Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 995 Contact Artillery Battle

Chapter 995 Contact Artillery Battle

Takada Sugino was taken down, but what made him helpless was that his hands were tightly tied to his body from the beginning to the end, unable to make any movements.There is also a bomb hidden on Takada Suguo's body. The hidden location of this bomb is so strange that it has not been detected by the torturers of the Xuebing Army until now.

From the very beginning, in order to achieve his goal, Takada Sugio made two-handed plans.If disguised assassination fails, then at the cost of your own life, destroy the greatest enemy of the empire.

No matter how the Tokyo base camp weakened the deterrence of the chemical army, among a group of young and middle-aged Japanese officers, Ouyang Yun had already become the biggest threat.They all agreed that the existence of Ouyang Yun had hindered the great cause of the imperial revolution, so it must be eradicated.

Although he was a prisoner, at the moment, Takata had successfully penetrated into the army of apprentices.The only regret is that until now, he has not seen Ouyang Yun, the greatest enemy of the empire in his heart.It has been more than half an hour to stay in the fortress on the north bank of the fortress. After seeing some of the operating procedures of the command system of the cadet army and division level, Takada Sugio was disapproving from the beginning, and gradually became frightened. Even now, a feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. Desperate mood.

The Japanese army has been carrying out reforms based on the German army. So far, its military system has taken shape.Takata always believed that, compared with Japan, which had carefully prepared for this war for 200 years, the Chinese army, which had just escaped feudal rule, was immature and vulnerable.However, after seeing the rigorous staff and combat command system of a division-level unit of the Xuebing Army, he had to admit that, at least, the unit he was in now was already a mature military entity.

"The empire broke out too late, it should have launched this war a few years earlier!" He thought this way, and the despair in his heart surged like a tide, which soon made him sweat profusely and couldn't control himself.

In a mountain forest about 500 meters away from the breaching dam, a dozen or so Japanese soldiers gathered here, talking in low voices.Many people still had terrified expressions on their faces—shortly after Gaotian and the others entered Wu’s high house, they were hunted down by the Xuebing Army, and if they hadn’t run fast enough, they would definitely be like their comrades in arms now The same was killed.

A handsome young officer wearing the rank of captain said softly but firmly: "Now the situation is clear, Major Takata and the others have been exposed - Major Takata may have died for the country. The commander is dead, and we can go back safely now." There's only one way to die. It's death anyway, so I thought, let's just give him a hard time!"

"Captain Qingshan, we listen to you."

"Mr. Qingshan, please command us to fight!"

"Okay, my plan is to..."

Soon, this group of Japanese soldiers ran out of the small forest and ran to the river not far away.

At around [-]:[-], Liu Zheliang and Xu Feng's men finally joined Bai Liusu's and Xiao Changshui's men.Nearly five regiments of fighters gathered together, unexpectedly less than one regiment, no matter whether it was Bai Liusu or Xu Feng, everyone had a painful expression on their faces.

"So many brothers have died!" Zhang Cunbao said, his sadness was beyond words.

Bai Liusu's eyes swept over the faces of the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Brigade, but he had an idea in his heart. When he saw Ouyang Yun later, he would slap him hard—when did his heart become so cruel? This level?

Four thousand lives!Isn't he disregarding human life indiscriminately?
Suddenly, the gunfire sounded again.Hearing the sound of cannon fire, the experienced Xu Feng and others immediately judged that it was their own artillery, and the shelling distance was far behind the team.He said: "It's a pity that there are too few. If there are hundreds of them, this round of shelling will definitely inflict heavy damage on the little devil!"

This time, only one artillery battalion participated in the shelling in the direction of the Madang Fort.

The Japanese army had already spread out their formation on Mianchuan Island, so this round of shelling did not yield much results.And soon, the artillery group of the Japanese army gave a fierce counterattack.

Since then, the artillery battle began, and after a quarter of an hour, the direction of the Madang Fortress was the first to fall silent. It seemed that the Japanese army had once again won this round of artillery battle.

Surrounded by a circle of people on a high ground outside the bunker of the general headquarters of the Xuebing Army, Ouyang Yun observed Mianchuan Island with a binoculars. After a while, he put down the binoculars and asked Chen Shichang who was standing beside him: "Shichang, tell me, Will the little devil be fooled?"

"As long as Mr. He and the others persist for a long time, the little devils will definitely be fooled. The bunkers in the North Shore Fortress are very strong. Without bombers to bomb, the Japanese army can only rely on heavy artillery to tear apart this line of defense. The Japanese army The current artillery shifts positions very quickly, and they should be afraid of our fortress artillery. However, Master He really got through them, and Gangcun will definitely make a choice. If dozens of heavy artillery can be discarded but the bunker group can be blasted, he will definitely would be happy with the exchange."

"Have Bai Liusu and the others returned to the fortress?"

"There is no news yet. Commander-in-Chief, don't worry, Brigadier Commander Bai is an auspicious person, and nothing will happen," Chen Shichang said, but his tone was very uncertain.In fact, Bai Liusu was a staunch opponent when he went to the Seventh School Brigade as the brigade commander.In private, he once complained to two good friends: It's too nonsense, this is not a play!It seems inappropriate for a woman to be the commander-in-chief of an army that is all men, let alone this woman is the commander-in-chief's confinement and a former star.

Compared with Ouyang Yun, Chen Shichang and other real contemporary people are the real male chauvinists.

Chen Shichang's words were too consoling. Ouyang Yun had deliberately restrained his concern for Bai Liusu, but now, he became even more uneasy because of it.He gritted his teeth, and suddenly said: "It's good that she's fine. If something happens to her, I will demand it back from the Japanese thousands of times! Pass my order to get Zhang Tianquan ready for battle. It will take up to two hours." , it’s time for them to perform. By the way, is there any news from Spike on the North Shore?”

"We've already made contact. The situation on the north bank is a bit chaotic. The Spikes encountered a little trouble when they broke through the Japanese blockade. If it really doesn't work, we can only let Brigadier Zhang and the others use their visual inspection."

"The visual error is too big! You know, we only have one chance! Hurry up and contact the Spikes, tell them, just say, Madang's brothers need them!"


After Langya completed the surprise attack on Anqing Airport under the leadership of Xiao Yi, it once divided its troops into three places. Among them, Xiao Yi led a big deal in Changling with only two subordinates.The other squadron, under the leadership of a major named Wang Yuxing, infiltrated the area around Yangwan Town. The task Ouyang Yun gave them was to serve as the eyes of the artillery.

Wang Yuxing's delay in appearing on the battlefield will inevitably affect the shooting accuracy of the artillery.Considering that although the Xuebing Army's artillery has an advantage in range, it cannot gain a safe distance, so Ouyang Yun said "We only have one chance."

(End of this chapter)

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