Chapter 180

After returning to the ward, Mo Wan walked in listlessly, and when she looked up, she saw her younger brother sitting on the sofa waiting for her. When she came back, he immediately stood up and took the food from her hand.

Sitting opposite her younger brother, Mo Wan ate the food mechanically, but she couldn't taste it. She was thinking about her own thoughts and was helpless.The relationship between Leng Zhuo and Huo's family is like water and fire. She always feels that there is some deep connection between them?But what is the connection? If she asked Leng Zhuo in person, would he tell him?

"Sister!" Mo Lin picked up a mouthful of food and ate it, and couldn't help frowning. The food here is not delicious, not as good as my sister's.

Suddenly hearing his younger brother's cry, Mo Wan came back to his senses and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Mo Lin looked at her sister and smiled embarrassedly: "I want to eat your cooking!"

Stretching out her hand to touch her brother's head, Mo Wan pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, "My sister has been too busy recently, so I haven't taken care of you. In a few days, my sister will cook something delicious and bring it to you!"

"Yeah!" Mo Lin nodded quickly, his eyes glowing, he lowered his head to take a few mouthfuls of rice, then suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, I saw brother Shaonan the other day and heard that Huo's mother was seriously ill! Sister, why do you think Huo's mother committed suicide suddenly?"

"Xiao Lin!" Mo Wan raised her voice suddenly, looking at her younger brother with a gloomy look in her eyes: "Don't ask too many questions about these things, and treat the illness with peace of mind, understand?"

It was rare for Mo Lin to see his sister talking to him like this, so he couldn't help being stunned, but seeing his sister's gloomy expression, he didn't dare to talk back, just lowered his head, and said in a muffled voice, "Got it."

Realizing that her attitude towards her younger brother was a little too much, Mo Wan frowned irritably, picked up a piece of ribs and put it in his bowl, and said softly, "Xiao Lin, my sister is doing it for your own good."

Mo Lin nodded, looked up at his sister's soft eyes, and immediately laughed. He also picked up a piece of ribs and put it in his sister's bowl, with concern on his face: "I know, my sister treats me the best. You should also eat more Come on, you've lost weight recently."

For her younger brother who is sensible, Mo Wan has always been very fond of her. She picked up the ribs and ate them with a smile on her cheeks.After taking a few bites, she suddenly thought of something and asked, "Is dad coming here often recently? Why can't I always see him?"

Mo Lin sighed, with a helpless expression on his face. He curled his lips and said truthfully: "Dad came here a few days ago, but he seems to have started gambling again recently. Every time he comes, he is miserable."

Hearing this, Mo Wan's face completely darkened, and he gritted his teeth angrily.This Mo Shuyuan, who just healed in a few days, started gambling again!Sure enough, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!
After dinner in the hospital, Mo Wan helped his younger brother pack up his things and chatted with him for a while before leaving the hospital.Coming down from the third floor, she glanced at the ward on the second floor, and saw that the lights were on, but it was very quiet.

Walking out of the gate of the hospital, Mo Wan took a taxi, looking thoughtful all the way.She stared out of the car window, only feeling that the lights of the city were bright, but the corners where the lights couldn't reach were still dark and dull, unable to melt into a ray of dawn.

This is like a human heart, even though she and Leng Zhuo are husband and wife, she still has a corner that she can't touch, she can't do anything, she can only watch as he shuts her out of his heart!

The taxi quickly drove outside the villa. Mo Wan paid the fare, opened the door and got out of the car.Standing in the courtyard, she looked up at the study on the second floor, and her eyes flickered when she saw the lights on inside.

Stepping into the house, she took off her coat, washed her hands, and went to the kitchen to make a cup of ginseng tea.

The light was on in the study, and Mo Wan walked to the door of the study with a plate in her hand, raised her hand and knocked on the door gently.

The man sitting in front of the desk raised his head when he heard the voice, his introverted eyes sank, and when he saw the person standing by the door, he smiled from his tightly pressed thin lips.

"Come here!" Leng Yan threw away the pen in his hand, smiled and waved to her.

Mo Wan smiled softly, stepped in, put the brewed ginseng tea by his hand, and stared straight at him with a pair of jet-black pupils.

Stretching out his hand to pull her into his arms, Leng Zhuo hugged her on his lap, his frown softened unconsciously: "Why did you come back so late?"

Mo Wan gave a soft "um", put her arms around his neck, and said in a low voice, "Sit with Xiao Linduo for a while, he's very lonely by himself."

Leng Zhuo raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand to brush away her loose hair, and said with a gentle expression, "Or transfer him to Yan Hao, where the conditions are better!"

"No more." Mo Wan shook her head, a trace of guilt flashed across her face: "I'm too busy these days, so I don't have much time to see him. He has been treated in this hospital, and the doctor is very familiar with his condition! "

"Alright then!" Seeing that her face was dark, Leng Zhuo didn't feel embarrassed, and respected her opinion very much.

The night outside the window was like water, Mo Wan sat in his arms, a handsome and charming face was reflected in her dark eyes, she couldn't help smiling, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Leng Zhuo really enjoyed her appearance as a small bird, he hugged him with one hand, and flipped through the documents in his hand with the other, with a very comfortable expression, and even relaxed the brows that had been deep just now.

Mo Wan stared at his side face in a daze, and suddenly a pale and haggard face flashed in front of her eyes, which made her shiver instantly, and her hands and feet felt a chill.

"What's the matter?" Feeling the small body trembling in his arms, he lowered his head with a sneer smile, and kissed her forehead unconsciously with his thin lips, his tone was very gentle.

Mo Wan sat up from his arms, a flash of hesitation flashed across her face, she thought about it, and said in a deep voice: "Today in the hospital, I saw Huo's mother rescue her, the situation is very dangerous!"

"Really?" Leng Zhuo's face changed, and a cold light flashed in his restrained eyes. With a gloomy face, he said in a cold voice: "She has a long life, and she still has to consume it after such a long time!"

The coldness emanating from his whole body caused Mo Wan's eyes to sting abruptly, and that handsome face had an evil light, as if it had brought him back to his previous appearance, and she couldn't help causing a wave of shock in her heart.

In her eyes, his sinister look seemed both familiar and strange, which made her heart contract for no reason, and she couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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