Chapter 958 Heavy Cannon!

Qian Shuanglin used up too much physical strength before, and now his head is a little numb.Huang Deyu's yell failed to bring back his reason, but just as he was staring blankly at the battlefield, a little confused by the sudden shout of killing, "Dick tick!" Right beside him, the charge horn suddenly blew It rang.

Fang Wa, the trumpet soldier, was wounded at the beginning of the battle.Fang Wa was only 16 years old, so Qian Shuanglin specially stayed with her to take care of her.Fang Wa thought about it earlier, if the battle is really irreversible, if he is surrounded by enemies, he will die fearlessly amidst the sound of trumpets. At the age of 16, just in the prime of life, Fang Wa can see life and death apart, which shows that he is already a qualified soldier.

Originally, he didn't have much judgment on the battlefield situation, and he was still a little ignorant of what happened on the opposite side, but when Huang Deyu's shout reached his ears, the young man was shocked and immediately had an epiphany.He dropped his gun, took off his trumpet, and began blowing furiously.

Qian Shuanglin's eyes widened suddenly and he blurted out, "Brothers, charge!" and stood up holding the assault rifle.

His voice had long been hoarse. Amidst the sound of guns and guns, this shout could not be heard very far, but it was enough.Huang Deyu was by his side, as long as he heard it. "Brothers, the regiment orders, charge!" He shouted loudly, rushing to the opposite Japanese army before Qian Shuanglin.

The soldiers of the 10th Wing did not know the tactics of the chiefs to lure the enemy.The appearance of enemy reinforcements made their already tired body and mind and weak fighting will worse.Many people were stimulated by this, and suddenly remembered that they were dispatched by a division. They asked each other: "Where is our large army? Do the Chinese people have reinforcements? Where are our reinforcements? Where are our reinforcements?"

What about reinforcements from the 10th Wing?

About 500 meters away from the battlefield, Yoshio Jozuka stood beside Hisao Nishio, and finally couldn't help but say: "Your Excellency, let's start the general attack! All the Chinese troops should be here."

Xiwei was unmoved, he fixed his eyes on Nan'an, and said, "No—wait! Listen—"

Tiaozuka held back his impatience and nervousness, turned his head and followed his gaze to look at Nan'an, and after a while, he said in surprise: "The Chinese have artillery, the Chinese have artillery—" As soon as his voice fell, Nan'an's launch There came the sound of cannon.After a while, more than a dozen fireballs hit the Japanese mortar positions just now, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion.

"Heavy artillery!" Tiaozuka muttered to himself, his expression changed.

The Japanese mortar positions had been moved, so this round of heavy artillery salvo did not cause damage to the Japanese army.However, Jozuka lost his voice when he thought of the indiscriminate bombardment of the cadet army on the other side once the large troops were put into battle.

Hisao Nishio's face remained unchanged, but his tone became colder: "The Chinese people on the south bank have increased their troops."

"But, sir, do you want to sit back and watch the 10th Regiment be surrounded and annihilated by the Chinese?"

"Not at all. Look, the Chinese army's counterfeiting army is only about one regiment. Hmph, if Maehara can't support two Chinese regiments with one regiment, there are still such adjutant officers and such troops. Does it make sense?"

Tiaozuka gasped and was speechless.

The artillery regiment of the 106th Division is still in Hukou.Where did Ye Zhao get the heavy artillery?After a while, Hisao Nishio gave the answer. This time, the old devil's tone finally revealed a trace of panic—"No, it looks like our army's heavy artillery? Could it be the [-]th Division?" He and Tiaozuka looked at each other. , all kinds of doubts appeared in his eyes.

Nishio guessed right, it was indeed the heavy artillery of the 106th Division, and why these heavy artillery came into Ye Zhao's hands had something to do with Xue Yue.

Zhongdao Qingcun didn't know that when he occupied Jiujiang without bloodshed, there was still a Chinese army hiding in Jiujiang.This army of only about 106 people was not a regular army, but a brigade of Jiangxi guerrilla column belonging to Xue Yue.The scope of activities of the brigade was in the Jiujiang area. They were hidden among the people under the leadership of the brigade captain Chi Guanxing, so they were not exposed during the period when the [-]th Division occupied Jiujiang.

No matter what, Zhongdao Qingcun never expected that although he thought he was keeping secret to bury the heavy artillery, although he had fooled the Xuebing army, it fell into the hands of the guerrillas under Chi Guanxing.

Zhong Daoqing Village took people across the lake to the lake mouth, and Chi Guanxing summoned his men to set up cannons.After unleashing the cannon, Chi Guanxing originally planned to dedicate it to Xue Yue, but one of his small captains suggested: Currently, fierce fighting is taking place in the Pengze area. Instead of traveling long distances to dedicate it to Commander Xue, it is better to dedicate it to Xuebing nearby military.The team leader gave a few more examples to illustrate how rich the student army is and how well the officers and soldiers below are treated.As soon as Chi Guanxing heard it, he thought it made sense, and just at this time he received a report that the Xuebing Army had entered Jiujiang, so he decided to find the officer of the Xuebing Army nearby to present these cannons, so as to save himself and his brothers. Let's make a good future.Chi Guanxing organized a lot of villagers to help carry the guns into the city. Coincidentally, it happened that Chang Zhiguo led people out to collect fishing boats, and the two met unexpectedly at the south gate of Jiujiang.Chang Zhiguo was quick-witted, listened to Chi Guanxing explained the origin of these cannons, and saw that there were a lot of shells accompanying the cannons, so he didn't care about collecting fishing boats at the moment, and rushed to cross the river with Chi Guanxing and the others. land.

After seeing Ye Zhao, Chang Zhiguo immediately put forward his own suggestion: No matter how many devils are on the other side, since there are cannons that can provide long-range fire support, then let’s do it first, so as to deter the Japanese army and encourage them. The morale of officers and soldiers on the North Shore.

Ye Zhao naturally had no objection, he personally met Chi Guanxing, and after comforting him, he asked him to help collect fishing boats.Then he personally directed his subordinates to set up artillery positions, and began shelling the mortar positions exposed by the Japanese army before.

The sudden appearance of the cannon on the south bank not only gave the Japanese army a great deterrence, made Nishio Hisao and others fearful, but also greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers on the north bank.Like Nishio and the others, Gao Yongxiang and others did not know where these artillery came from. However, this is not important. What is important is that with these artillery providing long-range fire support, the Japanese army's military advantage has been greatly weakened.It can even be said that because of these cannons, the troops on the north shore are already invincible.

As the brigade commander of the 36th Brigade, Gao Yongxiang was good at grasping opportunities and creating momentum. He shouted loudly amidst the rumbling explosions: "Brothers, did you see that our artillery has arrived in Jiujiang! Brothers, kill!"

The news that is good for the military is naturally bad news for the Japanese army.If the devils of the 10th Regiment found that the enemy army that launched the sneak attack was only about one regiment in strength, and saw that their own side still had an absolute superiority in strength, so they still had fighting spirit, then now, with the sound of rumbling guns, Their fighting spirit plummeted, but they no longer had the extravagant hope of winning.They were looking forward to the appearance of the main force more than ever, but to their disappointment, the new battle started almost a quarter of an hour ago, but the main force still did not appear.Therefore, many devils were full of complaints, and many of them began to subconsciously move towards the northwest, waiting for Maehara Shengmin to give the order to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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