Chapter 172

Leng Zhuo was attracted by her coquettish look, stared at her straightly, and couldn't look away, especially when he saw her snow-white white teeth nibbling her lips lightly, he immediately let him try his best to control his will. force, collapsed.


Seeing his instant hot eyes, Mo Wan immediately realized something was wrong, but before she could move, he picked her up, carried her on his shoulders, and led her into the villa.

"What are you going to do?" Mo Wan was terrified, her head flushed with blood, and she immediately felt dizzy.

Leng Zhuo easily carried her on his shoulders, raised his hand and patted her upturned little butt, his voice was obviously hoarse: "Sleep!"

"Don't!" Mo Wan was shocked, her legs kept kicking, she tried her best to resist: "I don't want to sleep, I have to go to work, let me down!"

Oh my god, this pervert is angry. If she is taken back to the bedroom by him, will she still have a chance to survive?
Leng Yan carried her all the way back to the villa. The servants covered their mouths and laughed as they watched the situation, pretending not to see it.Seeing everyone's indifferent attitude, Mo Wan felt chills in his heart!

It's over, this time it's really over!
The door of the bedroom was closed with a "bang", and the man threw her on the big bed with his backhand. With a smile on his handsome face, he reached out and unbuttoned the shirt one by one, his eyes tightly grasping the prey in front of him.

Mo Wan panicked, picked up a pillow and hugged it in her arms, trying to resist.Seeing his approaching figure, she tried to arouse his reason: "Well, don't you go to work in the company?"

"No!" Leng Yan took off his shirt, raised his hand and threw it on the ground, and then began to unbutton his belt.

"Woooo..." Seeing his action, Mo Wan really felt fear. She pursed her lips aggrievedly, planning to use tears as a tactic, "I was wrong, can you let me go?"

The man revealed his strong body, turned over and pressed her under him, pulled out the pillow she was holding in his arms, and threw it on the ground, "Wrong? I only admit my mistake now, it's too late! See how I deal with you?"

After the words fell, the man suddenly lowered his head, sealed her lips tightly, and swallowed all her voice into his stomach.Until the sunset, the man's energy was still strong, and he tried his best to let her know the consequences of daring to provoke him!
When the sun was setting, Mo Wan's whole body was paralyzed and there was still a breath left. She fell asleep in a daze, wanting to cry without tears. Only now did she understand that if she dared to provoke a man with great energy, the end would be very miserable. drop!

The black car stopped outside a villa. The driver opened the door and respectfully asked the people inside to get out of the car.

Si Yu took her daughter home, and the child had just walked through the gate when she saw the person standing in the entrance and immediately ran over screaming: "Grandma, Yaoyao is back!"

When Mother Si saw her daughter and granddaughter coming back, her face was full of smiles. She walked out a few steps and hugged the child who flew over, "Baby, do you miss grandma?"

"Think, Yaoyao is thinking about it!" Si Yao threw herself into grandma's arms and began to act like a spoiled child, wrapping her small arms around her neck, smiling sweetly.

Greeting their mother and daughter into the house, Mama Si asked someone to bring the prepared fruit, with her granddaughter in her arms, with a smile on her face: "Yaoyao is so good, grandma misses you!"

Bringing the washed strawberries over, Mother Si hugged the child and looked at the daughter next to her. Seeing that her face was not looking well, she immediately asked with concern: "Xiaoyu, are you feeling well?"

"No." Si Yu turned to look at her mother, smiled and shook her head, but her face was really ugly.

Seeing her appearance, Mother Si's expression changed, she lowered her head and said to her granddaughter, "Yaoyao, grandma bought you a new toy, how about going to play by yourself?"

"Okay!" Si Yao picked up a strawberry and put it in her mouth, ran away with a smile, and took her to play with her servant.

"Tell Mom, what's the matter?" Si's mother took her daughter's hand and asked her worriedly.

Si Yu knew that she couldn't hide this from her family, so she could only tell Leng Zhuo the whole story of her child's life experience.

"You child!" Si's mother became emotional all of a sudden, her face turned pale: "Why didn't you discuss such an important matter with Mom first!"

"Mom!" Si Yu's face changed, and her pretty face was full of resentment: "I can't wait any longer, do you want me to watch him and that woman live in love? No, I will go crazy!"

"Xiaoyu!" Mother Si stretched out her hand to hold her daughter in her arms, feeling distressed: "Mom understands, mother understands! But..." Her complexion changed a few times, but she couldn't speak.

After a pause, Mother Si calmed down the panic in her heart, and asked her daughter carefully: "Then what did he say? Does he believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" Si Yu smiled miserably, tears flashed in her eyes: "He doesn't believe me at all!"

Looking up at her mother's face, Si Yu felt very sad, and was eager to confide in her: "But I'm not afraid, Yaoyao is his biological daughter!"

Hearing this, a look of panic quickly flashed across Mama Si's face. She lowered her head to avoid her daughter's piercing gaze, "Xiaoyu, don't be sad!" Although she said this, her expression changed drastically.

Si Yu was very emotional, so she didn't notice her mother's weirdness. Looking at her daughter who was having fun, her eyes gradually became sore.Her daughter is still so young and needs a complete family, no matter what she does, she can't give up her favorite man to another woman?

"Mom!" Si Yu suppressed the hatred in her heart, turned her head to look at her mother, and said in a deep voice: "He asked someone to inform me that he will take Yaoyao to the hospital next Monday."

"What are you going to the hospital for?" Si's mother immediately became nervous, and even raised her voice.

Si Yu smiled faintly, and the look in her eyes darkened: "What else can I do, it must be a DNA test, he did the same to me last time!"

Hearing this, Mother Si's face turned pale, and she loosened her fingers tightly holding her daughter. If she went to the hospital for an examination, wouldn't all her painstaking efforts be wasted?
In the early morning when the breeze is blowing, the birds in the garden are chirping non-stop.The male protagonist slowly opened his eyes, looking at the bright light in the room, a little lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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