Chapter 19

In front of the sofa, Mo Shuyuan was holding the remote control in his hand, looking at the people in the picture, his whole face was full of smiles.He turned off the TV impatiently, picked up the car keys and went out.

Driving to Huo's, Mo Shuyuan reported his name at the front desk. After the secretary contacted him suspiciously, he took him to the general manager's office.

"Shaonan!" Pushing the door open and walking in, Mo Shuyuan said with a smile and a warm attitude.

Seeing him coming, Huo Shaonan hurriedly put down the phone in his hand, got up and invited him to sit on the sofa, "Uncle Mo, are you alright?"

"Okay, okay!" Mo Shuyuan nodded hastily, and said with a smile, "When did you come back?"

"Last week." After ordering the secretary to make tea, Huo Shaonan sat down beside him and asked casually, "Didn't I tell you late?"

Mo Shuyuan's expression changed slightly, and he hastily said perfunctorily, "She's busy with exams recently, how can she have time to see me!"

Hearing what he said, Huo Shaonan smiled, thinking that this little girl is busy with exams recently, even he seldom sees her.

The secretary came in with tea and put it in front of Mo Shuyuan, then went out and closed the office door.

After sitting for a while, Mo Shuyuan talked a lot, thinking about how to speak, his expression fluctuated.

"What's the matter?" Huo Shaonan looked at his face and asked tentatively.

Seeing that he spoke first, Mo Shuyuan simply said: "Shaonan, our company has had ups and downs in the past few years, and recently the capital turnover has been poor, so..."

The man's handsome sword eyebrows frowned lightly, Huo Shaonan's eyes moved slightly, his handsome face darkened.In the past few years, Mo Wan had told her that her father's company was doing well, and it was enough to pay her brother's medical expenses, but now that Mo Shuyuan said that, could there be any hidden secrets in it?
Seeing him frowning and not speaking, Mo Shuyuan immediately said: "As long as 50, 50 is enough for my turnover!"

Restraining the speculation in his heart, Huo Shaonan walked to the desk, took out the check and signed it, then turned around and handed it to him, "Are these enough?"

Looking down at the check in his hand, Mo Shuyuan nodded repeatedly, grinning from ear to ear, "Enough, enough." This money is just enough to repay the loan sharks, and those people are chasing debts to death!
After receiving the check, Mo Shuyuan turned around and was about to leave. After walking two steps, he suddenly thought of something and turned back again: "Shao Nan, don't tell Wan'er about this, I'm afraid she will worry!"

"I will." With a gentle smile on his cheeks, Huo Shaonan promised him with a smile.

Satisfied with achieving his goal, Mo Shuyuan stopped talking nonsense and left Huo's directly, rushing to the casino to pay back the money.

Mo Wan took two exams in a row yesterday, and Mo Wan was in good form.She got up early in the morning, and just after washing up, she received a call from Huo Shaonan.Running down from the dormitory, I saw the man standing in front of the car door, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Running over with a smile, Mo Wan's eyes and brows were warm, "Why are you here?"

Opening the car door, Huo Shaonan pushed her into the car, and then he quickly got in, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet." Mo Wan looked at him and smiled, her tiny lips pouted high.

After sitting in the paper tape from the back seat of the car, Huo Shaonan took out the breakfast bought from the fast food restaurant.Preserved egg and lean meat porridge, French-style chicken pancakes, these two are her favorites.

"Hurry up!" Passing the spoon to her, Huo Shaonan had a gentle look in his eyes, and he sat there quietly, staring at her.

Smelling the aroma of breakfast, Mo Wan took it in a good mood, lowered her head and ate it.The way she wolfed down food didn't have the restraint of a girl at all.

Picking up a tissue to wipe off the sauce from the corner of her mouth, Huo Shaonan looked at her fixedly, his eyes darkened, "Wan'er, did Uncle Mo give you the money for Xiaolin's medical treatment all these years?"

The fingers holding the spoon were clenched tightly. Mo Wan lowered her face, terrified. She bit her lips tightly and said, "Yes, it was given to me by my father."

The sun was shining brightly outside the car window, Huo Shaonan's expression was stiff, he pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes looking at her were instantly filled with haze.

In the quiet carriage, the sound of heavy breathing echoed. Mo Wan finished eating and tidying up, she raised her head, her eyes were calm and calm.

Huo Shaonan stared closely at her eyes, although he caught the panic in her eyes, those pure eyes like a spring gradually softened his sharpness.

Such a pair of sparkling eyes, clean and clear, how could they be stained with the dust of the world?His late son should be a pure angel!
Reaching out to hug her gently, Huo Shaonan's tense nerves relaxed, "Wan'er, there is no secret between us, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Wan felt pain in her chest. She bit her lips tightly, her eyes were red, "Yes!" She said dryly, and quickly closed her mouth, fearing that the next sentence would make her cry .

She slowly stretched out her hands to hug his generous back, and hugged him deeply, such warmth made her yearn for it.But how long she can still be greedy, but there is no answer.

Maybe, tomorrow; maybe, the next moment.

Mo Wan put her head on his heart, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat made her feel very at ease.Knowing that she stole all of this, she is still obsessed with it.

The warmth brought to her by fate is too little, and all the touches in her heart come from a man, Huo Shaonan.Even though she could predict the ending between him and her, she still kept him properly in the bottom of her heart.Just because he is her stubborn, only, love.

Feeling her little head rubbing against her neck, Huo Shaonan raised his hand and caressed her back, laughing silently.When she was young, when she was wronged, she would bury him in his arms like this, neither crying nor fussing, just hugging him quietly like this.

Time seemed to go back to the past. When I first saw her, she was only ten years old. Although she was full of grievances, she didn't have a single tear.Those jet-black bright eyes shone like the brightest stars in the sky.

He will never forget those eyes. The purity he read from her eyes at that moment is enough to wash away all the dirt in this world.

Holding the person in his arms, Huo Shaonan couldn't help chuckling, his deep eyes slowly filled with love, the haze just now had long since dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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