Chapter 956 Battle of Madang (32)

"Fight!" Qian Shuanglin yelled violently, and the unique gunfire of Wei Qing's assault rifle rang out, and the dozen or so devils who rushed to the front were instantly swept down by the rain of bullets.After a while, several fireballs exploded in the formation of Japanese stragglers, and several khaki figures were thrown into the air by the air waves, and the next moment they turned into broken bodies and rained down with blood.

The soldiers gathered around Qian Shuanglin were the most. Under the illumination of the flares, seeing the hazy green here, Maehara Shengmin naturally pointed the main attack direction here.

Many of the apprentices are still in the river, but they are only a few feet away from the river on the shore.The sandy beach is soft, and the cadets use their shovels to clean it up a few times, and a single soldier pit can be used.More than [-] students were lying on the sand, not afraid of soaking themselves in the seeping river water. They aimed at the devils who rushed up and fired violently. Many people's legs were numb because of lying on their stomachs for a long time.

The battle did not turn out to be one-sided as Maehara Sungmin expected.Originally, he wanted to be a little more conservative, not to wipe out all the students on the opposite side in one go, and ruin the plan to lure the enemy.However, from 150 meters close to the opponent's "position", he was surprised to find that the advancement became difficult. Almost every step forward of the 10th Wing cost the lives of several soldiers.The students who were beaten up by the mortar volley just now seemed to be a different person at this moment, and they broke out with amazing fighting power.

However, Maehara didn't pay much attention to this, and he still had some spare time to think: "The Xuebing army can always avoid defeat when confronting the imperial army. It seems that there is still a certain real ability. That's okay, otherwise, how can we reflect this battle?" What about the arduousness of the battle?" In such a state of mind, he was not worried about the heavy losses, on the contrary, his fighting spirit was stimulated to the maximum, standing at the back of the line, he waved his command knife and shouted: " Fill it in, fill it in, and keep the coercion! We want to make the Chinese people on the opposite side panic all day long! Next year, today will be their memorial day!"

The fierce resistance of the students also aroused the hostility in the hearts of the devil soldiers. They thought that this group of Chinese people had been beaten to death by the shelling just now. Although the current resistance was fierce, it was just a flashback.They shouted in unison: "Roar!" Regardless of whether someone in front fell down, they continued to rush up.

"Damn it, come on! Grandpa will send you to see the King of Hades!" The machine gunner Wang Yi roared loudly, the machine gun in his hand kept spitting out flames, and where his gun pointed, five or six devils were like straws after autumn was brought down.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a grenade roared towards him, and then exploded behind him, splashing in all directions. He only felt a burning pain in his back, and then his strength was rapidly drained, and his vision became blurred. "Damn it, I just killed these devils!" He took a deep breath, thinking so ashamedly, suddenly, he stood up staggeringly, pointed at the devils array with a machine gun and fired violently .After bringing down the two devils again, the muzzle of his gun suddenly raised uncontrollably.The next moment, the machine gun fell from his hand, and he looked down at his blood-stained chest, cursed again, "Bitch", and fell to the ground.

"Old Wang!" The assistant shooter Tu Tiao rushed over with a roar, and caught Wang Yi's body.He hugged Wang Yi in his arms, put his hand under his nose, didn't feel breath, looked at his eyes that were still wide open, and roared again: "Throw away his old mother, you little devil, you should all be damned!"

Sacrifice happened all the time. The Japanese grenadiers replaced the mortars and became another major killer of the Japanese army. In just 5 minutes, at least 50 students fell under the grenades.

There are also grenadiers in the standard equipment of the Xuebing Army, and they are more effective than the Japanese ones, but because of the terrain, these grenadiers are useless.

"Brothers, we have no way out! Instead of jumping into the river to feed the fish, it is better to kill two more devils! Killing one is enough money, killing two earns one, and throwing away his mother. Whoever fails to kill a devil will be honored. I will spit in his face when I get to the underworld!" Qian Shuanglin was covered in blood, and there were no less than ten wounds on his body, however, these wounds did not make him lose his fighting spirit, but stimulated the primitive wildness in his body.

In the big family of Xue Bingjun, there has never been no shortage of legends.Although Qian Shuanglin was only a small regiment leader, because of his background as a bandit, it was Li Hanhun himself who saved his life, so he can be regarded as number one when he is studying in the [-]th Division.At this moment, the flesh on his face danced along with his roar, and his expression looked a bit hideous, and the muzzle of the assault rifle he was injured was like the tongue of a poisonous snake, where the direction pointed, there must be devils Lodging.He just stood there motionless and shot at the devils, and miraculously, after about a quarter of an hour of fighting, there was no bullet to take him away.

About 40 minutes into the battle, Maehara Sungmin got his wish. Sure enough, by the riverside, reinforcements from the Xuebing Army from the opposite bank appeared—the third echelon led by Gao Yongxiang arrived.

Maehara Sungmin's strategy of luring the enemy has worked!Originally, he should have been happy for his clever calculations, but Gao Yongxiang and the others' special way of appearing brought Maehara Sungmin a unique surprise.

The flares that rose from time to time and the light from occasional explosions illuminated the entire battlefield almost as bright as day.After Gao Yongxiang had a panoramic view of the battlefield situation, he was not in a hurry to land behind Qian Shuanglin and the others, but chose the landing site to the east about 1000 meters away from them.And there, now, was the flank and rear of the 10th Wing.

Nearly 10 students, under the leadership of Gao Yongxiang, sneaked quietly to a place about 200 meters away from the left rear row of the [-]th regiment. Then, Gao Yongxiang waved his hand, and the soldiers rushed in without warning. The raid was launched.

At this time, Maehara Sungmin's entire attention was focused on the frontal battlefield, and he didn't even realize that there was an enemy behind him.This battle was beyond his expectation. Not to mention that the one-sided phenomenon did not appear, the student soldiers of a mere regiment actually caused such heavy casualties to the 10th Regiment—I don’t know, I don’t know. Startled, when he looked around in a blink of an eye and suddenly found that the soldiers killed by his side had reached the size of a large group, he blinked his eyes and was a little confused-these soldiers behaved differently before and after-they were shooting at the mortar fire. He was so unbearable in the salvo, why did he feel like a different person when he fought a positional battle.

(End of this chapter)

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