Chapter 962

At about one o'clock in the morning, the battle on the north bank entered a fierce stage again.The Japanese army learned the lesson from the last time, instead of pressing the troops up in a swarm, they dispatched brigades one by one to charge. In this way, although Gao Yongxiang and the others suffered less pressure once, facing the continuous Japanese attack, the soldiers His physical strength and fighting will have been more severely tested.

Seeing that brothers around him fell or were injured every minute, Gao Yongxiang felt as if a knife was piercing his heart. He wanted to launch a countercharge several times in order to seek a hearty duel, and just die in battle.However, as the supreme commander of the North Shore Force, he had to suppress the restlessness in his heart in order to maintain the stability of the entire force.At No. 1 minutes into the battle, he could already see that the reason why the little devil adopted such a blunt knife to cut his flesh to refuel his flesh was probably because he was afraid of going to his own artillery unit on the south bank and was worried about being bombarded by cover.

Is it true?Yoshio Jozuka definitely didn't think so.In fact, he was just consciously consuming the ammunition of the student army. In his opinion, facing an automatic rifle that could fire about [-] rounds at a time, the superiority of his own troops became an opportunity for the opponent to expand the results of the battle.Keeping the thin front advancing and continuously consuming the enemy's ammunition is what a smart person should do.And as long as the enemy's ammunition is exhausted, at that time, relying on the superiority in numbers, he can completely finish the job with one blow.

Because of the existence of Nishio, the commander of the 2nd Army, Jozuka has actually lost absolute control over the 10th Division, but now, he can at least use this wing in his hand to realize his ideas.

In the middle of the river, Ye Zhao watched the battle scene 1000 meters away, and the muscles on his face couldn't help beating.If possible, he hopes to turn the time so that he can perform it again.A huge negligence in reconnaissance, a large number of devils appeared in Jiangbei, and he didn't even notice it-it's embarrassing, but the most unacceptable thing for him is that nearly 1000 students who have crossed the river are now left The next [-] people are less than... He tightened his hands tightly on the submachine gun in his hands, and forced himself to control his emotions so that he could calmly look at everything that happened in front of him.

Chi Guanxing lived up to expectations. Although it is not clear how he did it, he brought nearly thirty fishing boats, and within an hour, which was enough.From the performance of Chi Guanxing and his subordinates, one can tell that they have not received formal training, so Ye Zhao did not plan to incorporate them into his team at the beginning.

Chi Guanxing took the initiative to propose: "Sir, can you take us with you? The brothers have had enough of the Japanese occupation of Jiujiang these days, and now everyone wants to seek revenge from the Japanese. The little devil can kill the common people in Jiujiang. The disaster is not light!"

In fact, in the minds of the common people in Jiujiang, Chi Guanxing and the others were once a gang of scourges.But recently, as Chi Guanxing and the others joined the ranks of fighting devils, the generous ordinary people seemed to have forgotten what they did in the past, and began to treat them as their own.Of course, this was because Chi Guanxing and the others did not commit much misdeeds and did not lose their principles.

Ye Zhao has about 1000 people around him now, and because he needs to leave about 400 people to guard and operate the cannon, he can only take about 600 people across the river.Of course he hopes that Chi Guanxing and the others can join, but he is not optimistic about the combat power of these people. What he is worried about is that if these people cannot adapt to the battlefield environment, or even be defeated in a battle, they will not only be of no help, but It will shake the morale of the army.He thought about it seriously, and said to Chi Guanxing: "Captain Chi, is this your personal opinion or the opinions of the brothers? Let me tell you the truth, the Japanese army on the other side is far more powerful than us. Fight, maybe, there will be no tomorrow for us people!"

Ye Zhao's words were so serious that Chi Guanxing was surprised and hesitated for a while.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Ye Zhao didn't dare to take him anymore, and said, "You guys just stay here and help take care of those cannons. Guerrillas are still suitable for working in the enemy's rear, um. I will write to the headquarters about your contribution of cannons." As I explained, your rewards will be indispensable at that time. Captain Chi, goodbye!"

Ye Zhao's words were actually very polite. However, to Chi Guanxing, who is very accustomed to the world, it was too unpleasant. He yelled at that time: "Mr. Ye, are you looking down on us? We None of these brothers are cowards—brothers, we have been shrinking turtles for a while, this time, let's get tough, what do you say?!"

"We listen to big brother (captain)!"

"Okay, as expected of my brother, Mr. Ye, you see, this is the opinion of all of us!"

Ye Zhao glanced at Chi Guanxing and his brothers. In the night, he saw that although these people had messy equipment and various clothes, they all had straight waists. He felt hot and said, "Since it is everyone's opinion , That's fine. But Captain Chi, war is no joke, and when we get to the other side, you all have to listen to me!"

"that's for sure!"

The members of Chi Guanxing's guerrilla team, including Chi Guanxing himself, are capable of maneuvering boats.Ye Zhao didn't expect that because Chi Guanxing and the others joined, their speed of crossing the river was greatly increased, and they reached the other side in about 10 minutes.

"Boom!" Not far away, a grenade exploded. In the place where the fire was shining, a student soldier was lifted up by the air wave, and then fell heavily into the water, splashing big waves.

Flares were launched from time to time, illuminating the river surface near the battle as bright as day.A few guerrillas who were operating the boat saw that the water by the river had turned red, and there were even corpses of many student soldiers floating on the river, their faces turned pale instantly.

Anyone can say cruel words, but it takes extraordinary courage to really do it.Even if Chi Guanxing watched the tragic scene on the battlefield, he would inevitably feel dry mouth and violent heartbeat. "Damn it, it's a big loss this time!" He thought in his heart, and couldn't help but regret his recklessness on the other side.

The reason why Chi Guanxing wanted to actively join the troops crossing the river was that since Ye Zhao, a lieutenant general-level official, dared to go there, it meant that the army of soldiers on the other side must have the upper hand.So, if you follow the past, once you win, you should share some credit, right?He didn't expect that Ye Zhao's trip was not to reap the fruits of victory, but because of guilt, he wanted to live and die with his brothers on the North Shore.

Ye Zhao stubbornly believed that the reason why the troops on the north bank fell into the current dangerous situation was entirely because of his own command mistakes.Therefore, no matter how Jiang Hongming and Chang Zhiguo persuaded him, he insisted on personally leading the team to support him. In his heart, he was already prepared to die in battle.

(End of this chapter)

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