Chapter 170

"Si Yu!"

With blue veins on Leng Zhuo's forehead, he turned around suddenly, his black pupils were sullen, "You still dare to lie?" While speaking, he stretched out his hand again, as if to grab her neck.

The door of the bedroom was wide open, and the child inside was crying and ran over. She didn't know how long she had been peeking at it, her little face was flushed from crying, and the tears rolled down, soaking the front of her clothes.

Si Yao cried out sharply, her small body ran over from the door, ran directly to Si Yu's side, put her arms around her neck tightly, and shouted in fear: "Don't hit my mommy, Don't hit my mommy!"

The outstretched fingers stopped suddenly, Leng Zhuo looked at the little girl running over, his eyes pierced, and many childhood images appeared in his mind.At that time, he was also like this, stretched out his short arms, hugged his mother's neck tightly, and cried, "Don't bully my mother!"

At this moment, his cold heart trembled slightly, and the memories of the past made him dim in an instant.

At the moment when he was in a daze, Si Yao stretched out her small hand and pushed him with all her strength, her red eyes stared at him bitterly, "You are a villain, you bully Mommy, I don't want you to be my daddy Already!"

"Yaoyao!" Si Yu stretched out her hand to pull the child into her arms, and wiped away her tears: "Don't talk nonsense, Daddy didn't hit Mommy, Mommy fell down by herself!"

"Woooo..." Si Yao shook her head and kept crying, "Mummy is lying, Yaoyao saw that it was Daddy who threw you on the ground, and saw Daddy pinch Mommy's neck, so Mommy just dying!"

"Mommy!" The child hugged her neck hard, his small body kept shaking, "Mommy can't die, can't die! Woooo..."

Si Yu sat on the ground and couldn't get up, the child kept shaking in her arms, her heart tightened up and down, and she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe.Although she has been ill these years, she has devoted herself to taking care of the child. She has never seen a child scared like this.

Seeing the child's pale face with fright, Si Yu's heart ached so badly that her tears flowed down her cheeks, and she was so uncomfortable holding her that she couldn't speak.

Leng Zhuo was pushed by the child, completely unprepared, and was pushed away by her two steps. He fixedly looked at the child's crying face, his gloomy expression flickered, but he didn't make any further moves.

In any case, this child is still very young, only four years old.Such a young child should be innocent and innocent, and should be happy!

"Be good, Yaoyao, don't be afraid, Mommy is here!" Si Yu sat on the ground with her arms around the child, with a sad expression on her face, she reached out and kept stroking the child's back, trying to calm her down.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch, his face was very ugly, he bent down, and just about to speak, he saw the child's terrified face, staring straight at her, choked up and said: "Daddy is bad, Yaoyao doesn't want daddy!" landed!"

"Yaoyao!" Si Yu immediately frowned, her voice became sharp, she looked down at the child in her arms, and said sternly, "Don't say such things!"

The child was frightened by her, and immediately shrank into her arms. He didn't dare to look up or speak, but just grabbed her clothes tightly with both hands, pursed his mouth, and didn't dare to cry when he wanted to cry!

Ever since she was a child, she has never seen Mummy so angry and talking to her so loudly!
The cold and sharp eyes slowly softened, he glanced at the child's drooping head, and stared at Si Yu sharply from the corner of his eyes: "Si Yu, if you let me know that you dare to lie to me, I will kill everyone in the Si family." Throw it into the sea!"

"I will do what I say!" Leng Zhuo squinted his eyes, his face was ruthless and hazy, the murderous look in his eyes only made Si Yu shiver all over his body, and the chill shot from the top of his head to his feet .

After saying these words, Leng Zhuo stood up, strode out, and never looked back at them again.

When I drove back to the villa, it was already late at night. Leng Zhuo turned off the car, opened the door and got out of the car. He didn't enter the villa as anxiously as in the past, but stood by the door, crossed his arms and looked up at the night sky .

It would be a lie to say that what happened tonight did not shock him at all!With such a living child in front of him, even he couldn't help but be amazed!If all these things are as Si Yu said, how will he deal with them?

Sighing heavily, Leng Zhuo stood alone for a long time. He turned his head to look at the bedroom on the second floor, lost in thought.After a while, he calmed down the strangeness in his heart, and walked in.

Gently pushing open the door of the master bedroom, a small orange light was on in the room.He raised his eyebrows and swept over, only to see the person lying on the bed curled up into a ball.

Stepping to the side of the bed, Leng Zhuo bent down and stared at the sleeping person on the bed, his pretty sword eyebrows frowned, turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Hearing the sound of running water in the bathroom, Mo Wan slowly opened her eyes. In fact, she had already heard him from the moment he drove back to the courtyard, listening to him stepping upstairs, listening to him pushing open the door and walking in , she deliberately closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but she didn't want to talk to him.

Mo Wan opened her eyes and scanned, and seeing the shadow coming from the transparent bathroom, she couldn't help but give him a hard look, then turned over and turned her face out of the window.

The man came out of the shower quickly. He wiped his hair with a dry towel, then walked to the bed, lifted the quilt and went to bed.

Seeing her with her back facing him, Leng Zhuo curled her lips slightly, smiled and stretched out her hand to pull the person around her back, forcing her to face him domineeringly.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, looking at her trembling eyelids, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He knew that she was pretending to be asleep on purpose, but he didn't want to expose it, he just wanted to hug her quietly like this.

Mo Wan closed her eyes tightly, and was suddenly embraced by him. She wanted to struggle, but she was afraid of being discovered by him, so she could only resist the urge to push him away.His embrace was warm, and the faint smell of cologne on his body made her addicted. She snuggled into his embrace, smelling the scent of his body fragrance, which made her tense body soften.

The delicate body in his arms slowly relaxed, and he pursed his lips into a cold smile. He lowered his head, but he didn't want to see the wound on the corner of her mouth, the clear tooth marks, accusing him of how excessive his behavior was not long ago!

(End of this chapter)

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