Quickly wear the heroine, she doesn't want HE ending

Chapter 502 [22] 09 Dumb heroine don't want HE

Chapter 502 [Two Two] 09 Dumb heroines don't want HE
Bai Youyou walked briskly to the coffee shop yesterday, it was here yesterday that she received a message from Pei Chen.

The news was put in the strawberry milk tea, it was a secret that only the two of them knew, and the content of the message was just the three words 'see you tonight', which is why Bai Youyou couldn't wait to go home yesterday .

Of course, it's nothing but news. After all, when she was not sure whether Pei Chen had passed the news to her, Bai Youyou couldn't be so careless. She even thought it was intentional or just a coincidence.

However, when this message appeared yesterday, Bai Youyou had another feeling, the feeling that Pei Chen was by her side, even if she didn't see anyone, but this feeling was too familiar, she felt that this was the connection between the two souls After all, they have been together in so many worlds, so it is not surprising to have this kind of induction.

And the most important thing is that even though Bai Youyou was skeptical at that time, she was still afraid that her sixth sense was wrong, so she asked the fur ball, but at that time, the fur ball seemed to be dead, so she ignored it at all. she.

There is only one reason why Maoqiu ignored her, and that was when Pei Chen was by her side.

In this way, Bai Youyou is very sure that Pei Chen must be by his side at that time, but he just didn't show up.

As for when she saw the fake, she just pretended to be a little excited, but she couldn't recognize each other directly. The reason was just to confuse Xie Yang. Facts have proved that Bai Youyou's acting skills are good.

On the way, I received a message from Xie Yang, saying that 'Pei Chen' held a small party in his garden in the afternoon, and the people who attended the party were all of their same age, Bai Youyou pursed his lips, and directly blacklisted them.

She took care of Xie Yang's pure pieces for Pei Chen before, she was worried that these people moved too fast and controlled Pei Chen, but now, Pei Chen is already by her side, so she would blame these people!
As soon as I arrived at the coffee shop, a waiter greeted me: "Miss Bai, please come inside, your seat is a little further inside."

Bai Youyou blinked, she didn't have a fixed location, but seeing that the waiter was the one who brought her milk tea yesterday, she knew it, and nodded to signal the waiter to lead the way.

She is now dumb and unable to speak.

"Yuyou." As soon as he entered the door, Pei Chen hugged her into his arms, completely ignored the presence of an outsider, and lowered his head to bite her on the lips: "Why are you driving so fast, didn't you tell you to drive slowly? "

Bai Youyou glanced at the waiter and said nothing.

Pei Chen chuckled, and waved for the man to go down. At this time, Pei Chen was not wearing a mask or sunglasses. The waiter obviously knew the situation on Pei Chen's face, so he was not shocked, but he was still a little surprised, surprised by Bai Youyou He was also surprised by the relationship between his boss and this Miss Bai.

Before the waiter left, he gave the two of them a weird look, especially the look at Bai Youyou, which was filled with admiration. Bai Youyou almost thought that he had done something big.

After the waiter left, Bai Youyou finally couldn't help poking Pei Chen's chest with his finger: "Who are you looking for? Why don't you have any motivation at all? Could it be that I'm just being with you? Can't people accept it? Look at his eyes, as if seeing something strange."

"It's just some ordinary people, you don't need to care about other people's opinions." Pei Chen pulled Bai Youyou towards the wall, this is a private room in the coffee shop, this place usually does not receive customers, it belongs to Pei Chen's private space.

There is a mural on the wall, and I don't know what Pei Chen did, but the wall inside the mural frame suddenly moved sideways, and a downward staircase appeared.

Bai Youyou was led by Pei Chen into the stairs. It turns out that there is a basement under the coffee shop, and this is where Pei Chen really lives.

"Those people found me when I was 12 years old. They wanted to catch me and control me, but I escaped. Later, I met my teacher. He took me in. The teacher passed away two years ago. I inherited his power."

Pei Chen personally made a cup of milk tea for Bai Youyou, and lightly talked about his experience in this world.

Although it was only a few words, Bai Youyou felt distressed when he heard it. He was only 12 years old, and those people wanted to attack Pei Chen. Fortunately, Pei Chen escaped, otherwise, it might not be as simple as disfigurement now.

Taking a sip of the sweet milk tea, Bai Youyou looked around the environment of the basement. The area is not very large, but the decoration is very warm, and the ventilation facilities are well done. It can be seen that although it is hidden deep underground, it is not difficult.

On the other side, Pei Chen took a portion of rice from the refrigerator and prepared to make fried rice. Obviously, after returning from Bai Youyou's side, he hadn't had time to eat yet.

When Pei Chen was eating, Bai Youyou sat opposite him and propped his chin, looking at Pei Chen without blinking, as if he was looking at some beautiful woman, tsk tsk, there is a saying that is really good, in the eyes of beholders Out of Xi Shi, I reckoned that no matter what Pei Chen looked like, in Bai Youyou's eyes, it would definitely be the most beautiful, the kind that could just eat two bowls of rice!
"I've come back to my senses!" With a ding, it was the sound of Pei Chen hitting the milk tea cup with a spoon: "Didn't you say you want to know about those people? Why are you in a daze?"

Pei Chen ate the fried rice with a spoon, and was satisfied with Bai Youyou's 'sexy' reaction - even if he was disfigured now.

"Ahem," Bai Youyou wiped the corner of her mouth: "Pei Chen, since you knew about these people so long ago, you must have investigated something, right?"

Even if Pei Chen still had no memory of awakening at that time, after all, he was kidnapped and hurt by those people, how could he let them go?
Pei Chen nodded, and said while eating: "That's right, I've been investigating those people all these years, and found out that their power is actually not complicated, and it seems that they suddenly reached a certain consensus, and they want to trouble me Same."

"I didn't understand it before. I didn't know what was going on with them. I even thought that someone was manipulating them behind their backs. But now I know, they must be in the same situation as you and me."

"Either came to this world suddenly to replace the original owner's existence, or came to this world early, but lost his memory, and then under certain circumstances, he would wake up his memory and start to act."

As for action?Of course it was to attack Pei Chen, or to approach or control 'Bai Youyou'.

In any case, the purpose of those people is the two of them, as long as they know this is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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