Quickly wear the heroine, she doesn't want HE ending

Chapter 563 [24] 19 Brain-damaged heroine does not want HE

Chapter 563 [Two Four] 19 Brain-damaged heroines don't want HE
All the way was safe and sound, without any abnormality, Bai Youyou was stunned.

"Maybe it's because we don't know where we live, or because we don't dare to do it in crowded places on the road, for fear of hurting innocent people." Fear of hurting innocent people is definitely not a compliment to those people, but those people are afraid of being recognized by the world. Just punishment.

"Tsk tsk, if we knew this, we should have drilled in places with a lot of people, so that those people would never dare to do it." Bai Youyou shook her head, feeling that she had made a mistake before, because she was worried about hurting other people , and hid specially.

Pei Chen also smiled helplessly: "Who knew they were so timid, but this is good, at least this way, it will be more convenient to hand them over to the police."

Thinking of how all those bad guys fell into the French Open in the end, Bai Youyou couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After a long laugh, the two finally got back to business.

"Pei Chen, do you have any news about those people under your command?" This time, things are a bit troublesome. Even if those people can't hurt ordinary people in this world, it doesn't mean they can't do anything.

Pei's father and mother are a good example.

"Yes, the smile on Pei Chen's face quickly dissipated: "Those who entered the church lost contact, and their communicators, bugs and other equipment were finally found in a nearby trash can. "

"What? They were killed?" Bai Youyou was startled, didn't they say that those people can't do anything to ordinary people?

"No, they were not killed or even injured, they just lost their memory." Pei Chen shook his head lightly: "We found them on the third day after we lost contact. Those people have almost completely lost their memory, even some common sense gone."

"Hypnosis?" Apart from this, Bai Youyou couldn't think of any other possibilities for the time being.

"It should be," Pei Chen nodded. "I sent them to the hospital, and found the best neurologist to help them treat them, as well as experts in hypnosis."

After all, he is one of his subordinates, if he is left alone, there will be no way for others to help him in the future.

This was a good arrangement in the first place, but Bai Youyou was still a little worried: "I always feel that it will not be that simple. If it were me, I would definitely not let people who want to explore my secrets go so easily."

"Well, that's true." Pei Chen didn't deny it, but said, "So I'm going to check on those people in person tonight, Yoyo, will you go with me?"

After a pause, he added: "It may be dangerous. If those people really do something wrong, maybe they can hypnotize other people to attack us instead of doing it themselves."

It is indeed very possible. After all, those people can't do anything to ordinary people, and the two of them can't do the same now.

But Bai Youyou is not afraid: "It's okay, let's go together, if you leave me alone outside, I'm afraid you won't be at ease."

Pei Chen smiled, and didn't deny it. If he really put Yoyo in a place where he couldn't see it, he really couldn't rest assured. He would definitely be thinking about Yoyo's situation all the time, and he couldn't put his mind on the things in front of him at all.

Of course, the same is true for Bai Youyou. If she doesn't go with her, she won't know what's going on with Pei Chen, so she'll think wildly.

While speaking, the restaurant is within easy reach. You only need to turn another red cross to enter the parking lot next to the restaurant. When the green light turns on, the car starts to leave. Just when you are in the middle of the intersection, you suddenly rush over from the side. car.

"Be careful!" Bai Youyou was startled, the car was coming straight from the left, facing Pei Chen's direction!
Seeing that the car was about to collide, Pei Chen slammed on the accelerator, and the car moved forward a few meters with lightning speed, barely avoiding the car that rushed past and pulled it down.

With a sound of "Boom! Boom!", the blast wave almost overturned all the surrounding vehicles, but their car was still moving forward steadily, and then stopped in front of the restaurant.

When the car stopped, Bai Youyou finally realized that she didn't bother to check the situation behind her, and quickly looked at Pei Chen: "How are you? Was it you just now?"

At this time, Pei Chen's face was not very good-looking, his face was as pale as if he had lost too much blood, and there was still cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"I'm fine." Pei Chen shook his head, but he didn't let go of the hand holding the steering wheel, and even still held it tightly.

Bai Youyou gently wiped the sweat on Pei Chen's forehead with a tissue, her heart ached so badly.

"The car almost crashed into it just now. You controlled our car to move forward a little faster, right?" The speed just now seemed to be teleporting, and it was clearly in front of the car in the next second. The next second passed.

Pei Chen nodded and didn't speak. He was almost collapsed now. If he hadn't kept supporting the steering wheel with both hands, he might have collapsed directly.

Just now, when the car was about to hit him, it was obviously too late to brake, but if he was really hit by that car, not only him, even Yoyo would not be able to escape.

At that critical moment, Pei Chen suddenly felt a powerful force gushing out of his body, and immediately following the car below him, he moved forward five or six meters, completely avoiding the car that was obviously aimed at The car they came from.

And at this time, Pei Chen would collapse all over, not because he was frightened by the car that suddenly exploded, but because he simply exhausted too much energy and didn't recover for a while.

However, when Yoyo approached him, he clearly felt that his body was replenished quickly, especially when Yoyo helped him wipe off his sweat.

Bai Youyou, who was feeling distressed, was suddenly pushed away by Pei Chen, almost hitting the car window, and she was at a loss: "What's wrong?"

Pei Chen also came back to his senses, and realized that his reaction was a little too big. He quickly reached out to pull Yoyo up, but just as he stretched out his hand, he stopped suddenly. He just frowned and asked worriedly: "Did you Do you feel uncomfortable in your body? For example, you have no energy in your body."

Bai Youyou knew that Pei Chen would definitely not push herself away for no reason, let alone ask such strange questions for no reason.

After feeling it honestly, I shook my head: "There is nothing uncomfortable, it's very normal."

After speaking, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly grabbed Pei Chen's hand. Pei Chen wanted to hide, but hesitated for a while and did not dodge.

"Pei Chen, could it be that you absorbed that kind of energy from me just now? But we obviously only touched lightly just now, and didn't do anything else?"

Other things are naturally things that cannot be said directly in public.

(End of this chapter)

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