Chapter 151

Jing Yue's eyes flickered, and she raised her eyebrows to look in their direction. She stared at the man's face, and she always felt as if she had seen it there before, but she couldn't remember it.

Huo Shaonan stood with his back to her, so Jing Yue couldn't see the expression on his face, but from his stiff back, she could still feel the difference in him.

Not long after, the two talking in the garden separated, and the man quickly left the villa and drove away.And Huo Shaonan also turned around and walked into the house.

Jing Yue's eyes sank, she turned and walked back to the bedroom, and quickly went to the bathroom to wash up.After tidying herself up, she walked downstairs, and saw Huo Shaonan sitting in the dining room with a newspaper in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

"Morning!" Jing Yue suppressed the strange look on her face, walked up to him and sat down with a smile on her face.

"Morning!" Seeing her coming down, Huo Shaonan put down the newspaper in his hand, with a smile on his lips, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Jing Yue nodded, reached out to spread jam on the toasted toast, and handed it to him, "It's pretty good."

After receiving the toast from her, Huo Shaonan still had a gentle smile on his mouth. He lowered his head and ate in silence without saying anything.

"Shaonan..." Looking at his silence, Jing Yue couldn't hold back anymore, and asked him worriedly: "Who is the person you met this morning?"

The movements of Huo Shaonan's hands paused for a moment, and then returned to normal: "It's nothing, the company's people."

Listening to his perfunctory words, Jing Yue's face darkened, she understood that things were not as simple as he said.Now that his mother-in-law is living in the hospital, what happened before and after the Huo family has already pushed him into a hurry, not to mention, there is also the reason of Mo Wan.

She understood what he couldn't let go of, but she could do nothing but pretend she didn't know.When he couldn't see, a person shed tears!

"Shaonan!" Jing Yue suddenly reached out, took his hand, and clenched it tightly: "I know you feel uncomfortable, but now the Huo family needs your support, you must not have any accidents!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Huo Shaonan looked at her with raised eyebrows, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he withdrew his hand, his face darkened.

Looking at his face, Jing Yue felt mixed feelings in her heart. Even though Grandpa loved her, she couldn't always let her mess around.This marriage was chosen by herself, she could not ask the Jing family to spoil her unconditionally, after all, she was the one who married Huo Shaonan, not the Jing family.

Huo Shaonan's eyes were absent-minded for a moment. After calming down the strangeness in his heart, he immediately stood up when he saw her eclipsed expression, leaned over and kissed her on the face, and his tone was deliberately gentle: "I'll pick you up tonight, let's go out eat?"

His lips brushed against her cheek, but there was nothing but ice-coldness.A deep stabbing pain flashed across Jing Yue's eyes, but she still pretended to smile, and the corners of her mouth were full of tenderness: "Okay, listen to you."

Huo Shaonan nodded with a smile, then turned around and walked out of the restaurant without looking back. He picked up the car keys and drove away from the villa quickly.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared that the tears in Jing Yue's eyes rolled down quietly.It was like this every time. When he left, he never looked back. Even if it was only once, he could see the tears in her eyes and the sadness in her heart.

Shaunan, am I wrong?But I don't regret it, and I will never regret it!

After breakfast, Leng Yan drove her to the outside of the Tia Group. After watching her walk in, he smiled and drove the car away to go to work in the company.

Mo Wan has performed very well in the company recently, and there is no omission in the business. The supervisor praised her a lot and even hinted to her that after her probationary period is over, she can be promoted and raise her salary.

For this, Mo Wan just smiled lightly. She doesn't value appreciation and salary increase. She works very hard just because she wants to learn more knowledge, and it's her own job. She should do well and is duty bound.

During the lunch break, Mo Wan didn't have lunch, but ran to the commercial street, busy picking out gifts.Yesterday was Leng Zhuo's birthday, although he ate her up as a gift, but she still felt something was missing in her heart.So take advantage of the lunch break and come here to choose gifts.

He seemed to like the shirt he bought for him last time, and he always watched him wear it and not take it off.Mo Wan secretly smiled, thinking that since he likes it, let's buy him two more.

When I came to the men's clothing flagship store last time, the sales lady saw her coming, and immediately opened the door for her enthusiastically and invited her in.At first, Mo Wan didn't understand why the clerk was so enthusiastic. She dressed casually. Because of going to work, she refused those famous brands, and the clothes on her body were almost all popular brands.

It wasn't until later when she was about to leave that Mo Wan suddenly realized why those influential sales girls treated her more courteously. It turned out that it was because of the lv leather bag she was carrying.

Although she doesn't understand, it doesn't mean those people don't understand.Who would despise her when they saw a bag worth hundreds of thousands?
Mo Wan looked down at her satchel, and couldn't help shaking her head. When she was using it, she just felt that the color of the bag was dark and unremarkable. It was quite large and could hold a lot of things, so she used it.But I don't want it to be just a bag, but it can divide people into three, six, and nine classes!

When Mo Wan walked into the store, the sales lady took her to pick it out very attentively, and the ones brought out for her were all new styles of the season, and the prices were very expensive.She looked at the price, although her flesh hurt, but when she thought of the shirt he was always looking for her to buy when he stood in front of the closet in the morning, the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled into a smile.

Since getting married, I have received many gifts from him, each of which is very expensive.So she has nothing to give back, she just bought two shirts, the more expensive it is, the more expensive it is!

I chose two shirts, one white and one sea blue, which fit the atmosphere of early spring.She didn't like seeing him in black all the time, but he looked good in other colors too.

"Only these two." Mo Wan took the selected clothes to the cashier and was about to swipe her card. She glanced inadvertently, and happened to see a pair of cufflinks in the cupboard on one side, gilded black cufflinks, The color is generous, delicate and gorgeous.

Mo Wan walked to the cabinet and stared down at the pair of cufflinks, thinking that they matched him well and would look good on him.

"Miss, you have a good eye!" The sales lady stood beside her, and hurriedly began to introduce: "This pair of cufflinks is a limited edition, and now there are only two sets left in the world. A lady came to order yesterday. This morning The goods just arrived, now this is the only pair!"

(End of this chapter)

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