Chapter 136

Thinking of this, Mo Wan tried hard to hold back the dissatisfaction in her heart. She breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head to stare at the man opposite, gave him a hard look, then pouted her lips, and stretched out her hand to pick up vegetables for him.

She picked up every dish and put it on the plate in front of him, and soon the small plate was piled up like a hill.Mo Wan looked at the pile of dishes, and smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth. She knew his appetite, and thought to herself that there are so many dishes, how can you eat them?

Satisfied with his frowning, Mo Wan proudly held up her chopsticks, lowered her head to eat, and secretly smiled inwardly.Well, let him be powerful, let you taste the feeling of being full!
It's just that she safely ignored the man's ability. Although he usually doesn't eat much, he is very different tonight. When he saw those dishes, he didn't say a word, but just picked up the chopsticks gracefully and ate quietly. .

Not long after, when Mo Wan saw that he had eaten most of the food on the plate, he began to feel restless.It stands to reason that he usually eats very little, and it is impossible to eat all those dishes, but now watching him eat with one chopstick after another, she has no idea in her heart and starts to mutter.

If he eats like this, if he really wrecks his appetite, what should he do?
Thinking of this, Mo Wan's expression changed, she raised her hand to hold down his hand holding the food, and said anxiously: "Don't eat!"

Leng Yan was eating happily, thinking that her cooking is really good, although the taste is a bit spicy, but the taste is very pleasing to him.But she suddenly pressed her hand to prevent him from eating. He frowned, but saw the worry on her face.

Looking down at the dishes on the plate, he seemed to realize something, and a smile overflowed from his tightly pursed thin lips.

Before Leng Zhuo could speak, Mo Shuyuan became unhappy when he heard his daughter's words. He reached out and patted Mo Wan's head, and said in a displeased tone, "What's the matter with you kid? How can you be unhappy if you are older than the New Year?" The reason for letting people eat?"

Mo Wan was in pain, she stretched out her hand to cover the back of her head, and looked at her father angrily. She stared at her big watery eyes, but was speechless.What would she say?Could it be that he is afraid that he will hold on?
Mo Shuyuan gave his daughter a hard look, then smiled and put vegetables into his bowl, saying in a flattering tone, "Young Master Leng, Wan'er is not sensible, eat more!"

Anger welled up in Mo Wan's heart. Seeing her father's flattering smile, her face darkened.Mo Shuyuan, Mo Shuyuan, what are you trying to please, you let him eat all the time, do you know that you will support the bad guys?

Leng Zhuo glanced at the subtle changes on her face, picked up the chopsticks calmly, and continued to eat.But he didn't take a few bites when he saw Mo Wan stick his chopsticks into his plate and start to pinch the dishes out.

Resisting the smile at the corner of his mouth, Leng Zhuo slowly put down his chopsticks, and finally stopped teasing her, "I'm full, eat slowly!" He stood up, turned and walked to the living room, turning on the TV.

Seeing him leave the dining table, Mo Wan finally breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled and lowered her head to eat in peace.

"Wan'er!" Seeing him leave, Mo Shuyuan immediately pulled his daughter over and began to lecture him in a low voice: "What's the matter with you, child? Is this how you treat your husband? If you always behave like this, this Mrs. Leng will His position has not been snatched away!"

"Dad!" Mo Wan lowered her face, stared at her father irritably, and rolled her eyes, "What are you talking about? I have always been like this, from childhood to adulthood, and I can't change it, and I don't want to change it!"

"Oh, you child..." Mo Shuyuan choked on her words, and his face turned ugly with anger.

"Dad, don't keep talking about sister!" Mo Lin suddenly said, helping her sister to speak.

Seeing the siblings exhale from one nostril, Mo Shuyuan snorted coldly and stopped talking.When these children grow up, they no longer listen to their parents.

Mo Wan raised her head with a smile, winked at her younger brother, and caught a shrimp for him. The siblings looked at each other and smiled.A lot of words don't need to be explained, they can understand each other with just one look.

Seeing his father's drooping face, Mo Wan sighed, picked up a chicken wing, put it in his bowl, and leaned towards him, "Dad, you don't have to worry about me! Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will take good care of you."

Mo Shuyuan was originally worried about his daughter, thinking about what he owed the children before, he felt uncomfortable.Hearing what his daughter said now, his heart warmed up, and his eyes filled with a smile: "Father knows that you are a filial and good boy!"

The father and daughter talked and laughed like this, and the previous atmosphere eased. Mo Wan happily ate the New Year's Eve dinner, his eyes drifted from time to time to the man sitting on the sofa, his mood went up and down.

Strictly speaking, she should be angry with him, but on a day like tonight, she really didn't expect him to come back for dinner on time.And it means a lot to her. She has always wanted to have a reunion year. This year, she finally realized her wish for many years, and she feels really happy.

After dinner, the servants cleared the dining table, and Mo Lin was still like a child, happily watching TV programs.Until the doorbell of the villa rang, someone sent a lot of firecrackers and fireworks.

Mo Lin has been in poor health since he was a child, so he rarely touches these things during the Chinese New Year, and he develops a habit over time. Mo Wan will not buy these things during the Chinese New Year.

Looking at the dazzling array of fireworks and firecrackers in front of her, Mo Wan was a little dazed. She really hadn't thought of buying these things, so she couldn't help but look at her brother apologetically.

After seeing these things, Mo Lin couldn't help feeling a little curious. He walked around those fireworks with longing in his eyes.

"Put on your clothes, and I'll take you to set off the cannon!" Leng Zhuo smiled, looked at the excitement on Mo Lin's face, and said softly.

Mo Lin was stunned at first, but after realizing it, he immediately picked up his coat and quickly put it on, "Brother-in-law, let's go!" While speaking, he anxiously grabbed Leng Zhuo's arm and dragged him out.

"Xiao Lin!" Mo Wan was worried about his brother and called him casually.But Mo Lin's thoughts had already flown far away, how could he hear her exhortations.

Leng Zhuo paused, stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

Seeing him stepping out, Mo Wan's heart felt warm, and she couldn't help but smile when she looked at him.She pulled her father and stood by the window, looking at the fireworks rising in the courtyard, with a deep smile on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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