Chapter 141

In just a few seconds, the man had an extra trolley in his hand, and proudly pushed it in front of her.

"The car was found!" Leng Zhuo pushed the car in front of her, shrugged with a smile, and said in a provocative tone, "Isn't it very simple?"


Mo Wan's face immediately darkened, and her heart was burning with fierce anger. She gave him a hard look, how could she not swallow the breath in her heart?Why, she couldn't find the car after searching for a long time, but he just smiled and pushed the car back after saying a word. This was obviously a provocation, a provocation of Chi Guoguo!

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at her resentful face, Leng Zhuo didn't say anything, just pushed the car and walked forward, "Let's go shopping, I'm hungry."

Reluctantly following him, Mo Wan was very unconvinced and moved closer to him. She smiled and asked him, "Hey, what did you say to that aunt just now?"

"You want to know?" Leng Zhuo raised his eyebrows to look at her, glanced at the fruits on the shelf in front of him, raised his chin, and said, "I want to eat oranges, I'll go buy them first, and I'll tell you when I come back!"

Seeing his hateful face, Mo Wan forced herself to suppress her anger. With a gloomy face, she picked up the shopping bag and went to the shelf to pick oranges.This season, oranges are sweet, refreshing and delicious, so many people buy them.

Mo Wan huddled in the crowd, patiently choosing one by one. When she was doing something, she had a very serious expression, her red lips were slightly pouted, and her face was peaceful.

Standing at the periphery of the crowd, Leng Zhuo watched her movements, feeling peaceful in his heart. The emptiness and loneliness in his heart for a long time were filled by her peace at this moment.This feeling is really good, he likes it very much!

After choosing the oranges, Mo Wan lined up again to weigh the price, and then walked back to him with the spoils.Putting the bag into the car, she still didn't forget the question just now, "I bought oranges, tell me quickly!"

Leng Yan looked at her with a smile, lowered his head, and whispered in her ear, "It's actually very simple. I told that aunt that I brought my wife to buy things and asked her if she could let me have a car."

"Ah?" Mo Wan looked at him in disbelief, thinking that this was too easy, "Really?"

Leng Luo nodded, his expression was innocent, his deep eyes were clear, and he didn't seem to be lying at all.

Now, Mo Wan drooped her head, speechless.Well, it seems that men are good-looking, that is, they can have advantages no matter where they are!
Seeing her discouraged little face, the corners of Leng Zhuo's mouth could not restrain the slight sway, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, pressed his thin lips against her ear, and said with a smile: "I just said something!"

"What?" Mo Wan turned her head and stared at him, but because the two were too close, they were almost facing each other.

Leng Zhuo lowered his head slightly, and pressed against the tip of her nose. He hooked meagerly, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, "I also said that if I can't find the car, my wife will be sad! So my aunt praised me for loving my wife, so I took the car away." Give it to me!"

His scorching breath sprayed over, instantly making Mo Wan blush, she lowered her head in panic, her cheeks were burning like fire.

Mo Wan kept walking forward with her head down, her heart was beating wildly, with an indescribable throbbing.She couldn't tell what it was like, but she felt very warm in her heart, with a touch of sweetness.

Mo Wan walked forward on her own, because she lowered her head, she didn't look at the road, and she bumped into someone, and immediately made her take a step back, stepped on something slippery, and her body fell backwards go down.

Before the exclamation in her mouth could be uttered, she felt a tightness around her waist, and someone had already wrapped her waist and brought her into his arms.The familiar temperature and familiar smell made her feel at ease.

"Slow down, what are you running for?" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to support her waist, pulled her in front of him, held her in his arms, and led her forward together.

Mo Wan was placed in front of him and couldn't move. His strong arms were placed on both sides of the cart, making her back close to his chest. Although the clothes were separated, the heat could still be transmitted. When she came over, she blushed slightly, but she didn't struggle.

When walking to the seafood section, Leng Zhuo saw the fish on the crushed ice, pointed at it casually, and said, "The fish you cook is delicious!"

Seeing that he was about to reach for the fish, Mo Wan looked at it, took his hand, and shook her head: "That one is not fresh, and the fish's eyes are not bright enough." While speaking, she changed hands and chose a fresh mandarin fish, put it in in the bag.

Pushing the cart and continuing to move forward, Mo Wan felt that the man's eyes had been staring at her. She turned to look at him in confusion, and asked with a frown, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Leng Yan raised her chin with his hand, looked at her eyes seriously, and looked again and again: "Well, your eyes are very bright, it seems that I chose not bad!"

"Cold wash!" Mo Wan was furious, gritted her teeth and growled.Did he compare her to a fish by saying that?Hateful!
The man smiled innocently, his handsome face softened, "I'm telling the truth!"

Well, Mo Wan tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart. She knew that if she tried to reason with this man, she would never be able to speak to him, so she didn't bother to waste her words!
Staring at her angry little face, and smiling coldly, he enjoyed the feeling of arguing with her very much, it made him feel good and comfortable.

The crowd in front was crowded, everyone was smiling, and there were red Chinese knots everywhere. The festive atmosphere was very contagious.

The two of them pushed the car forward, when the man behind him suddenly stopped, his eyes glanced at the opposite freezer, he put his handsome face on Mo Wan's shoulder, and lowered his voice, "I want tofu."

Hearing what he said in a cold voice, Mo Wan couldn't help but look at the freezer in front, where there was a whole box of tofu, and pushed the cart over there.

Leng Zhuo followed her closely, wrapped his arms around her waist, pressed his thin lips against her earlobe, and said, "I want tofu!" While speaking, he stretched out his hand and pinched her buttocks, The elastic touch made him smile.

Mo Wan's bending over suddenly froze, and she felt the big messy hand on her butt, which only made her cheeks burn, and her ears became red.She quickly looked around, feeling flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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