Chapter 108

Seeing her holding the bucket of coins angrily, she smiled coldly and didn't speak, just sat on the high chair and looked at her beside her.

Mo Wan turned her head, stopped looking at him, and stared at the screen. After she understood what was going on, she took out a coin and put it in. Then, when the machine started to turn, she jerked the lever and looked at it with joy. The result is three patterns, each of which is different.

After taking a deep breath, Mo Wan felt a sense of loss. Unconvinced, she picked up the coin and threw it in again. The action was the same, but the result was still a failure.Back and forth like this, most of the coins in the bucket were thrown into it.

Leng Zhuo just sat beside her and watched, neither spoke nor moved, his eyes wandered on her ever-changing little face, and the corner of his mouth smiled faintly.

"After playing for so long, still haven't found the trick?" The man finally asked her kindly when she was scratching her head.

Mo Wanmo raised his head in embarrassment, and asked him in a daze, "Is there any trick in it?"

Seeing the bewilderment in her eyes, Leng Zhuo raised his eyebrows, walked to her side, stood next to her in front of a slot machine, took out one of the few coins she had left, and put it in.

Seeing his serious appearance, Mo Wan hurriedly stopped the machine in his hand and stood beside him to stare.

When the coin was put in, the machine made a whirring sound, his eyes were cold and his face was calm. He held the lever with his fingers and pulled it suddenly. When the machine stopped, the three patterns were exactly the same.


A lot of coins fell out of the exit under the machine. Mo Wan looked at everything in front of her and immediately raised her eyebrows: "You are lucky!"

Seeing the dissatisfaction in her eyes, Leng Zhuo curled her lips into a smile, took another coin from her bucket, and repeated the game just now, the result was still the same three patterns, complete victory!
Within a few rounds, Leng Zhuo won back all the coins she had just lost.

"Don't play this anymore!" Seeing his complacency, Mo Wan was so angry that he was so angry, how could he be so frightened everywhere?

Seeing her walking in, the smile on the corner of Leng Zhuo's mouth pulled away, he stood up, and followed her steps to walk in.

Walking inside, the space is divided into many compartments, and there are many things that she has never seen before.Surrounded by foreign races who came to play, Mo Wan couldn't take it all in. He felt that everything was fun, but he didn't realize that kind of fun could make people rich or bankrupt overnight!

Many of the casino attendants walking by were blond and blue-eyed foreign women with plump figures and sexy white uniforms.

Looking at these, Mo Wan's cheeks turned red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.While dazed, the man walked up to her, took her hand, and led her to an area ahead.

A small square table with many numbers and patterns printed on the green countertop, behind the table is a male waiter in uniform.Leng Yan pulled her over and sat at this table.

Mo Wan couldn't understand what it meant, so she turned to him and asked, "What's here?"

The man stretched out his hand to show her one by one, then leaned into her ear and said, "Compare the size, this one is suitable for you to play with!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Wan also laughed, thinking that this kind of game is simple, and she is indeed suitable for it, and immediately regained her energy, ready to move.

The male waiter exchanged more chips and respectfully pushed them to the two of them.

"Half for one person, the one who has no money first will lose!" Leng Zhuo smiled at her, with a playful tone.

Mo Wan bit her lip, looked down at the chips, and her heart trembled.The number above made her feel pained. Losing a small chip is a lot of money!
But if you lose, you don't lose. Anyway, the money is his, so why does she feel bad about it?

"Okay!" After thinking of something, Mo Wan smiled immediately, his dark eyes were moist.

The game starts soon, three dice, guess the size of the points.Mo Wan actually didn't understand anything, she was talking nonsense, she was not convinced, so she went against Leng Zhuo in a daze, if he bought the big one, she would definitely buy the small one.But if he bought the small one, she would definitely buy the big one.

With such a mentality, Mo Wan lost a lot all the way, with a dozen consecutive rounds, but none of them won.After listening to the numbers reported by the dealer over and over again, her face turned pale, and her rosy lips pursed high.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her appearance, and the coldness in his eyes eased. He tilted his head slightly, resting his chin with one hand, and stared at her.When his eyes slid over her puffy red lips, the look in his eyes moved.

Forget it, let her win a game!
"Buy small." Leng Zhuo pushed out all the chips in front of him with a flat voice.

Mo Wan has already lost, but the more she loses, the angrier she gets. Why does she lose every time, but he wins every time?

"I'll buy big!" Mo Wan also went all out, but she didn't have any bargaining chips in front of her, only a few pitiful ones, so she also pushed them out.

Seeing that they had made a good bet, the dealer immediately rolled the dice, and the one drawn was indeed big.

After hearing the points reported by the dealer, Mo Wan raised her drooping head and looked at the three dice in disbelief. After a few seconds of hesitation, she began to scream excitedly: "I won!"

She jumped out of the chair excitedly, pulled up the arm of the man beside her, and shook it vigorously: "See, I won!"

"You're so happy after winning once?" Leng Zhuo put his arms around her and asked her with a smile.

"Yeah." Mo Wan nodded with a smile, her voice raised, "Happy, is there anyone who doesn't want to win?"

These words changed the expression in the man's eyes, and his voice remained cold: "Childish!" Although his voice was cold, his gaze softened.

That man couldn't understand her thoughts at all, and Mo Wan was too lazy to explain to him, with little bubbles in her heart.

Leng Zhuo stared at her beaming face and felt a headache. After giving rewards to the dealer from the chips, he immediately left with the people around him.If she continues to stay here, what will she look like?

Mo Wan was excited at this time, and was suddenly pulled away by him, a little unhappy, but the man walked firmly, she didn't dare to hesitate, so she could only passively follow him outside.

(End of this chapter)

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