Chapter 15

The temperature difference at night is huge, and when talking, the air condenses into white mist.

"I have some materials for simultaneous interpretation for you, but they are all in the suitcase, and they will be delivered to you tomorrow." Huo Shaonan reached out and tightened her collar, seeing that her little nose was red from the cold, and her pretty sword eyebrows frowned.

"Okay!" The information brought back from abroad must be useful, Mo Wan nodded gratefully.

There was warmth around her neck, Mo Wan watched him take off his scarf and wrap it around her neck, "It's so cold, you're wearing so little!"

The black and white plaid scarf, carrying his body temperature, penetrated directly into the bottom of Mo Wan's heart. Her eyes became hot, and she lowered her head with a blushing face.

At the corner of the dormitory, Tang Yan, who came back late, watched this scene from a distance, his face darkened.The cold light in her eyes flashed away, she turned and went straight back to the dormitory.It turns out that the seemingly harmless woman is the one who hides the deepest and the most vicious!
The outside of the dormitory building was quiet and silent. Mo Wan lowered her eyes, stroked the scarf around her neck with her fingers, and secretly smiled.

Seeing that she kept her head down and didn't speak, Huo Shaonan smiled and said softly: "Come up, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay." Mo Wan looked up at him, her dark eyes were pure and shining, and the brilliance in her eyes was like the stars in the sky.

Huo Shaonan was stunned, his heart suddenly felt hot, and he subconsciously said: "Wan'er..."

Mo Wan ran two steps forward, heard his voice, stopped in place, and looked back.The dim yellow light from the street lamps shone on her delicate cheeks, making her beautiful and soul-stirring.

"Good night!" Huo Shaonan held back the turmoil of his heart, curled his lips and smiled softly, his handsome face was full of tenderness.

Mo Wan didn't notice the change in his mood, she just smiled brightly, said good night, then turned and ran upstairs.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Huo Shaonan put away his lingering eyes, and his thin lips were filled with a smile.Waner, you have finally grown up...

The morning sun was shining brightly, Mo Wan woke up in a good mood, and went to the library to find materials early in the morning.The school announced the exam arrangement, and almost all the students stayed in the dormitory to review and prepare for the exam.

For the exam, Mo Wan was confident, and she had already begun to collect information to prepare for the final thesis in advance.

There were many people in the library, and Mo Wan sat at the long desk, looking down at the book in her hand.The letters between the lines seemed to have smiling faces, which made her secretly laugh involuntarily.As long as she thinks of Huo Shaonan's face, her heart throbs.

In the past few years, he had studied abroad, and only returned to China for a short period of time during the Chinese New Year. That was the happiest time of the year for her, and she was satisfied from the bottom of her heart.

The phone in her pocket "buzzed" and vibrated, Mo Wan quickly took it out, looked at the display on it, smiled, stood up with the book in her arms, and ran out of the library.

"Wan'er..." On the phone, the man's voice was as gentle as ever, "Have you eaten yet?"

Mo Wan held the phone in her hand, her cheeks flushed slightly, "Not yet."

Huo Shaonan was holding the phone, his handsome face was full of smiles, he laughed lowly, and said in a low voice: "Go to dinner first, I have a meeting here, so I can go to you in the evening!"

"That's it..." A look of disappointment flashed across Mo Wan's face, and she said in a low voice, "Okay, see you tonight."

After hanging up the phone, she frowned, turned and walked to the cafeteria.There were a lot of people eating at noon, she never chose to eat, she just ate some casually and went back to the dormitory.

Throughout the afternoon, Mo Wan sat quietly at the desk with a book in her hand, but she never read it.Full of thoughts and don't know where to wander.Looking up and seeing the iron box with peeling paint, she raised her hand to caress it, with a curved smile on the corner of her mouth.

How good would it be if it could always be like this?

The afternoon passed quickly, and Mo Wan finished his dinner, feeling listless.She took out her phone and looked at it many times, her disappointment could not be concealed on her small face.

Staring down at the book in her hand, Mo Wan forced herself to concentrate, the phone on the table rang suddenly, she grabbed the phone, her expression became excited, "Hello!"

"Have you eaten yet?" The man was wearing a bluetooth headset on his ears, holding the steering wheel with his fingers, and his eyes were deep.

Mo Wan smiled without a trace, and said softly, "I've eaten."

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." Huo Shaonan hung up the phone with a smile, and stepped on the accelerator instantly.He raised his hand to rub the sore brows, his face with deep features was full of tenderness.

Putting down her phone, Mo Wan cheerfully put on her down jacket and ran downstairs quickly.In the dark night, the woman's slender back stands. She stands on the steps of the dormitory building, standing on tiptoe from time to time, looking at the light ahead.

The weather was cold at night, Mo Wan stood for a while, feeling cold hands and feet.She glanced at the flower bed next to the steps and stepped on it.

The side of the flower bed that is not wide can only accommodate the width of one foot. She stands on the edge of the flower bed with one foot and spreads her arms, trying to keep her body balanced.This feeling is like walking on a balance beam, which may fall off at any time, but you don't want to give up easily!
The black Bentley car drove up steadily, Huo Shaonan was sitting in the car, and from a distance, he could see a white figure in front of him, walking unsteadily on the edge of the flower bed.

Slowing down the car, he smiled and turned off the engine, gently opened the door, and walked over.

With her arms dangling, Mo Wan looked down at her feet, suddenly her center of gravity became unstable, her left foot tilted, and she was about to fall.

"Look forward!" A familiar voice suddenly came from beside her, Mo Wan's waist tightened, and someone reached out to support her.

"You're here." Seeing him coming, Mo Wan smiled sweetly, her dark eyes sparkling.

Huo Shaonan looked at her, from such a distance, he could clearly see her long eyelashes flickering, casting a shadow on the eyelids.

Embarrassed by him, Mo Wan struggled to get down, but was stopped by him, "Let's go, I'll watch you!"

The deep magnetic voice rang in her ears, and she only felt a warm current rushing through her body. His words only made her feel at ease.

Opening her arms again, Mo Wan raised her head, raised her face, and walked out along the flower bed step by step.His breath surrounded the surroundings, and that kind of peace of mind penetrated into her heart bit by bit, driving away all the obscurity in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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