Chapter 932 The Battle of Madang ([-])

The Japanese army actually started to retreat, so should we take advantage of the situation and pursue it?Wu Gang raised his head to check the Japanese army's retreat sequence, and found that the Japanese soldiers closest to the first line of defense did not retreat immediately, but lay down on the ground and shot at the soldiers, and he came to the correct conclusion.Worried that the soldiers and grassroots officers would not be able to see through this, he hurriedly issued an order: "No pursuit!"

The Japanese army retreated to the landing position, and then turned into a defensive posture.In the offensive and defensive battle that lasted for more than two hours just now, the fighting troops on both sides were furious. When the battle was the most brutal, there was often a style of confrontation where both sides died together.Around the traffic trench protruding forward for the dedicated members of the fire-breathing team, there are many examples of Japanese soldiers and cadets embracing each other and falling into a pool of blood.This round of fighting lasted for a long time, causing huge casualties to both sides.On the battlefield, some charred corpses of Japanese soldiers were still smelling like barbecue.In the trenches, some students who had been shot on their foreheads were leaning against the earth wall, holding their Weiqing-style assault rifles, as if they wanted to kill one or two more devils before they were willing to do so.

At the most dangerous time, Wu Gang led more than a hundred people to withstand the charge of more than a thousand devils.The huge gap in the strength of the two sides has led to greater physical effort by the students.At this moment, although the snipers and machine gunners are still sticking to their combat positions, the soldiers of other arms have already collapsed on the pit wall. They are gasping for breath. I don't know how long the devil's retreat will give them. .They devoted themselves to the fierce battle, and didn't feel any abnormal smell on the battlefield. At this time, many students smelled the smell of barbecue and human flesh charcoal, and many of them with relatively strong physiological reactions immediately vomited violently.

"I won't eat meat anymore from now on!" A student vomited as he said this, and at a distance of only four or five meters away from him, Wang Jinyu was still casually shooting with a machine gun.After firing two short bursts, he checked the barrel of the gun, then stopped, put the barrel close to the ground, and continued: "Why don't you eat meat, I announced that from now on, I will only eat meat—baked meat pork!"

"Wow - please don't talk about barbecue!"

Yu Liang Mao Yao ran over and just overheard their conversation. When he joined, the time for the flamethrower to fire had passed, so he didn't see the scene of the burning of the living people up close.Originally, he enjoyed the smell of barbecue in the air, but now he knows what the smell is about. Even though he has strong control, he still can't help but vomit.Then, he quickly took out the kettle and took a sip of water, took a deep breath, and then forcibly suppressed the nausea.

During the battle, both sides used a large number of grenades, which destroyed many fortifications of the Xuebing Army.Now, even though the trenches and communication trenches still exist, they can no longer provide effective protection for the students hiding in them as they did at the beginning.Take the traffic trench as an example. The original depth was nearly two meters, but now the depth is less than 1.5 meters because the edge was blown down and sand poured in.He asked Wu Gang: "Why did the little devil retreat? If the fight continues, the result will be hard to say."

Wu Gang was a little scared now.He was not afraid of death, but worried about the consequences of losing this line of defense.Once the first line of defense is lost, the left and right minefields will be useless.These two minefields were exactly on the same level as the first line of defense, and they used the favorable terrain of Shizhong Mountain to suppress the living space of the Japanese army.And once this line of defense is breached, the Japanese army will no longer have to worry about minefields, and its forces can be fully deployed. In this way, it seems that a few days ago, only one regiment could withstand the attack of three times or more Japanese troops. It may have happened.Once the Shizhongshan position is lost, Hukou will be opened to the west gate. At that time, even if Duchang's 35th brigade can come back in time to support, the loss of Hukou will only be a matter of time.Once Hukou is lost, the safety of Madang's flanks will be worrying. At that time, the Xuebing Army will be in a completely passive situation.Even defeating it is not out of the question.

The Japanese army withdrew to the beachhead in an orderly manner. Under the escort of several soldiers, Asai Kuralong walked slowly on the edge of the team. He saw the bodies of dead soldiers from time to time along the way. Those who were ignited by flamethrowers were burned into charcoal. Even if his heart was as hard as iron, he still couldn't help trembling in his heart after seeing the tragic scene of their deaths, and could hardly hold back. "Is this the real combat power of the Xuebing Army? It is really powerful! It even has fire barrels. It seems that this battle of Madang is not easy!" He thought in his heart, and looked at Xuebing not far away. The army's position - a piece of scorched earth, some camouflage colors and khaki intertwined together, that is the bodies of soldiers killed in battle on both sides.They were hostile to each other in life, but entangled in death, as if they had a lot of communication in life. "The corpses of these imperial soldiers, their ashes, seem to be unable to be brought back to the country to be cared for," Asai Kuraka thought, looking very discouraged by the result of this battle.

