Chapter 953 Battle of Madang (29)

Ouyang Yun's worries were not unreasonable. Although he judged from the deciphered telegrams and the mobilization of the Japanese army, the main attack direction of the Japanese army was on the northern half of the fortress, that is, Mianchuan Island. There is manpower, so he does not know the specific distribution of the Japanese army.

The total strength of the Japanese army is now around two divisions and two brigades. The two divisions are the 112th Division and the 11th Division, while the two brigades are the remnants of the 106th Division and the 11th Army directly under the troops.The Xuebing Army now has the situation that the remnants of the 106th Division will launch a fierce attack on Hukou, while the main force of the 112th Division has already moved eastward to Wangjiang County and joined the 11th Division.According to the transfer of the Japanese army, Ouyang Yun transferred a regiment from the Ninth Xue Brigade to the south half of the fortress, and transferred the Eighth Xue Brigade to Mianchuan Island to strengthen the defense.

According to the arrangement of the Japanese army, there shouldn't be any obstacles for the 36th Brigade to cross the river, but why didn't Ye Zhao reply so late?Could it be that the radio stations they carried fell into the water when crossing the river?This is a reason with a high element of luck, so the possibility of it being established is almost zero.The more so, Ouyang Yun felt more and more uneasy. Just before the Japanese army's general attack began, he was restless, his heart was beating wildly, and he lost his previous composure.

What happened to Ye Zhao and the others?


Be it Ouyang Yun or Ye Zhao, they all ignored the other Japanese army.


Hisao Nishio was the commander of the 2nd Army.When Nishio Hisao was the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, he had a lot of dealings with the Xuebing Army.It can be said that Nishio has witnessed the rise of the Xuebing Army in North China, and it is for this reason that he has a deeper understanding of the Xuebing Army than those high-ranking Japanese military officials in China.As far as the dispatched army is concerned, he is also one of the few people who are closer to Hata Shunroku and Umezu Yoshijiro.Hata Toshiro changed his original intention of the Wuhan campaign and decided to prioritize the annihilation of the Northward Legion of the Xuebing Army, which he deeply agreed with.At this time, it happened that Li Zongren, Yang Sen, and Lu Hanzheng led the Sichuan Army and the Yunnan Army to deploy troops in the northwest of Wuhan.Seeing its momentum, Nishio also intended to shrink the line of defense, so he decided to respond to Hata Shunroku's call and turn to use soldiers against the student army, so there was this scene tonight.

Xiwei's goal is to go deep into the south of the Yangtze River through the Jiujiang River, thereby cutting off the retreat of the Xuebing Army's northward army.From the cabinet to the military, the Japanese army has a serious faction concept. Because it belongs to a different faction from Okamura Ningji, the commander of the 11th Army, Nishio Shouzo did not inform him, but was only preparing to fight Nakajima Qingcun. Say hello.In Nishio's view, Nakajima, as a division commander, would not make things difficult for him even if he was not subordinate to him.However, after he sent a messenger across the river, he learned that Nakajima had led the 106th Division to Hukou.Nishio was very annoyed that Nakajima gave up the Jiujiang stronghold that he had finally built without authorization.

Xiwei thought it was Gangcun's idea, and the latter had always been determined to win Ma Dang, so he did not hesitate to hit all the troops of the legion, wanting to go down with one blow.Nishio didn't care about this.With the experience of fighting the Xuebing Army in the Second Great Wall Battle, Nishio was deeply impressed by the defensive capabilities of the Xuebing Army. In his opinion, if you want to capture Madang, even if you can win with a head-to-head attack, the loss will be difficult. bear.Instead of this, it is better to adopt a cannibalization policy to weaken the outer living space of the Xuebing Army little by little, and force the Xuebing Army to give up their horses and take the initiative to fight.

He said to Chief of Staff Yumachi Jiuliangji at that time: "Kangcun did this to attack the enemy's strengths. He will regret it. Jiujiang must not be lost. With Jiujiang in hand, we can compete with the Chinese in Jiangnan. Qualifications. Hmph, it seems that we have to speed up our advance and enter Jiujiang before the Chinese army accepts it."

"Your Excellency, do you want to march overnight?"

"of course."

When Xiwei decided to march towards Jiujiang, the location of the 10th Division was Luotian County.Luotian is only about 10 kilometers away from Jiujiang. The [-]th Division marched from Luotian at around [-] o'clock. When the main force arrived at Huaqiao Town, Huangmei County, its vanguard reconnaissance team reported that they found Xuebing in Xiaochi Town Army, moreover, the Army of Xuebing is continuing to cross the river.

As early as when Zhongdaoqing Village attacked Hukou, the 106th Division raided all the fishing boats around Jiujiang.Many of these fishing boats were sunk by the Xue 34 Brigade, and the rest were taken to the mouth of the lake by Nakajima.When Ye Zhao was ordered to recover Jiujiang, he didn't realize that he had to cross the river to Jiangbei, so they didn't continue to borrow the fishing boats of Wu Xingli's Gao family and Dong's family.Ouyang Yun gave him the order to cross the river and go north at around eight o'clock in the evening. It is more difficult to collect fishing boats at night, and the time does not allow to mobilize fishing boats from Wuxingli.Therefore, although there are only about 36 people in the 500th Brigade and the [-]th Division of the Classmates, crossing the river has become a problem.

