Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 977 Fierce Battle on Cotton Boat Island

Chapter 977 Fierce Battle on Cotton Boat Island
The strength of the defenders suddenly surged, and the devils in this squadron were hit head-to-head.Seeing that there was nothing to do, a captain who led the team wisely chose to retreat temporarily.

The main defensive positions of the Seventh Xue Brigade are in Zhoutou and Shengzhou, and there are two auxiliary positions in Jiangxin Village and Linzihao between the two places.The Japanese army had detected this a long time ago, so the main offensive force was invested in the two directions of Shengzhou and Zhoutou from the very beginning.

After a squadron of devils was repulsed, the Japanese army's offensive rhythm suddenly slowed down in the direction of Shengzhou.

"First take Mianchuan Island, wipe out the defenders of Mianchuan Island, and then attack the stronghold on the north bank of the fortress. It must be taken before dawn. With these strongholds as a basis, we can continue to attack the stronghold on the south bank. At that time, The Marine Corps of the Yangtze River Fleet will cooperate with us to launch an attack from the upper reaches of the south bank..." The general strategy of the Japanese army was determined by Neiji Okamura.The executors, Sotake Yamamuro and Joji Yamada, strictly followed the arrangement of Gangcun. The 11th Division and the 112th Division invested heavily from the beginning, but at this time, most of their main forces were still floating on the river.Now on the Shengzhou River Beach, the Japanese army successfully landed only two brigades of devils. After they established a beachhead, they immediately organized a squadron to launch a tentative attack, and then, of course, they were sniped by Qian Tailian.

The intensity of the Japanese bombardment before was too great, and the Japanese commander was also aware of this, so he had such thoughts, thinking that the defenders had been wiped out in the bombardment.

Qian Tailian did suffer heavy casualties in the bombardment.However, their will to fight was not broken.On the contrary, the sacrifice of their comrades made their fighting spirit even higher.

On the river beach, some reeds and bushes were still burning, and overhead, there were flares one after another.Sure enough, the Japanese army was not good at night battles, so they could only use a large number of flares to embolden their courage.In Qian Tai's heart, just like those reeds, clusters of flames are burning.

The arrival of Bai Liusu and the others added enough fuel to these flames—the fighting power of the soldiers exploded at once——

The Japanese army retreated like a tide.Bai Liusu climbed up to the edge from a huge crater, and then stood there to scout the enemy situation on the river beach.Seeing the densely packed devils gathering on the river beach and the fishing boats passing by on the river, she realized that it was impossible to stop the Japanese army from landing. ,

What a pity, at this time, if we have a artillery regiment!She thought so, and then gave an order: "Brothers, from now on, we must save every bullet. The battle will be very long, and to survive and wipe out more devils is our only purpose! From now on, Without my order, no one is allowed to shoot casually!" The communicator quickly conveyed the order, and soon, the gunshots on the front line of Shengzhou became sparse.The gunshots of the Type [-] heavy machine gun and the [-]-gun began to become the protagonists. Occasionally, one or two grenade explosions sounded.

"Traveler, come down, it's too dangerous up there!" Qian Tai said, climbed up and stood beside Bai Liusu.

"Thank you!" Bai Liusu jumped down, then sat on the ground, and began to wipe his two shell guns with a piece of gauze under the stunned gaze of a group of students.On her left and right, two female soldiers, her bodyguards, were fiddling with a few magazine clips, and one of them asked, "Traveler, there are only so many special bullets left."

The special bullet was processed by Bai Liusu himself in his spare time, and the characteristic was that a cross was engraved on the bullet.Bai Liusu was originally good at throwing knives, but after abandoning knives and using guns, she began to continue her previous style, pursuing one-shot kills.Then, by chance, after hearing about the special effects of "Sam bullets" from a student at the student research and development institute, she became obsessed with homemade this evil bullet.

She rarely used this kind of bullet because it was too evil.And now that she has taken out all the stocks, she is obviously ready to fight to the death.

"Enough! I won't waste a single bullet!" She said casually, stood up and picked up the gun with both hands, made a fancy move, inserted the gun into the holster, then took the few cartridges, glanced at everyone and said: "Brothers, do you want to listen to music?"

"Okay!" The surrounding students immediately shouted excitedly.

Qian Tai smiled foolishly: "Lu Zuo, we are all your fans! Brothers, everyone has a blessing today!"

Bai Liusu smiled slightly, glanced in the direction of the fortress, and then sang: "Sunset Xishan Hongxiafei..."

The boat of Takada Suguo and his party had already landed. They waded down the water, and soon found an entrance, and then disappeared into the vast night.

This place is the closest to the scale shop, but the students there were being attracted by a group of devils rushing up from the left, so no one noticed their whereabouts.

Entering the dark environment, Takata took out the map from his pocket, and looked carefully with a flashlight.While he was looking at the map, the devil soldiers he brought scattered around, and soon established a cordon around the periphery. "This is it!" Gao Tian focused his eyes on a place marked with "1000" about 3 meters southwest of Huangjiadun, and whispered to himself.Then, he put away the map and flashlight, whistled in a low voice, and took the lead in the direction of Huangjiadun.

