Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 918 Landing Defense Battle

Chapter 918 Landing Defense Battle ([-])
After Zhongdao Qingcun took Jiujiang without bloodshed, not only did his personal prestige in the 106th Division reach its peak, but it also restored the confidence of the 106th Division in the Xuebing Army to a certain extent.Although Nakajima Qingcun was mentally prepared for the difficulties of the Hukou Battle, he still expected that under his wise leadership, he could win Hukou in a relatively short period of time, so as to help Neji Okamura win the battle of Madang. The initiative is firmly in the hands.Because of the high expectations, Nakajima tried his best to fully prepare even though the time was a little rushed.And nearly a hundred boats were collected by Nakajima's troops all over the suburbs of JJ.Nakajima’s army is very strict. After his arrival, the 106th Division’s military discipline has been rectified. However, the nature of the Yamato nation is doomed. Once these lowly devils in the country catch the opportunity to dominate, they will intensify. to vent their animal nature.Originally, the order issued by Nakajima was only to recruit fishing boats, but when the devils below executed it, they acted recklessly, causing countless fishermen's families in Jiujiang to be ruined.

The mortar bursts organized by the 123rd Regiment sank no less than [-] fishing boats. In the subsequent fights, several more were damaged due to too many bullets, and they were also unusable.Shanikeyuan issued a military order before he went out to fight, and if he fails, he will become benevolent. Judging from the current situation, he seems to be more confident of becoming benevolent.But even under such circumstances, he still decisively ordered the fleet to return. From this aspect alone, Yamaikegaki seems to have a big picture.Of course, because judging from the current situation, he has already lost this battle, so there is no avoiding the possibility that he is going to join the remaining [-] Japanese troops and make the last stand. wrestled.

The return of the fleet naturally caused panic among the devils, but facing the armed military police team commanded by Yamaike himself, they could only still face Shizhong Mountain, lingering in the dense rain of bullets.

At noon, if you take a bird's-eye view of the Shizhong Mountain position from the air, you will see the following scene-the place where the water and the ground meet is billowing with gunpowder smoke and filled with blood mist.The yellow crowd—that is, more than 700 Japanese soldiers were camouflaged by the crowd—more than 500 students were compressed on the river beach about 50 meters long and [-] meters wide, and it was difficult to make any progress.Once again, the power of automatic weapons was brought into full play. The Japanese army had superior strength but could not deploy it. Yamaikegaki looked at the corpses of soldiers in khaki military uniforms and mesh helmets that had fallen in front of the position. For the second time, he wanted to order the Jedi to fight back, but he couldn't wave his hand after all.Speaking of which, he has been in the army for more than ten years, but this seems to be the first time he has experienced such a severe scene.The cruelty of war was completely opened to him at this time, his eyelids twitched non-stop, his mouth moved, and he was unable to issue any effective tactical orders.

After watching for 5 minutes, Zhongdaoqing Village on the other side put down the binoculars expressionlessly.

"Your Excellency, what do you think?" Chief of Staff Yoshitaka Akiyama asked cautiously.

Fortunately, Akiyama Yoshitaka was not demoted or recalled to the country for accountability. On the one hand, the Japanese army did not pay much attention to the role of the staff officer (this can be clearly seen from the rank of the chief of staff of the Japanese army's front-line troops); Because of Zhongdao Qingcun's recommendation.Nakajima Qingcun came to the 106th Division alone, and he definitely needed the support of the former officer team, and Akiyama Yoshitaka, who had a high position but lacked prestige, was naturally a suitable candidate.

"Let Ai Iijima prepare!"

Iijima Aiichiro is the captain of the 106th Heavy Artillery Regiment. When Nakajima gave this order, he was preparing to bombard Shizhongshan's frontline positions indiscriminately.

Akiyama Yoshitaka was taken aback.Yes, there are nearly [-] imperial troops on the river beach. What if we fire at this moment?Doesn't that mean that they will be buried with the Xuebing Army?But he didn't dare to refute, he just asked, "Is it going to be an indiscriminate bombardment?"

Nakajima gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Yes." Then he added: "Don't worry, I will bear the responsibility."

"Your Excellency, that's not what I meant. I am your subordinate, and everything depends on your leadership—"

"Stop talking, look in the direction of Mount Yanlie."

Akiyama Yoshitaka raised the binoculars, and then understood Nakajima's decision.In the direction of Yanlie Mountain, a student army of about a thousand people is advancing towards Shizhong Mountain. They are already close to Shizhong Mountain, but now they are less than one kilometer away.It is conceivable that once they join the ranks of Shizhongshan defenders, the imperial army on the river beach will inevitably be crushed.However, this is also an opportunity for the 106th Division. As long as the opportunity is seized to carry out indiscriminate shelling, then the defenders of Shizhong Mountain and Yanlie Mountain will be finished.There was only one brigade of defenders in Hukou, and two regiments were lost at once, so their attack would be much easier next time.Akiyama Yoshitaka thought it was worthwhile to exchange [-] imperial troops for [-] student soldiers.He had already seen the strength of the Xuebing Army during the Battle of Nanjing. In his mind, this was an army no less than the Imperial Army. Then, the sacrifice of more than [-] officers and soldiers on the river beach was worth it. of.

