Chapter 146

Mo Wan finished speaking in one breath, pouring out the most sincere thoughts in her heart.Although she didn't know how much Huo Shaonan could listen to, she felt that as a friend, she had to fulfill her responsibility, so she could only persuade patiently, hoping that the matter would stop here and not continue!
"Take care of the family, I'm leaving first." Mo Wan suppressed the worry in her heart, her tone softened, she turned and went downstairs without saying anything more.

Looking at her gradually walking away, the expression on Huo Shaonan's face fluctuated, his deep eyes felt a chill, and the sharpness that burst out made people feel dangerous.

Wan'er, since when did her heart start to favor him?Have you forgotten what we said at the beginning?Don't talk about breaking up, in this life, I won't, and I can't, let go of your hand!
After coming out of the hospital, Mo Wan felt a little lonely. Although she didn't know the whole truth of the matter, she could vaguely guess from the painful expression of the last time.

The grievances between the Huo family and him may not be something that can be resolved in a few words.Now she only hopes that with her here, she can try her best to resolve it and minimize the damage to each other.

Taking a taxi back to the villa, Mo Wan sat in the bedroom for the whole afternoon after having lunch.It wasn't until the evening when Leng Zhuo drove back to the villa that she adjusted her absence and showed no abnormalities.

I'm going to attend a private banquet with him tonight. Although the scene is not big, the guests are all famous people after all.She looked in the mirror, found a curling iron, and brushed her hair.

Her hair is of good quality, and usually doesn't need to be trimmed specially, but tonight's occasion is important, so she tidied herself carefully, not wanting to embarrass him.

The long wavy hair is soft and soft. Mo Wan rolled up the tail of the long hair with enamel hairpins and heated it slightly, so that the ends of the hair will be more smooth and sticky.

When Leng Yan walked into the bedroom, she was only seen sitting in front of the vanity mirror, fiddling with her hair with hairpins.It's rare to see her sitting in front of the makeup mirror and doing her makeup. Seeing her so suddenly is really eye-catching.

Taking off the coat on her body, Leng Zhuo walked over and stood behind her.He raised his eyebrows and stared at her softly.

Mo Wan was concentrating on fiddling with her hair. When she raised her head, she suddenly saw a figure, which startled her. The hairpin in her hand was out of position, and unfortunately caught on her finger.

"Ah!" Mo Wan yelled in pain, loosened his right hand, and the hairpin fell to the ground.

Seeing her clutching her fingers, Leng Zhuo immediately realized something was wrong, he hastily squatted down and checked carefully: "Where is the burn?"

The ring finger of his left hand was burning hot, Mo Wan pouted and showed him the red finger, "Here, it hurts to death!"

Glancing at her red fingers, with a cold face, he pulled her up and walked into the bathroom.Rinsing her red-hot fingers under cold water, his pretty sword eyebrows frowned: "You can just call someone to do these things, why do it yourself? You are clumsy, don't you even know?"

Originally, he was a little moved by his worry about his fingers, but after hearing his reprimand, Mo Wan immediately became angry, and her small face turned pale with anger.

"Hey! You really know how to shirk responsibility. If you hadn't stood behind me to scare me, would I have burned my hands?" Mo Wan wanted to retract her fingers, but he held her tighter and kept giving her cold water.

Leng Zhuo looked sideways, looked at her puffy little face, and smiled with her lips pursed.After turning off the cold water, he dragged the person to the sofa and sat down, then went to get the medicine box and found out the burn ointment.

Rub the transparent ointment on her ring finger, and gently wash it, and don't forget to blow gently to relieve her pain.

Mo Wan was pinned on the sofa by him, unable to move. Seeing him carefully rubbing the medicine on herself, the dissatisfaction in his heart gradually dissipated.After rubbing the ointment on the fingers, the pain disappeared immediately, and it was very cool and comfortable.

"Does it still hurt?" After applying the ointment, Leng Zhuo looked up at her with gentle eyes.

Mo Wan smiled, blinked her black eyes, and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, this ointment is very effective."

Seeing the redness of her fingers fade slowly, Leng Zhuo felt relieved, he loosened his collar and walked to the bathroom, while walking, he said: "Go choose a dress, don't reveal too much!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already walked into the bathroom. Mo Wan listened to his orders and curled his lips unhappily.He chose the dresses for the first two times, okay?That revealing style is not her favorite style at all, and now she is here to remind her not to be too revealing?Please, young master, even if you ask her to wear Lu's clothes, she won't even wear them!
Although she thought so in her heart, Mo Wan stood up obediently, walked to the wardrobe and began to choose a dress.She scanned the astonishingly expensive dresses and picked out a long purple dress.

At this time of year, the temperature at night is still not high.She was afraid of freezing, so she chose this dress with a small shirt outside, just to keep warm.

She stood in front of the mirror and began to change clothes. She put on the long skirt. There was a slender zipper on the right side. Her left hand was injured and she didn't dare to use force. She could only use her right hand to pull it.

Leng Yan pushed open the bathroom door and came out, seeing her struggling to hook the zipper, she couldn't help laughing.He walked over quickly, put his hand around her fingers, and with a light pull, the zipper was closed effortlessly.

The man's cool fingers slid across the skin around her waist. Mo Wan looked at his face in the mirror, saw him staring straight at her, and hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look into his eyes.

Seeing her lowering her head in embarrassment, and smiling coldly, he didn't make it difficult for her. He walked to the closet, chose a black suit, dressed neatly, and then led her out of the bedroom.

Before going out, Leng Zhuo specially brought down a mink coat for her to put on. After seeing that she was warm enough, he took her hand, got into the driver's car, and left the villa.

When she came outside the 1928 clubhouse, Mo Wan was a little dazed. She had been to this private clubhouse before and was locked up for one night. Looking back now, it still scares her.

He walked into the clubhouse holding her hand, noticed the change in her expression, Leng Zhuo immediately understood, he put his arms around her waist, and led her inside.

Because tonight is a private banquet, although there are many celebrities present, the security work on the scene is very good. Those visiting reporters are blocked outside and are not allowed to enter to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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