Chapter 112

Putting the card into her hand, Jing Chen leaned over and kissed her on the face, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to the company, and I have a regular meeting this morning." While speaking, he took the clothes and began to put them on.

Huo Shaoqing stared at him blankly, with mixed emotions in her heart.Since the first time they met, she had identified this man. The years were still good at that time. They were each other's first love, and the relationship between the two was sincere.

But no matter how beautiful the relationship is, it can't stand the fleeting time.He is the most beloved son of the Jing family. He is lawless and unrestrained, and no one can restrain him.Walking among the flowers all year round, he has long since forgotten the beautiful memories she and he once had.

Withdrawing her brief thoughts, Huo Shaoqing took a breath, put on her pajamas, got out of bed barefoot, and helped him tidy up his clothes.

Jing Chen didn't move, and watched her busy in front of him. He raised his hand and stroked her forehead, and suddenly many pictures from the past appeared in front of him.

Going around all these years, there are too many women by his side, there are all kinds of women.All the tender ones can drip water and are alluring and delicious, but sometimes he thinks of Huo Shaoqing and the past, so until today, she can still be by his side.

"Shao Qing!" Jing Chen put his arms around her and pulled her into his arms, "As long as you don't touch my bottom line, you will always stay by my side!"

Because of his words, Huo Shaoqing's heart skipped a beat, and a throbbing pain surged up.

Unaware of her change, Jing Chen let go of her, tidied up her clothes, and pretended to leave.

Seeing that he was about to take a step, Huo Shaoqing mustered up her courage, put her arms around his waist, put her face on his back, and asked him in a deep voice, "Why don't you marry me?"

Jing Chen's forward steps stopped, he stretched out his hand to push away her clasped fingers, turned around, looked at her deeply, and said calmly, "Shao Qing, since the first day you and I, I know very well I told you, I won't marry you!"

He finished speaking word by word, without any ups and downs in the expression on his face, and he didn't even wrinkle his brows, his restrained eyes were as sharp as knives.

Huo Shaoqing's face turned pale, she stared at him blankly, unable to speak anymore.

Seeing that she was silent, Jing Chen didn't explain anything, turned around and walked out.

"Jing Chen, you're a bastard!" Huo Shaoqing raised her head, looked at his back and gritted her teeth.

Jing Chen paused slightly in his forward steps, but did not hesitate, "I have always been, don't you know?" His thin lips were slightly hooked, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was cold and cruel.

Raising his hand and smashing the pillow on the bed, Huo Shaoqing was so angry that he smashed everything he picked up, and the room was in a mess.

Just as Jing Chen closed the door, he heard the movement inside. He smiled as usual, and told the hotel waiter to clean up the room later.

Coming out of the hotel, Jing Chen drove back to Tia Group in a white Lamborghini.After parking the car, he opened the door and walked into the building, walking towards the elevator.When passing by the reception room on the first floor, his forward steps stopped abruptly.

Seeing something out of the corner of his eye, he took a quick step forward and then backed away, turning his head to look at the reception room inside.The first round of interviews was going on inside, and there was a figure in it that he was familiar with.

"President, what instructions do you have?" The assistant who was following him immediately asked softly when he saw his absent-minded appearance.

After Jing Chen recovered, he pointed to the people inside and said in a deep voice, "Show me the information of those people."

The assistant immediately found all the materials of the person who came to interview today, and handed them to him respectfully.

Jing Chen took the stack of materials, looked down, and finally stopped on a certain page.Looking at the word "Mo Wan" written on it, his eyes flickered slightly, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Keep her here." After opening her information, Jing Chen turned to the assistant and ordered.

"Yes!" After scanning the person's name, the assistant immediately rushed to find the supervisor who came for the interview, and gave orders.

Jing Chen glanced at the people inside, and saw that she was sitting on a chair with her head bowed, her hands clenched nervously, and the corners of her mouth slowly curved into a nice curve.He suppressed the surprise in his heart, turned and walked away, walking towards the elevator.

The interview conducted by Tia Group went smoothly, and Mo Wan was successfully retained only after the first round of interviews.After she received the news, she felt a little unbelievable. Among those around her, she was the only one who stood out, and for such a company with strong qualifications, the employment interview should be closely linked. How could it be possible that there was no re-examination, so she was notified directly. work?

Faced with such a question, the supervisor had already made an excuse. He only told her that because the company was in urgent need of a translator, and her major was just right, and her professional knowledge was outstanding, the company made an exception to let her go to work smoothly.

Regarding the supervisor's answer, no matter how serious the doubts in Mo Wan's heart were, she couldn't find a flaw.After thinking about it, it is really rare to be able to apply for such a large group in such a difficult competition for employment, so she must cherish the opportunity, work hard, and be able to show her strength!
After returning to the villa, Mo Wan was full of joy. She began to prepare a lot of things needed for work. The company notified her to report next Monday. There were still a few days before work, so she still had plenty of time to prepare.

I was in a good mood throughout the day. On the way home from the interview, Mo Wan stopped by to buy a lot of vegetables. When he got home, he patiently started cooking by himself.Seeing that she was in a good mood, the servants followed her orders to avoid and gave her the kitchen.

Near the end of the year, the weather was very cold, and there were several consecutive snowfalls, and the temperature dropped sharply.Mo Wan weighed the weather, bought a chicken, and started making soup when he got home, as well as mandarin fish and a lot of fresh vegetables.

In the afternoon, Mo Wan spent almost all of her time in the kitchen. She quickly washed the vegetables and fish by herself, cleaned them carefully, and then carefully cut the vegetables and handled the fish.

The soup was stewed in a casserole on the fire, bubbling and bubbling, the transparent soup gradually thickened, and the fragrance wafting out could be smelled all over the room.

Leng Yan drove home, and as soon as he opened the door of the villa, he was greeted with a strong aroma, with a warm taste, refreshing his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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