In Ouyang Yun's order to Ye Zhao, he didn't explain what to do after crossing the river, but since there is only a regiment of apprentices standing guard on Xiaogu Mountain, Ye Zhao feels that there will be a lot to do in this trip to the north. .Moreover, in Ouyang Yun's order, he was required to complete the crossing of the river as quickly as possible, which also forced him to finally make up his mind to use an engineer battalion in his hand to collect some wood such as door panels and tie them into a raft. Take this primitive means to cross the river.

The first to cross the river from the 36th Brigade was a reconnaissance platoon.After these students swam to the other side, they immediately conducted reconnaissance on the surrounding area.The 11th Army of the Japanese Army originally had only two brigades stationed in Huangmei County, and these two brigades belonging to the 112th Division have now followed the big brigade to Wangjiang, and the scouts naturally found nothing.Ye Zhao had already learned about the movements of the Japanese army in the previous war briefing, and now that the scouts confirmed it, he boldly organized troops to cross the river.

It took the engineer battalion an hour or so to set up twelve rafts at first.Each of these rafts can carry about 50 people at a time, that is to say, nearly 600 people can be carried across the river once.In this way, as long as about seven round trips, all troops can complete the crossing of the river.At 10:12, the first batch of troops crossed the river, and it took nearly an hour and [-] minutes to go back and forth.Considering that these rafts have no power and require the students to use planks to push the water, this speed is actually fast enough.However, it was still a bit far from Ouyang Yun's request.Ouyang Yun ordered them to finish crossing the river before [-] o'clock, and according to this progress, it was already five o'clock the next day for all the troops to cross the river.On the battlefield, speed sometimes symbolizes victory.Ye Zhao, as the chief official from the old Cantonese faction, knows this well.The military situation was on fire, so he made a decision in desperation. He selected the soldiers in the water and prepared to let them swim with the raft in batches.

In the equipment of the Xuebing Army, there are no swimming support tools such as life jackets.Crossing the river in the dark and using a hastily built raft is already a very dangerous thing.The water situation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is much more complicated than that in the lower reaches, and there are endless eddies. Therefore, even in the daytime, swimming across the river is very dangerous.The scouts were fine. After all, they had been professionally trained in swimming. For them, swimming across the river, which was about three miles wide, was not a problem.But for those soldiers who can only swim, this is a basically impossible task.In the first ferry crossing the river, there have been several cases of soldiers falling into the water. In the end, two soldiers were missing because of this.Of the remaining nearly 4000 people, after selection, a total of about 500 people can swim.These 500 people had to hang on rafts to cross the river, and their chances of being lost in an accident doubled.How many of these 1000 people can reach the other side smoothly in the end, even Ye Zhao, who made this decision, has no idea about it.

"I don't agree with this decision. This is simply playing with the lives of soldiers!" Ye Zhao had just made this difficult decision when he was opposed by political director Jiang Hongming.He kindly reminded: "Old Ye, the commander-in-chief didn't give us a specific combat mission. I don't think we should take this risk. Old Ye, think about how you got to learn the [-]th Division—after all The safety of the brothers is not a trifling matter!"

After the Battle of Nanjing, the Xuebing Army was expanded. At that time, Ye Zhao was promoted to Deputy Commander of the Xuebing Fourth Army because of his performance in the battle.However, in an exercise shortly afterwards, due to a relatively serious safety accident, a soldier was accidentally injured and died. Ye Zhao was sued by the soldiers' committee in a court-martial, and lost his post as deputy army commander.

This was Ye Zhao's heart disease, his face immediately changed when he heard this.Under the faint light of the bonfire, his brows were deeply furrowed, looking at the dark distance, he lost his voice for a moment.Suddenly, he showed his face and said: "Yes, use a rope to connect the brothers in the water to the raft, isn't that all right?!"

This is a good idea.This time crossing the river, there is no need to keep silent. In this way, with the protection of the rope, if the soldiers in the water encounter danger, they only need to shout and they will be rescued immediately.

Jiang Hongming thought about it, and felt that this might be a good idea, so he immediately agreed.

The second ferry crossing started. This time, in addition to the fifty or so soldiers on each raft, there were also about thirty soldiers dragged by ropes by the side of the raft.In order to ensure the safety of the soldiers in the water to the greatest extent, each of them was tied with a wooden board or a bamboo or something.

Originally, it would take eight round trips, but now it can be completed in four rounds. The speed of crossing the river has undoubtedly been greatly improved.However, what Ye Zhao and Jiang Hongming didn't expect was that the sound of crossing the river increased greatly because of this measure, which directly led to the whereabouts of the troops being scouted by the devil scouts of the 10th Division arrive.

The 36th Brigade of Learning also fell into a bitter battle——

(End of this chapter)

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