensive firepower suppression, at least three hundred devils were killed, and more devils were suppressed to death. According to this situation, if the Japanese If they are capable, then with sufficient ammunition, their 123rd regiment alone can hold this place firmly for several days or even ten days.

"Brothers, you played well. Let's pause now. I want to see if the little devil dares to launch such an attack!" Wu Gang said loudly after changing the barrel and magazine.

The gunshots on the battlefield suddenly faded away, and then fell into complete silence.

Wang Jinyu is from Guangzhou. He joined the army for a little more than half a year, and he has only been a machine gunner for more than a month. Today's battle is his first battle since he became a machine gunner.In normal training, Wang Jinyu's grades are very good, and he is one of the few "King Kong" class machine gunners who can shoot rifles with machine guns.But today, perhaps the first time he shot at a living person, what made him ashamed was that he couldn't knock down a devil after finishing two magazines.

Next to Wang Jinyu is his cousin Wang Jinfeng who joined the army two months earlier than him.Wang Jinfeng's usual training results were not very good, but in the round of shooting just now, he killed three devils in a row, which made him tremble immediately.When the order to cease fire came, Wang Jinfeng easily changed the barrel of the gun and couldn't help but said to Wang Jinyu: "Jin Yu, how is it? How many did you kill?" Then, he stretched out three fingers on his right hand, very quickly He said proudly: "I killed three, hehe, the first devil got his head shot!" Their battle positions are so close, so they can see each other's record well.Wang Jinyu knew that Jin Feng was deliberately angry with him. If it was normal, he would definitely retort and retaliate with the other party's usual training results.But now, because the record is really not as good as others, he can only hold back his words, but he is holding back his energy in his heart. If he wants to perform supernormally in the next round of shooting, he must kill four devils no matter what.

Wang Jinfeng wanted to tease his cousin, but Wu Gang's order to fire came.The ceasefire just now gave the Japanese army a chance to recover.Shan Chiyuan lay down on the beach to convey the order, and soon organized a death squad of more than [-] people. These [-] devils slowly climbed together, and then jumped up, shouting and launching the reunion.

The defensive firepower of the defenders was beyond Nakajima and Shanchi's expectations. However, the Japanese have never lacked warriors who sacrificed their lives for His Majesty the Emperor. Devil Yu charged from the middle, and the other devils followed from the left and right, with the intention of breaking through the first line of defense of the Xuebing army.

Wu Gang was very confident in the firepower of the machine gun company. What he was worried about now was that the crazy devils would launch an artillery battle regardless of their own casualties. In that case, although the casualties of the Japanese army would definitely be greater, they would definitely be exhausted.It's really nothing if the whole regiment is exhausted, but if it leads to the fall of Shizhongshan's position and the loss of Hukou, then this crime is something he is unwilling to face.While waiting for the Japanese army to launch the second attack, Wu Gang silently prayed in his heart to bless the Japanese army from launching indiscriminate shelling, but now it seems that his prayer seems to have worked, the Japanese army launched another attack, and the Japanese artillery continued. fell silent.For him who is desperate, there is nothing more gratifying than this - "Brothers, fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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