Ever since Ouyang Yun and Chu Tiange made a big killing in Tianjin on the Japanese loan, he has become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the Japanese.The Japanese planned an unknown number of assassinations against him, even using dead chrysanthemums, but none of them succeeded.The successive failures made the Japanese finally give up hope.However, the silence of the Japanese secret service did not shake the determination of some hawkish officers to assassinate Ouyang Yun.

For example, Takeshi Yamamuro.Zongwu Yamamuro was fortunate to learn the details of the Battle of Tianjin through internal materials. After carefully studying the tactics of the Xuebing Army at that time, he came to the conclusion that it was a battle. Teeth fell out prematurely.If the 108th Division is compared to a person, then the headquarters is its head. The head is gone. Although the body and limbs are still strong, they have lost the unified dispatch and command. It has become a mess, and its collapse is naturally inevitable. up.

In private, when discussing this matter with a few friends, Shanshi said: "This tactic can be called beheading. Ouyang Yun is so tall!"

As early as when he was ordered to attack the Madang Fortress, Shanshi had mentioned to Gangcun that he would organize an elite squad to behead Ouyang Yun and the headquarters of the Northward Legion, so that he could win the battle of Madang at the lowest cost.

Gangcun did not accept his opinion.Gangcun's reason was that the defense of Madang Fortress was too strict, and it was simply an impossible task to expect a small team to break through the siege and penetrate into the core of Madang Fortress.

Shanshi did not give up, so, taking this opportunity, he finally organized a death squad, intending to retaliate against him in his own way and successfully behead Ouyang Yun.

On the front line of Shengzhou, Qian Tai volunteered to serve as a lookout post.He watched dozens of helmets bouncing up and down on the river beach 80 meters away, and realized that a new round of offensive by the little devil had begun. He turned around and shouted: "80 meters!"

Mianchuan Island originally had a river embankment, and the fortifications of the Seventh Xue Brigade were built on the basis of the river embankment. However, after continuous high-intensity shelling, the height of the river embankment has been cut by more than half, and the fortifications on it have also been destroyed. It's all messed up, and it seems that it can't be used.The place where Bai Liusu and the others are currently guarding is on the riverside side of the embankment.Those huge craters just became the most ready-made fortifications.

"Wait!" Bai Liusu responded loudly.

Suddenly, the correspondent Qianniu Maoyao from not far away ran over and said, "Brigade seat, Brigadier Xu from the Eighth Brigade has requested to talk to you."

"Xu Feng?" Bai Liusu frowned, and took the mic: "I'm Bai Liusu!"

"Brigade Commander Bai, I'm Xu Feng. I'm here to change defense with you under the order of the master. Where are you now?"

"Change defense? Commander He is out of his mind, right? The Japanese are attacking aggressively now? Switching defense, isn't he afraid of causing a complete defeat of the frontline troops? Brigadier Xu, how many people did you bring?"

Bai Liusu opened his mouth and scolded He Zhengjiang for his brain flooding, which made Xu Feng feel very awkward. He sighed in his heart for the domineering of this little woman. He didn't show his face, coughed twice and said: "Brigade Commander, it's natural for the teacher to do this." His intention, as a subordinate, we just need to execute the order. Please tell me your location, I have arrived at the cotton boat with the 304 regiment."

In order to gain speed, all the officers and soldiers of the 304th regiment ran forward, and they ran more than three kilometers in 10 minutes. This speed is already a miracle.

When the strength of the fortress was already tense, Xu Feng actually brought a regiment of people here. No matter how dull Bai Liusu was, he understood that they were actually doing it for his own safety.Her brows frowned even tighter. She took it for granted that this was Ouyang Yun's arrangement, and instead of being moved by it, she was very disgusted.She thought for a while and said sharply: "Brigade Commander Xu, let me reiterate that I can't switch defenses with you now. If you are here for support, please go to Zhoutou. My contact with Deputy Brigadier Liu has been cut off. I am very sorry." I'm worried that the continent has been breached."

"What? The head of the continent was breached? When did it happen?"

Zhoutou and Shengzhou were used as the outer defense line of the north shore fortress. A breakthrough in any one place would cause another place to fall into the siege of the Japanese army, which would lead to the overall fall of the outer fortress.And once the outer positions fall prematurely, the fortress will directly face the Japanese attack. At that time, Ouyang Yun's arrangement may lose its effect.

When the battle entered a tug-of-war, unless a covering bombardment was carried out, the artillery units rushing back from Qianjiawan could only act as spectators.

The matter was so serious that Xu Feng did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately reported to He Zhengsheng.When He Zhengsheng heard the news, he contacted Liu Zheliang himself, but after waiting for 5 minutes without receiving a response, he could only order Xu Feng to abandon the original plan and go to Zhoutou instead to ensure that Zhoutou was not lost.

The battle situation on Mianchuan Island suddenly became complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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