Chapter 997 Sorry
The mentality of Bai Liusu's youngest daughter was causing trouble, and it was difficult for so many soldiers to get along day and night suddenly separated by yin and yang, so she blamed Ouyang Yun for their deaths, as if Ouyang Yun was responsible for their deaths.

But she didn't know that in the hearts of Liu Zheliang and He Zhengjiang, she was the number one troublemaker.As they sang together, all they wanted in their hearts was to send this irresistible witch away as soon as possible, and to fight the next battle with all their strength.

Originally, Bai Liusu took it for granted that after completing the strategic mission of the general headquarters, they learned that the Seventh Brigade should withdraw across the river to rest.However, when she heard that Liu Zheliang and others were going to stay, she immediately changed her mind.At the moment, there are not many people in the Seventh Brigade who are not injured, and the others are more or less wounded.However, because most of the seriously injured before stayed behind and bought more time for them to retreat with their own sacrifices, there are not many seriously injured in this team now.

The deaths of too many comrades-in-arms and even brothers and relatives filled the hearts of these students with deep-seated hatred. At this moment, even if they knew that they would die if they stayed, they would not choose to retreat.Bai Liusu's eyes swept over their faces one by one, and something suddenly jumped violently in her heart, and she blurted out: "I want to stay too!"

"What?" He Zhengjiang and Liu Zheliang turned pale with shock.He Zhengjiang glared at Liu Zheliang, his expression became ugly, and he said, "No! Someone must escort the wounded to the south bank. This person is either you or Liu Zheliang."

"I definitely want to stay. Traveler—" Liu Zheliang said, but was interrupted by Bai Liusu before he finished speaking.

Bai Liusu glanced at him and Zhang Cunbao and the others, and said emotionally: "We are brothers, how can I—no need to say any more, I have already made up my mind! Teacher, please forgive me!" She bowed to He Zheng After remembering the military salute, he ran to the seriously wounded team not far away.

The few seriously wounded have lost their ability to move. However, from the tears on the faces of several officers and soldiers who are not hearing impaired, it can be seen that they actually want to stay if possible.

Seeing Bai Liusu saluting to him, He Zhengjiang knew something was wrong.And when she ran away, he knew that this matter could not be changed. He was stunned for a while, and then spat in a low voice: "When the battle is over, I will definitely ask the commander-in-chief to take her back! What a nonsense!"

The large-scale battle on the North Shore has finally begun.The sound of gunfire came from across the Jiajiang River. Finally, Ouyang Yun couldn't help but left the headquarters and stood on a nearby high ground.

The Japanese army finally approached the North Shore Fortress, and Chen Shichang and others became busy in the headquarters.They talked on the phone with the combat staff of the frontline headquarters, and then drew circles one after another on the map, and marked the names of the Japanese troops.

A dense crowd of devils in khaki military uniforms and helmets flocked to the position of the student army, and one after another fireballs continued to explode. On the front line of the two sides fighting, the soldiers fell in pieces like a protective forest in a hurricane.Ouyang Yun watched this scene through the telescope, and suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation.

The feeling of palpitations took a long time to go away, and when he regained his consciousness, Huang Hua climbed up under the guidance of a female army.Huang Hua, as the leader of the communications staff group, is responsible for the communications and liaison work between the various units.Huang Hua's face was pale at the moment, and there were dense beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, which made the soldiers who saw him for the first time feel uneasy, not knowing what bad things had happened.

"Commander-in-Chief!" Standing next to Ouyang Yun, Huang Hua's expression became even more unbearable, so much so that his tone of voice was slightly weird.

Ouyang Yun was squatting on the ground and marking something with a two-color pencil on a map. He didn't notice the difference in Huang Hua's tone, but asked habitually: "What's new?"

After Liu Kui went out with the First Division of the Detachment of Women, Shui Hongxiu himself is now in charge of Ouyang Yun's security.Shui Hongxiu had already noticed Huang Hua's strange behavior, and she was full of doubts, and she also became uneasy.

Huang Hua took a deep breath and said, "Mr. He called, Brigadier Bai is injured."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ouyang Yun immediately stood up and turned to look at him, his eyes became sharp all of a sudden: "Be more detailed!"

"Brigade Commander Bai was shot in the stomach to save a kid named Lin Shanshui!" Huang Hua gritted his teeth.

I don't know if it was because of standing up too fast, Ouyang Yun felt palpitations again, a feeling of déjà vu, he immediately realized that this should have happened not long ago.He stared at Huang Hua, but his gaze became emotionless, and he asked coldly, "That's all?"

Huang Hua was sweating profusely immediately, he lowered his head, and suddenly said inexplicably: "Commander-in-Chief, please forgive me!"

"What—" Ouyang Yun already had a bad premonition in his heart, but he was still overwhelmed by the cruel facts.He swayed, staggered, and fell down.

"Commander-in-Chief!" Surprised voices rang out from around, and the women soldiers closest to him immediately supported him, and Shui Hongxiu immediately sent someone to find Chen Jiayao, and then ordered: "Hurry up, take the Commander-in-Chief back immediately."

At this moment, sadness, heartache and other negative emotions overwhelmed Ouyang Yun. When Ouyang Yun broke free from the support of several female soldiers and stood up stubbornly, his eyes were already filled with tears.Suddenly, he stretched out his hands and grabbed Huang Hua's collar, and asked in a hissed voice, "What did you just say? Say it again! What exactly did He Zhengjiang tell you? You tell me every word." !"

It was the first time for everyone present to see Ouyang Yun in this state. Many female soldiers turned pale with shock, and another younger female soldier who was a college student before enlisting directly choked up and sobbed.Bai Liusu used to be Shui Hongxiu's deputy, and the two developed a deep relationship because of this.Shui Hongxiu had already burst into tears, but she still remained awake, went to pull Ouyang Yun, and comforted him: "Commander-in-Chief, don't worry..."

Huang Hua was also frightened.He had no doubt that if he did anything reckless at this time, the commander-in-chief would definitely tear him apart——the way the commander-in-chief looked at him, didn't he reveal such meaning nakedly?
"Mr. He said that the sharpness of the Japanese attack was beyond his expectation. Under such a fierce attack, the Wujiagaowu was unable to last for a quarter of an hour. In the battalion stationed at the Wujiagaowu, there was a man named Lin Shanshui. Xiaobing. Xu Feng, Brigadier Xu Feng of the Eighth Brigade, ordered two soldiers to send Lin Shanshui into the bunker group before Cheng Ren. Brigadier Bai happened to lead his troops to support at the gate of the No. [-] bunker group. In order to save Lin Shanshui, she was killed The devil shot him in the abdomen—Master He said that the intestines flowed out at that time..."

Huang Hua's narration was not vivid. In fact, because Ouyang Yun grabbed his collar and made it difficult for him to breathe, it was extremely difficult for him to speak these words.However, Ouyang Yun still felt the bloody scene as if he saw it with his own eyes, and he immediately felt suffocated again.

(End of this chapter)

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