Quickly wear the heroine, she doesn't want HE ending

Chapter 529 [23] 11 The queen heroine does not want HE

Chapter 529 [Second Three] 11 The queen heroine does not want HE
When I woke up the next day, Pei Chen had already left without incident. Bai Youyou yawned and got up to eat, but the first thing that was delivered to her was a bowl of medicine. She drank the medicine with a bitter expression and ate the candied fruit. It's not fragrant anymore.

While eating breakfast, a little palace maid trotted in: "Your Majesty, please see me, Your Majesty the Imperial Concubine."

"Imperial concubine?" Bai Youyou tried hard to recall, and finally remembered who this person was: "Let her wait, and see her again after I finish eating."

Except when she needs to put on airs, Bai Youyou is not willing to call herself Ben Gong. After all, her husband in name is not Pei Chen. The word Ben Gong is what the Queen calls herself.

"Here." The little maid stepped back and went out to inform the imperial concubine. After a while, Bai Youyou vaguely heard a voice outside, obviously angry at Bai Youyou's negligence, but she didn't dare to rush in as before, after all In the past two days, many people have lost their lives because of what they have done.

Bai Youyou pursed her mouth, eating slowly, chewing and swallowing carefully, which she showed to the fullest. Apart from not having Pei Chen by her side, she didn't even have that appetite for delicious food, but also because she was thinking about this noble concubine. .

To say that this noble concubine is really a formidable character.

First of all, he has no background, just a woman brought back by Xuanhua from outside the palace, a woman who almost fell into prostitution.

Secondly, she was stunned to rely on her skills on the bed, from a small talented person to the position of a noble concubine.

In the end, he had a special wink, and after finding out that the emperor only cared about the heroine and ignored her, he decisively hid himself.

At least in the memory of the heroine, almost everyone in the harem did not escape until the very end. On the contrary, this wild concubine got caught with the reward given by the emperor at some point and sneaked away.

And because she has no family encumbrance at all, once she leaves the palace, it's like putting a fish into the sea, and she has nowhere to look for it.

Looking at these memories of the heroine, Bai Youyou was amazed. If one were to say who is the most powerful in the harem, it would be the heroine and the noble concubine. The heroine was forced to blacken for revenge, and the noble concubine was obviously It's planned from the beginning.

You see, she has been in the palace for so long, and the emperor spends more than half of the year with her, but this guy didn't get pregnant with one and a half. Someone didn't want her to get pregnant?That's impossible, no matter how calculated other people are, they can keep an eye on her all the time?
If Bai Youyou had to think about it, this woman must have thought about it early in the morning. Anyway, she was selling her body. If she really fell into a place like a brothel, she would also accompany men. Emperor Pei would obviously make a lot of money in the palace.

Otherwise, this woman will run away when the situation is not good?This was obviously planned, and in just two or three years, he made money that he would never make in his entire life, so he won't lose money!

Fortunately, this woman lived in ancient times. If she lived in modern society, she would definitely be a strong woman!

"Come on, take these away, and invite the imperial concubine to the side hall." Finally, when she was full, Bai Youyou got up, and someone immediately came to help her.

She usually only enjoys this kind of days of being carefully served by others during pregnancy and confinement. I have to say that the status of this queen is indeed different, but well, she just doesn't care about it.

He was so worried that Pei Chen didn't know what to do and when he would act, so that when he arrived at the side hall, he didn't even look at the noble concubine, and was so angry that the noble concubine squeezed the handkerchief in her hand vigorously.

"The concubine has seen the empress." No matter how angry she was, she still bowed obediently, with a smile on her face. Yesterday even the maid next to the emperor was beaten, how dare she be presumptuous.

"Concubine Yun," Bai Youyou was lying halfway on the imperial concubine chair. She was in a good position and could enjoy the sun coming in from the window. It was so warm that she felt warm all over her body: "Why did you think of looking for me today?" Here you come, you have been in the palace for so many years, except for saying hello earlier, I have never seen you come to visit me on weekdays."

Bai Youyou squinted her eyes, but she was secretly sizing up Concubine Yun Gui, and at the same time, she understood why the emperor, who had three thousand beauties in the harem, favored her for so many years.

How should I put it, this Concubine Yun revealed a sense of coquettishness all over her body, even though her clothes were not disheveled, she still seemed to be in heat.

Well, it might be discriminatory to say so, but this concubine Yun Gui is protruding, fair and beautiful, with a pair of turbulent eyes, Bai Youyou feels that if this woman really seduces men, nine out of ten I guess I can't control it.

As for the remaining one, it's naturally her family partner Pei Chen.

"What did the empress say? It's not that the emperor was hiding in the golden house before, and he was reluctant to let his concubines come to disturb you, empress. Of course, the concubines dare not violate the emperor's order and disturb the empress' rest."

Concubine Yun Gui has a shy look on her face, she is really a woman who has been well nourished, the entire harem is probably not as good as she occupies the emperor's time.

Fortunately, she, Bai Youyou, is not a woman who needs to compete for favor, otherwise she must be going crazy right now.

But also because Bai Youyou didn't want to compete for favor, so she just 'appreciated' Concubine Yun's pretentious posture, while covering her mouth and yawning: "Stop beating around the bush, you came to me because you wanted to tell me this?"

"Of course not, Sister Empress, this concubine just wanted to ask you, you have been in the palace for so long, have you never thought about going out of the palace?" Concubine Yun quickly waved her hand, seeing that no one offered a seat, He found a place close to Bai Youyou to sit down.

A strong scent of powder came over, so Bai Youyou didn't sneeze directly.

However, she was also quickly searching for the meaning of Concubine Yun Gui's words in her mind, and she soon understood: "Why, do you want to leave the palace?"

The main reason is that Concubine Yun Gui has a criminal record. How did she leave the palace before? The heroine has no memory. This time, is she trying to coax her out of the palace first, and then take the opportunity to run away?
Concubine Yun Gui didn't deny it either, she just smiled coquettishly: "Sister Empress is joking, the concubine just wants to go out of the palace to have a look, sister Empress has been in the palace for seven or eight years, don't you want to go out and see what's going on outside?" What does it look like?"

Bai Youyou thought about it, the original owner has been in the palace since she became a princess, isn't it seven or eight years now?

It's just that she didn't expect that Concubine Yun Gui had wanted to run away so early. It stands to reason that Xuan Hua has just "changed her mind" now, she doesn't need it.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that Concubine Yun Gui has a good eye, knowing that the wind direction has changed, she decisively began to look for a way out, and she actually knew how to attack her.

After thinking about it, Bai Youyou tilted her head and looked at Concubine Yun Gui: "I want to go out, I'll help you, go back and wait, I'll call you when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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