Chapter 129

"Really?" Dong Jiarong was startled, and soon understood, with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.She knew that it was Leng Zhuo who was persecuting her, he could release people or arrest them, everything was under his control!

"Yeah!" Jing Yue smiled softly, her face full of joy: "If you can be released on bail, it means that things still have room for improvement, so don't worry too much!"

Huo Shaonan sat on the side, listening to Jing Yue's words, but his face became serious.This incident happened so strangely, he was sensitive to the fact that there was a problem!
"How is grandma?" Dong Jiarong looked inside, frowning, and asked worriedly.

Putting his arms around her shoulders, Huo Shaonan smiled, and said in a deep voice: "Yueyue just gave grandma medicine, she's fine, she lay down and fell asleep."

Holding the hands of her son and daughter-in-law, Dong Jiarong smiled gratifiedly: "Seeing that your husband and wife are loving, mother is relieved. By the way, where is Shaoqing?"

Jing Yue raised her hand and rolled up her mother-in-law's loose hair, and said with a smile, "My sister and my third uncle are going to see a lawyer to discuss about releasing Dad on bail tomorrow."

"Yueyue!" Dong Jiarong held Jingyue's hand, her eyes were a little red: "I've made you worry about the Huo family's affairs, thank you, mom!"

"Mom?" Jingyue Xiaoxiao was startled, and then smiled softly: "We are all one family, what are you talking about!"

Dong Jiarong nodded happily, and reached out to touch her head, "Good boy." She turned to look at her son, her eyes suddenly sank, "Shaonan, you have to treat Yueyue well, you understand?"

"Mom!" Huo Shaonan frowned slightly, there was a moment of hesitation in his voice: "I know."

Jing Yue caught the flash of darkness in his eyes, and felt lost, but soon smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and clasped his fingers tightly.

Huo Shaonan was obviously stunned for a moment, but he didn't let go of his fingers.

Looking at them in relief, Dong Jiarong nodded in satisfaction, she turned her head to look at Huo Shaonan, and said: "Shaonan, call your sister and ask her to come back for dinner at night, let's have a meal together as a family! "

Hearing what his mother said, Huo Shaonan was slightly stunned, without thinking deeply, and immediately called his sister.

Later, Dong Jiarong stood up, walked back to the bedroom, closed the door, she went to the bed and sat down.Reaching out to open the bottom drawer of the bedside table, she gently took out the photo album inside and held it in her hand.

Reaching out to open the photo album, looking at the slightly yellowed photos, she felt mixed feelings.This photo album has appeared in her life for 30 years, like a gully in her life, which she will never be able to cross in her life.

She had never seen the photos in the album before, but she knew who they were without looking.But even if you know who it is, so what?That person is in his heart, no matter how hard she tries, she can't get rid of the thoughts in his heart!
"Ha ha……"

In the quiet space, a sneer suddenly overflowed from her.Dong Jiarong looked at those photos, her eyes were flushed, she was a living person, but she couldn't compare to those old photos, she couldn't compare to those old photos, even if she spent her whole life, she still couldn't get into his heart.

She lost, lost many, many years ago.It wasn't until today that she suddenly realized, what are you fighting for?What are you grabbing again?What's yours is yours, what's not yours, even if you forcefully grab it, it's still like this, life is worse than death!

Is life better than death?In fact, she has tasted that kind of taste, life is better than death...

Seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, the streets are full of lights and festoons, and there is already a sense of the New Year.

After work, Mo Wan stood outside the building. She thought about what the man said in the morning, so she obediently stood by the side of the road, waiting for him to take her to eat delicious food.

The headlights were on in front of him, and Mo Wan stood on tiptoe to look over, and what he saw was the familiar dazzling car.

"Get in the car!" Seeing her standing on the side of the road, Leng Yan drove the car over, lowered the window, and ordered in a tone.

Mo Wan sniffed, stretched out her hand to open the car door and got into the car. The car was very warm, and the hot wind blowing her face made her shrink her shoulders and rub her hands to warm up.

"It's cold?" The man stretched out his hand and took her hand, holding it in his palm, it was really cold.

Mo Wan curled her lips, feeling the warmth of his palm, smirking and stuffing her little hand in, absorbing the warmth from his body, "It's freezing to death!"

Her coquettish voice, full of coquettishness, slid across the bottom of his heart softly, making his tightly pursed thin lips burst into a smile, he raised his hand to take her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it, he said softly: "Then ask the driver to pick you up?"

Mo Wan thought about it, shook her head hastily, and said, "No, I'm going to have a Chinese New Year holiday in a few days, I can do it myself."

"Okay!" Leng Zhuo held her hand with one hand and the steering wheel with the other. He did not impose orders and respected her opinion.

After driving outside a restaurant, Leng Yan turned off the car, and pulled the people around him out of the car.

The decoration of the restaurant is very low-key, not as luxurious as the restaurants they have been to in the past.Walking in, the decoration style inside is very fresh and elegant, with many green bamboos and lush greenery.

Seeing them coming in, someone with the appearance of a manager rushed over and took them to the private room attentively.

The environment in the box is very good, facing a glass brick wall, which is crystal clear, and a row of green bamboos are planted in front, which effectively plays the role of shelter.In this way, when looking at the outside from the inside, it can be faintly visible, and when looking in from the outside, it can also play a shielding effect.

The dishes in this restaurant are very special.It was cold winter, but their main course tonight was seafood.In this dark cold night, sitting in an elegant private room and tasting delicious seafood, Mo Wan was extremely happy.

Leng Zhuo smiled and looked at the way she lowered her head and ate fiercely, and felt at peace. He had seen her eating a long time ago, and she was completely lacking in the elegance that a lady should have. She tasted like a beggar, and her appearance was ugly.But seeing her eating so deliciously, he also reluctantly endured her gaffe and didn't bother with her.

"Is it delicious?" Picking up a grilled scallop with garlic and putting it on her plate, he asked her with a sneering smile, his tone soft.

(End of this chapter)

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