Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 974 He Zhengjiang's Anger

Chapter 974 He Zhengjiang's Anger

Bai Liusu's identity is too sensitive, and Ouyang Yun is notorious for protecting his weaknesses.Bai Liusu directly approached Ji Xingwen to ask for the procedures for coming to study with the Seventh Brigade, but He Zhengjiang didn't know about it in advance.And when he knows this, everything is a foregone conclusion.When he first heard the news, his head immediately became big.On the surface, it seems that Bai Liusu's third division of airborne studies is beneficial to him, because of the relationship between Bai Liusu and Ouyang Yun, if he follows his wife's route, it will be extremely helpful to his career.However, considering that this is the age of war and the fighting is frequent, this is not a good thing but a bad thing.If something happened to Bai Liusu, He Zhengxiang's future would be over.

Cottonboat Island was certainly the most dangerous field of battle to be expected.In the early stage of the battle, the Xuebing Army had no artillery units to call. As for the fortress artillery, the number of them was too scarce, so don't expect them to be able to suppress the artillery of the Japanese army.According to the calculations of the combat staff of the general headquarters, the two hours after the start of the battle will be the most difficult time for the defenders of Cotton Boat Island. A brigade or even a division of devils poured in.

The Japanese army's early artillery preparations were too full. He Zhengsheng waited in fear for 10 minutes at the fortress on the north bank and still did not notice any signs of the Japanese artillery attack stopping. This made him even more worried about Bai Liusu's safety.

Worries became a reality, and Bai Liusu, a daring guy, really went to the front line. After He Zhengjiang scolded him, he felt that this could not solve the actual problem. After thinking for a while, he made a decision to let the eighth brigade Chief Xu Feng took the 304 regiment to meet Bai Liusu, and told him to bring Bai Liusu back intact no matter what.

Not long after the Xuebing Army took over the fort, Ouyang Yun asked the Eighth Xue Brigade to be in charge of the defense of Mianchuan Island. However, shortly thereafter, Bai Liusu, who was originally in charge of the fort's defense, offered to garrison Mianchuan Island.From He Zhengjiang's point of view, Bai just took advantage of his relationship with the commander-in-chief to act recklessly. However, because Ouyang Yun agreed, he, the division commander, could only let him go.

Well, finally the matter developed to the point where it was out of control. Fortunately, Xu Feng understood the general situation and did not lose the chain at a critical moment because of Bai Liusu's "domineering".Xu Feng knew the difficulty of this trip. Before leaving, he said to He Zhengjiang: "Master, I will not personally escort Brigadier Commander Bai back then. Someone needs to be on the front line of Shengzhou, so leave this task to me."

He Zhengsheng nodded, fearing that he might get emotional, and said: "Old Xu, don't worry, there is one thing that can't be avoided. After this battle is over, I will ask the commander-in-chief to transfer back to Brigadier Commander Bai. This battle is difficult, please do everything." Already!"

Not long after Xu Feng took his men away, the Japanese bombardment finally stopped, followed by a menacing ground attack.Just as He Zhengjiang expected, the Japanese army centered on Shengzhou and Zhoutou, and the 11th and 112th Divisions were dispatched at the same time. In no time, the north bank of the Jiajiang River was full of devils in khaki uniforms.

Under the illumination of flares one after another, hundreds of ships of various types were carried to the riverside by Japanese engineers, and then, one after another, the devils boarded the ships in sequence. At the same time, the sound of "Tong Tong" , Defeat the large-caliber mortars and began to clean the north shore of Mianchuan Island...

Ouyang Yun walked out of the command post again. He looked into the distance, but because the distance was too far, he could only see flares rising and falling in the northwest direction, but could not see the specific situation.Thinking of Bai Liusu, he was actually a little nervous, and asked Chen Shichang who was closely following him, "Shichang, do you think Liusu and the others can last for two hours?"

The two hours were calculated precisely.Two hours later, Zhang Tianquan's artillery will be able to return to the fortress. At that time, with artillery support, it will not only be able to effectively suppress the Japanese artillery, but also provide sufficient support to the frontline troops.

Chen Shichang didn't have much confidence in his heart, but he said as a matter of course: "Although Brigadier Bai is a girl, she has been active in the front line when she was in Renqiu and has rich experience in fighting the enemy. There must be no problem."

"Where is Penglangji, do you have the latest information?"

"The 106th Division also organized an attack on time, but they couldn't even break through the defense line of the [-]th Division. There is really nothing to worry about in the direction of Penglangji. ?”

"No, once the Ninth Xue Brigade is called back, the little devil will have no worries. In fact, if Ye Zhao and the others can appear in Jiangbei as scheduled and march towards Xiaogushan, they can call the Ninth Xue Brigade back. Now Never mind."

At the head of the island, on a sandy land that seemed to have just been reclaimed, a pile of soil was pushed away by something. The next moment, a student soldier wearing a camouflage helmet came out of the ground.Xu Shi stayed in the dark for a long time, when his eyes suddenly came into contact with the spotlight from the flares, he was so dazzled that he almost fell to the ground.

"Xiao Wu, how are you?" Another camouflage helmet came out of the ground.

Xiao Wu closed his eyes, rolled them twice, opened them again, and said, "Traveler, there are flares everywhere in the sky, the little devil must be crossing the river."

The "travel seat" is Liu Zheliang, who just got up to the ground, and he was also so stimulated by the spotlight that he couldn't open his eyes.After closing his eyes for a while, he opened them again, then picked up the binoculars and went up to a high ground.The next moment, his face became serious, and he turned around and shouted: "Brothers, quickly get into the battle position. Xiao Wu, take a few people to the No. 002 air-raid shelter to have a look, and ask Yan Liang and the others to retreat to the No. [-] defense line immediately. "

"Yes!" Xiao Wu ran away immediately.

The No. 001 air-raid shelter where Liu Zheliang and the others hid collapsed during the shelling just now, and at least one company of soldiers was crushed under the soil, which made him feel heavy like a stone was blocked in his heart.He was worried that the same situation had happened in No. 002 air-raid shelter where Yan Liang and the others were hiding, so he asked his guard platoon leader Wu Batian to check it out.

The surviving officers and soldiers of the 302th Battalion and the 6th Battalion of the 7nd Regiment climbed out of the air-raid shelter one after another. The shelling just now completely destroyed the temporary lighting system in the No. 001 air-raid shelter. The students suddenly appeared in the wilderness as bright as day from a dark world In the middle of the day, everyone was very uncomfortable with the sudden change in the environment. The first reaction of many people after climbing out of the air-raid shelter was to throw themselves on the ground.

"Brothers, don't lie down, look for the bomb craters and prepare to fight, the little devils are coming!" Some company platoon leaders organized soldiers to enter some huge bomb craters, and they pulled their guns at a place only about 800 meters away from the river. The sound of bolts sounded.In just 5 minutes, the students who had just regained their strength were ready to fight in the position where there were trenches and traffic trenches.

Suddenly, the sound of grenade explosions sounded one after another, and the grenade fired by the little devil's mortar on the other side of the Jiajiang River began to explode in an irregular manner near the river, and then extended to the depth——

One student after another was directly hit by the grenade, and immediately, their young lives turned into flesh and blood and watered the land with a loud noise.

In just 10 minutes, at least one platoon of students was killed by a direct hit by a grenade, and a company was injured.This made Liu Zheliang's face become more and more serious——

This battle is not easy to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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