Chapter 162

The man turned his head unhappily, looked at her with dark eyes, and said sharply, "Are you perfunctory?"

Mo Wan didn't dare to speak, and hurriedly lowered her head, she secretly let out a breath, thinking that she was just perfunctory him?Outside the company's gate, she didn't dare to make a mistake. If someone really saw it and spread it in the company, then she would really die!

"That..." After taking a breath, Mo Wan knew that it was impossible for him to let him go, so she had to find a way to work around: "Can I count it as what I owe you? Go home to replenish you at night?"

"How to make it up?" Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, with an evil light flashing in his eyes, he is a businessman, talking about business with a businessman, how can a simple little girl be an opponent?
Mo Wan's big black eyes rolled around, seeing the determination in the eyes of the man opposite, she could only sigh from the bottom of her heart.Forget it, she'd better accept her fate, if she bargained with him, the result might be even worse.

After taking a deep breath, Mo Wan figured it out, and said in a low voice: "It's up to you, is this okay?"

"So cute!" The man was finally satisfied, reached out to hold her face in his hands, and kissed her on the lips.This little girl has learned to be good now, knowing that resistance is futile, he has become docile, which really makes him like it.

Seeing the light in his eyes, Mo Wan immediately pouted, pulled his hand away angrily, opened the car door angrily, quickly got out of the car, and slammed the door shut angrily.

Seeing her walk in without looking back, Leng Zhuo smiled, not angry, but in a good mood.Thinking of returning home tonight, he can do whatever he wants, and his whole body is full of excitement.

Resisting the urge to drag her back and take her home to eat, he started the engine with a smile and drove to the company to work.

Walking into the lobby of the company, Mo Wan's steps were a little hasty. He was playing around with him just now and wasted a lot of time.She stood in front of the elevator, waiting for the red number to come down.


The elevator door opened, and Mo Wan walked in quickly. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, a hand suddenly came in: "Wait!"

Seeing someone running over, Mo Wan immediately reached out and pressed the door open button, and the elevator door opened again.

"Thank you!" The man who walked in didn't lift his head, his tall figure was straight.

Mo Wan nodded politely. When she raised her head and saw his face, the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly fixed.

The man lowered his head and stretched out his hands to straighten the wrinkled clothes on his body. Suddenly, he caught something out of the corner of his eyes. He suddenly raised his head. After seeing the person standing beside him, his handsome face was stupefied for a moment.

The space in the elevator was small, and Mo Wan had nowhere to hide. Seeing him and seeing herself now, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say hello: "Morning, President!"

Jing Chen looked at her reluctant expression, smiled slightly, and then said with usual expression: "Morning!"

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Mo Wan forced a smile, nodded at him, but his eyes inadvertently swept the red marks on his neck.

There are such dazzling and ambiguous marks on his neck, anyone who sees them will have bad associations, not to mention his previous behavior, which has already left an indelible impression in Mo Wan's heart.

Looking at him with a slight disgust in his eyes, Mo Wan bit his lip and stopped talking, just staring at the elevator numbers.After arriving at her floor, she immediately took big steps and left without looking back.

Seeing her leave without saying hello, Jing Chen was taken aback for a moment, the elevator door closed slowly, and the transparent mirror reflected the clear tooth marks on his neck.

Jing Chen's deep eyes sank, and then he raised his hand with a smile, and touched lightly on the tooth mark, which was a little tingling.

Leng Group, the CEO's office on the top floor.

In the huge office, the man sat at the desk, resting his chin with one hand, listening to the assistant's report: "President, the stock price of the Huo Group has been soaring recently. I have investigated it, and it was Huo Shaonan who secretly wooed the shareholders , wanting to take back the controlling stake.”

Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, Qingjun's face showed no expression at all, he reached out and tapped the table lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Let us release 5.00% of Huo's shares in our hands and let him buy them!"

The assistant's expression changed slightly, and he hesitated to say: "If so many are released, then the shares in his hand..."

"According to my words!" Leng Zhuo said suddenly, his usual domineering voice carried no doubt.

Seeing his displeasure, the assistant didn't dare to question him anymore, and immediately brought the document to him to sign, and then followed his instructions.

The golden Parker pen was twirling between his fingers, his eyes were cold and deep, he lowered his head, caressing the diamond tail ring in his left hand, the expression on his face suddenly became sullen.

He looked out of the window with a gloomy expression, and he didn't come back to his senses until the secretary opened the door and asked him about his noon arrangements.

He raised his watch and looked, what flashed in front of Leng Zhuo's eyes, her charming little face suddenly appeared, thinking about her appearance of walking away in the morning with a huff, the expression on her face softened, he pushed back the noon Socialize, pick up the car keys on the table, and drive away.

Sitting in the car, he smiled and wanted to surprise her by taking her to lunch.It's been so long since she went to work, and the two of them haven't had lunch together.

The whole morning was busy with work, Mo Wan finished translating the materials, and it was already lunch break, she was about to go downstairs to the staff cafeteria when she saw Si Yu walking towards her.

"Do you have time?" Si Yu walked up to her and asked her with a smile, "I want to talk to you."

After seeing her, Mo Wanqing couldn't help frowning. She originally wanted to refuse, but seeing her determination not to give up until she reached her goal, she nodded and said, "I have an hour."

Si Yu smiled gently, with a seemingly harmless expression on her face, she turned around and walked in front.Seeing her walking away, Mo Wan didn't say anything, just followed her outside.

Jing Chen came down in the elevator, and saw Si Yu's figure as soon as he got out of the elevator door. He was about to call her, but saw that Mo Wan was still following her, and immediately frowned.

How are the two of them together?Do they know each other?
Seeing the two of them walking away, Jing Chen just stood there blankly, not catching up, something flashed across his handsome face, which made his pretty sword eyebrows frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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