Quickly wear the heroine, she doesn't want HE ending

Chapter 531 [23] 13 The queen heroine does not want HE

Chapter 531 [Second Three] 13 The queen heroine does not want HE
Bai Youyou sat outside the hall with a stiff face, while inside was the wailing of the emperor Xuan Hua, and the panicked begging of the imperial doctors for mercy.

This is the Fengqi Palace that belongs to the queen, and the bed that Xuan Hua is lying on is also the one that she and Pei Chen have slept in these days, but Bai Youyou can't control these things at the moment, all she can think about now is , she crippled Xuan Hua... crippled...

That's right!That's what it means. She was sleeping just now, and she felt that someone was approaching in a daze. Under a nervousness, she accidentally kicked Xuan Hua's descendants.

And judging from Xuan Hua's screaming voice, and the imperial doctors' constant begging for mercy but not daring to explain what was going on, the problem seemed to be quite serious, and nine out of ten it was useless.

"Your Majesty, the King of Leisure is here." The court lady trotted over to say something to Bai Youyou, and then quickly stepped aside.

Pei Chen?Bai Youyou's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly walked outside, but the two almost bumped into each other at the door.

Pei Chen, who rushed over after receiving the news, quickly hugged Bai Youyou, not even caring about the fact that there were a large crowd here, and there were other people around, so he checked his face up and down: "Are you all right? Did Xuan Hua do anything to you?"

"It's okay, it's nothing, it's not me, the one with the problem is inside." Bai Youyou pointed to the inside of the bedroom, and it happened that Xuan Hua's voice of scolding trash came from inside.

Seeing that it wasn't Bai Youyou's accident, Pei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't even go in to take a look: "What's going on? I received news that Xuanhua wanted to plot evil while you were taking a nap."

Bai Youyou rubbed her nose: "You must not have heard what he said."

Pei Chen smiled and did not refute. He indeed ran over as soon as he heard this, but today he happened to be in the palace and was no longer in the palace, so he was delayed for a long time.

Knowing that Pei Chen was worried, Bai Youyou thought for a while, and roughly explained what happened, and then spread his hands: "That's it, how did I know that I just happened to be kicked by such a coincidence."

After listening to Bai Youyou's explanation, Pei Chen couldn't laugh or cry, and felt that what Yoyo did was right, no matter how he said it, it was Xuan Hua who made him feel like he was a thief?

Xuan Hua inside was still furious, and Pei Chen had no intention of going in to care about it—joke, this is the rival in love who dominates his sweetheart status, if he doesn't kill him, it's the best of humanity, why do you still care?Thinking too much?
He directly pulled Bai Youyou away, no one stopped him along the way, and even pretended not to know when he saw it, Bai Youyou was amazed.

"Is it okay to be so blatant?" Bai Youyou didn't start to worry until Pei Chen directly took her out of the palace.

Anyway, Xuan Hua is also an emperor. If the order is not good for a small prince, Pei Chen will be in trouble. After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the emperor has a lot of troops.

"It's okay, I was planning to do it directly, but he bumped into him by himself. After today, whether he can stand up is still a problem." Pei Chen really didn't care at all.

At this time, a carriage stopped in front of them, and the well-dressed coachman jumped down and saluted Pei Chen: "My lord, empress."

Pei Chen, who had a smile on his face, immediately turned cold, even Bai Youyou didn't know what was going on, and right after she heard Pei Chen coldly say: "This is the princess. "

The coachman was stunned immediately, and even couldn't help but look up at Bai Youyou, as if he wanted to make sure that he had made a mistake. This is not the empress, but a woman who looks very similar to the empress.

But the moment he raised his head, he reacted suddenly, and quickly changed his words: "My lord, my concubine."

Only then was Pei Chen satisfied, and Bai Youyou got into the carriage with a smile on his face.

The carriage left the palace straight away, no one stopped the whole process, even the guards of the palace gate pretended not to see it, Bai Youyou suddenly felt sorry for the man in the palace, after all, he was also an emperor, but in just two years, he was arrested Pei Chen was directly dismissed.

After he knew about this, he wondered if he would die of anger.

Xian Wang's mansion is a little far away from the palace, the closer the mansion is to the palace, the more powerful the official is, a prince who doesn't even have any real power, of course he is not qualified to live too close.

But this is obviously very much liked by the two of them, and they really don't care about the place in the palace.

Xian Wang's mansion is very clean, and there are not many people in the mansion, except for some necessary servants, there is not even a single idler, and there are no female relatives, so the mansion is also harmonious.

Pei Chen swaggered back from the palace with Bai Youyou back to Xianwang's mansion. He did not hide at all. When he returned to the mansion, he specially called all the servants together to confirm Bai Youyou's identity as the mistress.

No one expressed surprise or doubt, and they all looked like they really did.

Well, Bai Youyou rubbed his nose and said that Pei Chen is much better than him in terms of training servants. The more he is with Pei Chen, the more he looks like a waste. Most of them were completed with the help of Pei Chen.

Fortunately, Bai Youyou is used to being a rice bug, so she doesn't feel ashamed at all, instead she accepts it very quickly.

"My lord, do you need to clean another room for the princess?" the butler asked.

"No, it's fine for the concubine to live with the king." Pei Chen doesn't have any hobby of husband and wife having to divide the yard: "By the way, have the clothes made by the embroidery house been delivered?"

She was already planning to take Yoyo back, when Pei Chen hugged Yoyo to sleep on the first night, she had already measured Yoyo's size with her arm, and ordered someone to make Princess Xian's clothes the next day.

"I have already sent someone to remind me, and it should be delivered in the afternoon." As the housekeeper of the palace, such a small matter has naturally been arranged in advance.

Pei Chen nodded with satisfaction: "There is also Concubine Yun Gui in the palace. She will probably leave the palace in a few days, and I will leave it to you when the time comes. As for where to use it, you can figure it out."

At any rate, Yoyo agreed to his affairs, even if he had no shortage of people to do things, for the sake of Yoyo's sake, he wouldn't mind doing a little favor.

"Yes, my lord, I will pay attention." The butler took the order, Pei Chen waved them down, and took Bai Youyou to visit the palace by himself.

The two walked slowly in the garden, saying these words one after another, and here there is no need to worry about their words being overheard by others, and there is no need to worry about whether they should say it or not.

Bai Youyou's health hasn't recovered yet, the deficiency of the past few years made her need a long time to recuperate, and the medicine she drank three times a day has the effect of calming the nerves, after a while, she actually started yawning again.

(End of this chapter)

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