At first glance, there seemed to be no living person in the Xuebing army's position, but Asai knew that behind the scorched earth, there was the most elite army of the Xuebing army.Among them, the snipers who did the most damage to the Japanese army were the snipers—suddenly, a burst of fire suddenly burst out from somewhere, and then a gunshot, and among the Japanese army formation, there would probably be one person down in all likelihood.Kurai learned the word sniper from Nakajima mouth. At first, he didn't feel anything about this term. Only after this battle did he realize how appropriate it is.These sharpshooters of the student army are simply hell messengers sent by the king of Hades to the human world. As long as they shoot, some soldiers will fall to the ground, and 90.00% of them are shot in the forehead.There are also professional soldiers like snipers in the Japanese army. They are called sharpshooters. However, their overall marksmanship seems to be worse than that of the snipers of the Xuebing army. It was constantly changing, and the bewildered look in his eyes betrayed the fear in him.

More than two hours of fierce fighting, with people falling down from time to time, caused many devils to lose their normal thinking because of the stimulation.Fortunately, during the battle, the tense rhythm and atmosphere made them let out hysterical roars at every turn, and the roars and violent running distracted their attention, making them temporarily forget their fear.Now, when the order to retreat came, although many people felt strange and puzzled, and did not understand why they should retreat at this time, you must know that after paying so many sacrifices, victory seems to be only one step away. Retreating under such a good situation, did the officer who issued this order show off his head?Of course, they only dare to think about it in their hearts. They are used to carrying out their orders, and they have no courage to object. After they withdrew, when they walked past the charred corpses again, they found that they had once The familiar so-and-so disappeared again, and only then did they feel sincere fear and fear.So far, many people think that maybe the order to retreat is correct, otherwise, who knows if they will become a part of those charcoals?
Wu Gang and Yu Liang couldn't figure out the motive of the Japanese army, so they didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue them like last time.In the past quarter of an hour or so, the vanguard of the 122nd regiment arrived.The Japanese artillery, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened fire on the 122nd Regiment. Meng Kailan was even more worried about the situation in Shizhongshan. He thought that the Japanese army was trying to buy time for the ground troops in Shizhongshan, so he sent the special agent company directly under the brigade.After Meng Kailan led the 122nd Regiment to catch up, he listened to Wu Gang's introduction of the battle situation. He thought of the shelling he encountered at the same time and said, "The Japanese must have sensed our reinforcements, so they retreated. If my expectations are not bad, Next, they should continue with the previous routine and wait for the other side to send troops over. They have gained enough strength in terms of strength. However, the 106th Division is only 20 brigades. How many people can the old devil Nakajima send? come over?"

Meng Kailan was the brigade commander. Now that he was on the front line, Wu Gang and Yu Liang were naturally willing to listen to him. Yu Liang asked, "Brigade, should we take advantage of the situation and attack?"

"No, just defend it. Don't forget, they are the attackers. As long as we hold this line of defense, we will win!" Meng Kailan's words were insincere.Although he didn't catch up with the Japanese attack just now, but looking at the remaining situation on the battlefield now, he has already made a judgment. Although he doesn't know why the Japanese army retreated in the end, if they continue to attack, then he should be in the second road now. The defense line fought to the death with the little devil.If Nakajima really had the guts to continue to increase his troops, and then the wave of charge just now, then the first line of defense would definitely be lost.Once the first line of defense is lost, there is no doubt that Shi Zhongshan has fallen.At that time, they can only retreat to Hukou City and continue to defend.There is no wall at the mouth of the lake, so they can only fight with the enemy in the street, and once they fall into street fighting, their 35th brigade will not escape the fate of destruction-"Now let's see which one is faster, the Japanese army or the 36th brigade. The Japanese army first completed the crossing of the lake and then To capture the first line of defense, the division and the 36th Brigade took the lead in attacking the west bank and entering Jiujiang. I hope the division and the others can be more decisive and brave. We'll make a lot of money!" Meng Kailan thought, his eyes sparkling.

On the front line of Shizhong Mountain, the warring forces of China and Japan entered into a confrontation again.Unlike the previous confrontation, this time, the defender's student army has lost the ability to take the initiative to attack because of the large loss of soldiers.As a result, although the Japanese army lost more in the morning battle, and now only about [-] of the more than [-] people are left, their situation is much better than that of the three brigades led by Yamaike.Even, because of their existence, the Hukou defenders of the Xuebing Army fell into a passive situation to a certain extent. For example, in order to protect Shizhong Mountain, they had to give up the defense of Yanlie Mountain. Opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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