Chapter 182

Si Yu smiled in satisfaction, let go of the child in her arms, and pushed it in front of her, "Yaoyao has never stayed with her father since she was a child, so how can their father and daughter get close? Well, let Yaoyao come over on weekends Stay here for two days, let her develop a relationship with her father! Do you agree?"

Hearing her words, Mo Wan's face didn't change much. She looked at the child opposite, with a soft smile in the corner of her eyes, and calmly replied, "Of course!"

Hearing this, Si Yu pursed her lips and smiled lightly, a gloomy light was hidden in her seemingly gentle eyes.Now, she wants her daughter to get close to Leng Zhuo first, as long as he loves the child, many things will be different!
In the huge living room, one big and one small were sitting facing each other. The two looked at each other, but neither spoke.

Mo Wan looked at the child opposite with a smile, and saw that she was holding a plush toy teddy bear in her arms, sitting there nervously with a small face, she couldn't help but softly said: "Do you like teddy bears?"

Si Yao held her beloved toy tightly in her hands, but just blinked a pair of black eyes, staring at her, didn't speak, and didn't smile on her face.

Seeing that she didn't show any expression, Mo Wan couldn't help frowning. She remembered that when she saw the child for the first time, she loved to laugh and called her pretty auntie, but this time she didn't move at all. Don't say it?

"Yaoyao?" A doubt flashed in Mo Wan's heart, she tried to speak softly and called her softly.

Si Yao frowned, looked at her fiercely, pouted, and shouted: "Don't call me Yaoyao! Only my mommy can call me Yaoyao!"

The smile on the corner of her mouth froze suddenly, Mo Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at her, seeing her swollen little face, her heart was clear.The child is only four years old, and she has only met her twice, so she won't have such an attitude towards her out of nowhere. Someone must have said something to the child in advance, or taught her something, so that the child can behave like this to her disgust!
Mo Wan's thoughts moved slightly, she looked up and saw her small suitcase on the side of the coffee table, she walked over with a smile, and said softly, "Auntie will help you take the luggage up, okay?"

Her outstretched hand was pushed away by the child's resistance, Si Yao looked at her in horror, her face changed drastically: "No! Don't you touch my things, I want Daddy!"

Stretching her fingers in mid-air and stopping, Mo Wan looked down at her, her expression slowly becoming silent.Although she doesn't care about children, she can't force her to do anything when the child resists her so much.

There was the sound of a car in the courtyard, Si Yao turned her head and looked outside, only to see a man walking in from the courtyard.Her eyes moved, and she ran towards the approaching man.


As soon as Leng Zhuo stepped into the living room, he saw a small figure flying towards him. Before he could react, he instinctively stretched out his hand and took the child into his arms.

Si Yao opened her hands and hugged his neck tightly. Although she was a little afraid of her father, she had been looking at his photos since she was a child, so she naturally had a sense of intimacy with him.

Holding the child who ran over in his arms, he strode in coldly. When he saw Mo Wan who was standing stupidly, he immediately asked her in puzzlement, "What's going on?"

Mo Wan sighed slightly, and told him the whole story without hiding anything.

After hearing what she said, the cold and handsome face became silent. He took out his mobile phone and was about to call Si Yu, but the child in his arms hugged his arm, "Daddy, Yaoyao doesn't want to leave! Mommy said , Daddy loves Yaoyao very much, so Yaoyao also loves Daddy very much!"

Leng Yan's five fingers holding the phone paused, he lowered his head, looked at the child's pure eyes, and inexplicable emotions flashed in his heart.This child appeared too suddenly, and he wasn't prepared for it, but now that the child is in front of him, shouldn't he take on the responsibility of being a father and give her some fatherly love?

Thinking of this, he stopped trying to make a phone call, and couldn't help raising his head, looking at Mo Wan opposite him with a complicated look on his face.

Seeing the hesitation in his eyes, Mo Wan immediately smiled and said truthfully, "Let the child stay, it's just the weekend, I can take care of her."

Seeing her willingly agreeing, Leng Zhuo's frowning brows slowly loosened. He raised his hand to rub the child's head, and his tone softened: "Yaoyao, you have to listen to Auntie, you understand?"

Si Yao obviously frowned, blinking her big eyes at him, she was still afraid of him, so she didn't dare to refute, she just nodded nonuo: "I know."

Leng Zhuo smiled, the expression on his face softened, he raised his hand to put the child down, and let her sit beside him.Start talking to her in a low voice, ask her what she likes and dislikes, try to communicate with the child.

Mo Wan sat on the sofa, watching them quietly, with a slight smile on his face.Although the purpose of the child's coming here was carefully arranged by Si Yu, she did not object.Since it is his daughter, there is no harm in letting their father and daughter get closer.Do you want her child to be like her, who never enjoyed the warmth of a family in her childhood and regrets her whole life?

The news that Si Yu delivered the child was due to Mo Wan calling Leng Zhuo herself to let him go home.No one else should have known about it, but half an hour later, a black Ferrari drove into the courtyard of the house.

As soon as the car was turned off, Su Xiaoxiao pushed open the door, ran in impatiently, and shouted, "Where is the child, where is that child?"

She ran in hastily, and saw Leng Zhuo sitting on the sofa head-on, she was startled immediately, turned around and shrank behind Leng Yi who walked in, and lowered her voice: "Brother, sister-in-law!"

When Leng Zhuo saw her coming, he immediately frowned. He subconsciously looked at Mo Wan, and seeing that Mo Wan also looked puzzled, he couldn't help but glance at his brother sternly.

Leng Yi stretched out his hand to pull out the little girl hiding behind him, hugged him in his arms to protect him, saw his brother's sharp gaze, and there was no expression on his face, that look was called Leng!
In fact, he didn't want Su Xiaoxiao to come, but how do you know that Su Xiaoxiao has gossip skills and strong curiosity.If her wish is not fulfilled today, Leng Yi won't be able to live in peace for a few days, instead of suffering alone, it is better for everyone to suffer together!

(End of this chapter)

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