Quickly wear the heroine, she doesn't want HE ending

Chapter 511 [22] 18 Dumb heroine don't want HE

Chapter 511 [Two Two] 18 Dumb heroines don't want HE
Xie Yang and Wang Yue are planning to deal with Bai Youyou and Pei Chen, while on the other side, Bai Youyou and Pei Chen are living a shameless life.

Because what happened that day was soon known to everyone, Bai's father and Bai mother naturally knew about it, and canceled the marriage between Bai Youyou and Xie Yang in the shortest possible time.

As for Bai Youyou, as Xie Yang's fiancée, of course she couldn't smile too happily at the moment, otherwise others would definitely suspect her.

So since Bai Youyou came back from that day, she has been 'sad' all the time and shut herself in the room, even the food was delivered by the servant.

In fact, is Bai Youyou really shutting herself up?How can it be possible!Pei Chen had already sneaked away from her room, not even leaving!
As for the two people, a man and a woman, they still love and admire each other, and they even gave birth to more than one football team. What can they do in the same room?Of course, if you have nothing to do, you can contribute to the baby-making business.

And the consequence of tossing too hard at night is that it was already noon, and Bai Youyou finally woke up slowly. At this time, Pei Chen was already sitting by the bed eating. Seeing that she finally woke up yawning, she immediately took it A bowl of porridge was served in front of her.

"Eat something before going to sleep." The delicious seafood porridge immediately made Bai Youyou doze off, and she ate half a bowl in Pei Chen's hand, and then she rolled her eyes at him.

"What? Have you slept enough during the day to do bad things at night?"

No, these days Pei Chen coaxed herself to sleep during the day, but tormented her vigorously at night, it's too bad!
When Xiao Jiujiu was exposed, Pei Chen was neither ashamed nor annoyed, and even sighed regretfully: "Youyou is so smart, it's getting harder and harder to deceive."

Looking at it with such disappointment, Bai Youyou almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, snatched the bowl from Pei Chen's hand, and ate the seafood porridge in it two or three times, only then did he feel that his anger was finally smooth.

"Stop making trouble, didn't I tell you? Qi Feng's brother has a gadget in his hand. It's a small wooden dagger. You need what's in it." Since Pei Chen already has the previous Memory, Bai Youyou doesn't shy away from these things.

"At the ball that night, I saw that fat dagger. I wanted to ask Qi Feng to come over, but from Qi Feng's tone, his brother cared about it very much. I thought he couldn't make the decision himself. Did not speak."

"The Qi family's family business is not small. As the young head of the Qi family and the first heir, Qi Lan will definitely not give away the things he likes so easily. Should we just go and steal the dagger?"

When Bai Youyou saw the dagger in Qi Feng's hand for the first time that night, he felt something in his heart, knowing that the energy inside the dagger was the energy that Pei Chen could absorb.

But because the dagger will disappear after being absorbed by the energy, Bai Youyou didn't tell Pei Chen at that time, so that Qi Feng would not be scolded when he went back. After all, Qi Feng also reminded her that there was something wrong with Wang Yue who pretended to be 'Pei Chen', so Bai Youyou was natural It's not good to let people go back and be taught by the elder brother, isn't it?
But now I guess Qi Feng should have returned the things. If they go to get them, Qi Lan will think that he lost them at most.

When Bai Youyou was thinking about it, Pei Chen was taken aback: "That dagger? Does it look round, like a toy?"

"Yeah, have you seen it?"

Pei Chen smiled helplessly: "No, Qi Feng held it in his hand to show off and showed it to me. If Xie Yang hadn't left suddenly at that time, I would have ended up here."

Uh, so to speak, Xie Yang helped them a lot that night.

After all, that fat dagger contains energy, and as long as Pei Chen touches it, the energy will be absorbed by him. As for the dagger, after losing energy, it will directly turn into powder.

But Pei Chen himself couldn't sense that energy at all. If Pei Chen hadn't left because of Xie Yang, but had just taken or touched the dagger, the sudden powdery dagger would definitely cause panic.

Forget about the others, at most they just find it unbelievable, but Xie Yang and Wang Yue will definitely doubt Pei Chen's identity, and even easily guess who he is.

But none of this happened, because Xie Yang diverted Pei Chen's attention, so he didn't touch a dagger.

Thinking of this, Bai Youyou laughed: "I don't know how angry Xie Yang will be when he knows these things. The truth is clearly in front of him, but he missed it."

Pei Chen smiled and said nothing, feeling that Xie Yang was too unlucky.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, you should first think of a way to get that dagger, as long as you absorb more energy, the more powerful it will be, so that when you travel to other worlds, you may wake up your memory sooner .”

Pei Chen, who didn't care much at first, immediately became serious after hearing this: "Is what Yoyo said true? Will you wake up your memory sooner?"

In this world, although he has been investigating and doubting the identity of Xie Yang Wangyue before, the memory he only saw with Youyou only woke up not long ago. This may not have any effect on him, but in his heart , he still does not want to forget.

"It should be like this. You are able to wake up your memory now because your soul power has increased."

That being the case, Pei Chen is bound to get that dagger.

But this is not difficult for him.

"Get up first, I'll take care of the dagger matter, but you can't stay at home now, and when Xie Yang and Wang Yue's matter is settled, we'll get married right away."

Pei Chen took Bai Youyou's clothes and helped her put them on. They stayed in the room like this for several days. Although they enjoyed it in their own hearts, this kind of stupid life is not very good, it is too easy to make people fall Yes, even he was a little obsessed.

Pei Chen even suspected that if such a day was extended for a few more days, he felt that he would definitely become the faint king who never went to court again.

"You Yue called yesterday and asked me to go out for coffee today. Pei Chen, you can go with me." Bai Youyou yawned and let Pei Chen manipulate her. Lie dead.

"Okay? But what capacity should I go with?" Pei Chen didn't refuse, now that Xie Yang and Wang Yue were staring at Yoyo, of course he couldn't let Yoyo go alone.

"Boyfriend?" Bai Youyou couldn't think of anything else.

Pei Chen laughed, feeling happy in her heart, but she still refused: "Just bodyguards, the ones who can help you interpret sign language, I think about boyfriends, but that would make others misunderstand that you are too carefree, which is not good. "

(End of this chapter)

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