Chapter 948 Battle of Madang (24)

"The Japanese opened fire on us!"

"What are you doing?"

"Why the hell are you beating us?"

... The middle and low-level officers of Qian Xiang's brigade are all Taiwanese, and the Japanese only have two military police teams.These gendarmes have been staying with Ampere Jinsi, and actually acted as his guard.No matter who it was, it never occurred to Huangcun to order his gendarmes to open fire on him. You must know that among these gendarmes, there are many friends of them.In the first round of shooting, due to being caught off guard, only two of the thirty or so people at the back of Qian Xiang's brigade survived, and the reason why they escaped was because they were good friends with two of the military police, so they got take care of.

Some were puzzled and didn't know why they were attacked by colleagues; some were panicked; How to deal with themselves, now, Huangcun and the military police led by him have helped them make a choice; more people are angry-the Japanese shot them in the back without even saying hello. So despicable and so chilling.So it can be seen that the Japanese have never regarded them as their own.

No matter what kind of emotions they harbored, their eyes all focused on Chen Jiajundai, and those who were close to him asked directly: "What should we do?"

Even though many people were killed by the sneak attack, Chen Jiajun still had hope in his heart. Because of the existence of Ampere, he hoped that this was just a misunderstanding.However, what happened next left him dumbfounded—Ampere was actually beaten to death, no matter who killed him, the blame will eventually fall on their heads. "Guo Dai is getting more and more difficult! This idiot Huangcun, he is creating opportunities for Guo Dai and the others!" He thought, looking up at the top of the mountain.There, Qian Xianglin's face appeared.

Ampere died, and many of his subordinates were killed by the Japanese. Qian Xianglin knew that he couldn't go back.No matter what he thinks, the way back to Botian detachment is blocked now—unless he is stupid and willing to go back to die.I can only join Guo Dai and the others. Then, these people on the mountainside will be the capital for me to gain a foothold in the future.His mind changed, and he made a decision immediately. He shouted: "Brothers, since the Japanese don't distinguish between right and wrong, then we are rebelling. We were forced to rebel by the barren village. Brothers, take up your guns and resist. We can’t let the deserted villages go back, they will expose our whereabouts!”

He had just finished speaking when he felt Xiao Yi's gaze. Xiao Yi grinned at him and said, "From now on, we will be brothers!"

Qian Xianglin curled his lips, but his heart twitched.The reason why he came to this point, and why Qian Xiang brigade fell into this predicament, is all thanks to this person.That's okay, after all, behind him is the soldier army. Once these people rebel, they will become a thorn in the side of the Japanese.If they want to survive, they must have a solid and reliable backer. It seems that the student army is not bad.

Xiao Yi actually did not expect such a big turning point in the matter.He is satisfied with the result.He waved his hand and said to Guo Dai: "Captain Qian talks too much, we can't let these devils go back. Brothers, kill them and avenge the sacrificed brothers!" After speaking, he rushed down the mountain with a gun in his hand.

Tianliang and Fu Yiduo followed closely behind, and the three rushed into the forest on the downhill road like leopards, and then sank into the vast green.After Xiao Yi quickly flashed into a tree, he looked back at Qian Xianglin, and commented in his heart: He is a material for great things, his methods are sophisticated enough, and his decisions are decisive enough!

Qian Xianglin called his subordinates to annihilate the deserted village squadron. The reason was to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed. His brothers didn't know if they heard other meanings, but Xiao Yi understood that this was just an excuse. His real purpose was to tie everyone together Together, completely cut off their thoughts of going back.The Japanese military discipline was very strict, and deserters and mutinies were severely punished.The middle and low-level officers and soldiers of Qian Xiang's Brigade must be punished more severely because they are Taiwanese.No matter what Xiaolin's attitude was before, now, because of Ampere's death, in fact, even if they were willing to surrender, the end would definitely be very miserable.Instead of this, it is better to go to war with the Japanese army and make the crime a little bigger. In this way, no matter how simple-minded people are, I believe they will never want to go back.

The situation changed a little quickly. Many people in Qian Xiang's brigade hadn't recovered from the shock of being attacked by "our own people", but Xiao Yi had already appeared in front of them, and shot past them at the military police at the bottom of the mountain.

The gunshots at the foot of the mountain became even louder. The military police belonging to Qian Xiang's brigade who accompanied Qian Xianglin and the others also threw themselves into the battle to wipe out the rebels without hesitation.Of course, nothing is absolute, but there was also a gendarme standing there with a gun in his hand, looking at a loss, not knowing what was going on in his head.

"Shan Mu, what are you doing? Waiting to die?" A second lieutenant shouted at him.

Only then did Shan Mu come to his senses, but looking at the soldiers on the mountainside, he still didn't intend to shoot, but shouted hoarsely: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, they didn't rebel!"