On the front line of Shizhong Mountain, Wu Gang was adjusting the strategy of the troops. He held a loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Machine gun company, starting from the second group, reload and repair in turn—yes, keep the fire suppression—Da Jiang, Let the brothers lower their posture a little, yes, the little devil's marksmanship is very accurate, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, come closer, and the grenade will serve you!"

At this point in the war, there was not much technicality left to speak of. For soldiers, even recruits, after killing the first devil, killing people was a routine job for them.After Wang Jinyu opened the market, because of his cousin's sacrifice, he felt a sense of evil in his heart, and his shots were extremely accurate. He used the machine gun as a rifle and fired bursts, and he could eliminate a devil by pulling the trigger two or three times.One of his best performances was when a single bullet killed two devils, one of whom was an officer.The devil second lieutenant didn't wear a helmet, so he caught a loophole and fired a short burst. Three bullets shot in a straight line, directly piercing the second lieutenant's head, and then the last bullet passed through the fleshy hole. With the flesh and blood of the second lieutenant, he got directly into the face of a devil behind him.

Casualties also began to become more frequent, the distance was too close, and the devils on the opposite side were full of vicious people. They ignored the pouring rain of bullets and looked for opportunities to shoot. Often they would rather take a few bullets than fire a shot. This style of play caused certain casualties to the 123rd Division, which is why Wu Gang asked the assault infantry to lower their posture.

Meng Kailan brought the 122nd regiment over from Yanlie Mountain to support him. Seeing that the frontline battlefield was approaching, he did not order to speed up, but waved his hand to stop the troops.He said to Yu Liang, the head of the 122 regiment: "It's not right!"

Yu Liang looked at him. The brothers of the 123rd regiment were killing in front, and the students of the 122nd regiment were all jealous.The little devil was sent up from the opposite side like a scarecrow. What a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

Meng Kailan asked: "If you were in Zhongdaoqing Village and saw the enemy slaughtering your own soldiers, but you still had a lot of troops to spare, what would you do?"

Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "We must support, why do we have to fish out these people." After saying this, he figured it out, and said: "Traveler, you What do you mean, the Japanese still have a backup?"

"For sure, but I still can't think of what they have left behind. Let the brothers stop first and find a place to hide. Let's ask the scouts on the other side."

Long before Nakajima seized Jiujiang, at the request of Ouyang Yun, Xue [-]th Division sent a reconnaissance force to Jiujiang.These scouts entered the underground state after Jiujiang was captured. At this time, it was time for them to play their role.

It is good to have a walkie-talkie. Meng Kailan quickly contacted Ye Zhao through the walkie-talkie. He was about to express his concern, but Ye Zhao spoke first: "Kailan, where are you now? There is still a distance from the front line of Shizhong Mountain." How far?"

"There is still about one kilometer left!"

"Retreat quickly! Just now Feng Xuehai sent back a telegram that the Japanese artillery units did not move far after their fire preparations. I am worried that the Japanese may launch indiscriminate bombardment—you stay in hiding, as long as you can ensure timely rescue of Shizhong Mountain That’s enough, don’t rush to join the battlefield. I’ve already called the 123rd Regiment and asked Wu Gang to do a good job of protection—there are many more little devils than us, and they want to work hard, but we don’t have the money to accompany them—remember Wait, the task given to us by the commander-in-chief is to defend the mouth of the lake as much as possible, so if it is not conducive to this strategic purpose, we have to implement it according to the specific situation-understand?"

Yu Liang leaned next to him, and after hearing this, the two of them looked at each other, seeing a trace of fear in each other's eyes, and then exhaled lightly at the same time.Meng Kailan hurriedly said: "Understood! Master, don't worry, I know what to do!"

Different from the reaction of Meng Kailan and Yu Liang, Wu Gang received a call from Ye Zhao, asking him to disperse and not press the Japanese army too tightly to prevent indiscriminate shelling by the crazy devils. He didn't understand.

In his opinion, the destruction of the devils on the river beach is just around the corner, and letting them stop attacking and evacuate their formation at this time is undoubtedly to give these devils a chance to escape.After Jiang Youwei learned of this order, he yelled on the spot: "The teacher is confused, so what if the little devils engage in indiscriminate bombardment? There are more little devils than us. If we can kill the people on the river beach After the devils are replaced, it is a good deal." However, the military discipline of the cadet army is very strict. On the battlefield, unless there are extremely unreasonable orders that threaten the survival of the unit, the subordinates must completely obey the superiors, so although he can't figure it out, he Still can only execute according to the order.

(End of this chapter)

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