"Ba Ge, you idiot, don't you understand? If you want to survive, first repel their attack!"

This small episode did not affect Chen Jiajun and the others.The bullets whizzed overhead, hit the rocks around and behind him, sparks flew everywhere, and the gravel flew randomly.At this moment, even if they were lucky enough to return to the Potian detachment, they had no choice but to fight back in order to survive.

"Brothers, those who want to live, do the opposite!"

"Brothers, the captain has turned his back on us, there is nothing wrong with us following him!"

…The Taiwanese soldiers in Qian Xiang’s brigade suddenly exploded. Everyone turned around, their guns pointed down, and the gunshots rang like beans. Soon, the gendarmes at the foot of the mountain were beaten everywhere and did not dare to face up again. to block its edge.

"Major, there are too many enemies!" A gendarme shouted to the deserted village.

Huangcun's previous actions were completely impulsive, and he didn't use his brain to calculate it at all. Now he saw the money rushing down from all over the mountains to the soldiers in the brigade, and then he felt scared and realized that he had stabbed a hornet's nest.Qian Xiang's brigade is a reorganized brigade. Even if the gendarmes with more than 800 people are excluded, there are still more than [-] people, which is not something they can resist.However, he didn't feel regretful. He believed in his heart that these Taiwanese were unreliable, they were completely unfamiliar wolves, and it was only a matter of time before they rebelled. "Don't panic, repel their round of attack, retreat!"

In a Populus euphratica forest about 400 meters away from the battlefield, hundreds of people were quietly lying on their stomachs.It was the Taihu guerrillas led by Huang Laiying.When they rushed here, it coincided with Qian Xiang's brigade launching an attack on the mountain under the threat of Ampere.

Huang Laiying and the others had just arrived and didn't know the current situation. Facing an enemy several times larger than his own, he didn't rush to show up. Instead, he made a big detour and quietly lurked in the Populus euphratica forest in the northeast direction of the breakthrough.Huang Laiying's original plan was to come out again in a critical situation and act as a cavalry to scare off the little devils, but what happened next made him give up this idea.

It turned out that the people who launched the attack on the mountain were also Taiwanese, and the reaction of the little devil was not reassuring of them.Looking at it further, it turned out that the heads of these Taiwanese were actually captured by Lin Haifeng and the others—well, they must be prisoners. If it is true what the officer of the cadet army said, it should be him who stood on the top of the mountain and shouted.

Xiao Yi's voice was very loud, even though he was a little far away from Huang Laiying, the latter could still hear what he was saying.Therefore, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Yi with admiration, and thought to himself: As expected, he came from the Xuebing Army, and he really has a way.

He quietly watched the development of the situation, and then at the most critical moment, he sent Ampere Jin four black shots.

It was a deadly shot, and it immediately pushed the situation into a new change.Huangcun was so enraged that he lost his mind, and then made an unwise move.The little devil shot Qian at the soldiers of the brigade, which was bound to backfire.

The development of the matter was exactly as Huang Laiying expected.Xiao Yi seized the opportunity very well, and immediately climbed to the top and shouted, the Taiwanese soldiers in Qian Xiang's brigade turned back immediately.

"Prepare to attack!" Seeing the Taiwanese soldiers start to countercharge down the mountain, Huang Laiying handed over the rifle that had just made great achievements in his hand to its owner, then pulled out the shell gun and turned on the trigger.

"Comrades, go!" Just as Xiao Yi and the others reached the distance of only about 300 meters from the bottom of the mountain, he suddenly jumped up and shouted Dasheng.

"Come on!" The guerrillas of the Taihu guerrillas shouted immediately, and rushed towards the devil gendarme at the bottom of the mountain with various rifles.

Xiao Yi noticed the shot that killed Ampere, and followed the bullet's path to observe the existence of Huang Laiying and the others.He didn't know that Huang Laiying personally shot this shot, so he sent it to the entire Taihu guerrillas with emotion—"This Taihu guerrillas, isn't it simple? The little devils actually call them mud-legged armed forces? They really blinded their dogs." .”

The timing of the attack chosen by the Taihu guerrillas was well grasped.The devil who still had a little will to resist was startled by the shouts and gunshots from the left rear. It was a deserted village. At this time, he was no longer brave—"Withdraw, withdraw, there is an ambush!"

It's a little late.Surrounded on both sides, the only dirt road was immediately blocked by Huang Laiying's order, and the trucks parked on the side of the road became excellent roadblocks.On the hillside, all the grenade guns of the Qianxiang brigade kept throwing grenades down the mountain, and one grenade after another hit the Japanese hiding place, forcing the gendarmes out like a hunt.

The battle only lasted about 10 minutes before the conclusion was reached.Nearly [-] devil gendarmes, in the end, only more than [-] people escaped on motorcycles, and the deserted village was among them.

(End of this chapter)

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