Chapter 192

Mo Wan's struggling movements froze. She still held the phone in her hand, but she didn't push him away. Being embraced by him, she could clearly feel his body trembling and the wetness of his shoulders.

She has endured the pain of losing her mother since she was a child. If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have a mother, then she wouldn't have suffered so much in her childhood.She was a child born to Xiaosan, but was brought up by her main wife. This ridiculous and sad misplaced relationship is doomed to many disasters for her!
Is there any woman in this world who can be so magnanimous and calmly raise the child born after her husband's affair?She thought maybe not!So all the grievances she suffered since she was a child were swallowed up in her stomach, because no one would sympathize with her!

Although she can take care of Si Yao calmly now, it's because the child is not the product of cheating. If the child is, I'm afraid she can't be so calm!
With so many inexplicable emotions emerging from the bottom of her heart, Mo Wan's face darkened, and she felt very uncomfortable listening to Huo Shaonan's forbearing cry.After all, she has known him for more than ten years, and in her heart, he is always her best friend, and he is also like her family member!
"Shaonan!" Mo Wan stretched out her hand, patted his back lightly, and said softly, "Don't be sad, Auntie doesn't want to see you like this in the sky!"

Huo Shaonan hugged her tightly, and the expression on his face gradually fell into pain, "Wan'er, I did something wrong. If I hadn't given up on Huo's back then, maybe I wouldn't have lost you, and my mother wouldn't have been killed by him." Die!"

He gritted his teeth for the last two words, revealing deep hatred.

Mo Wan was frightened by the viciousness in his words, she stretched out her hand to push him away, and seeing the anger in his eyes, her heart tightened up and down: "Shao Nan, the matter between us has long passed. And the aunt's Death maybe..."

Maybe it was really her own fault, Mo Wan wanted to say this, but she was afraid of irritating him, so she swallowed the second half of the sentence without saying it.

Seeing her push him away, Huo Shaonan's eyes sank, his handsome face was covered with haze, he stared straight at her, and suddenly asked: "Mo Wan, you fell in love with him, didn't you?"

Mo Wan was startled by his words, her heart was beating wildly, a panic she couldn't control.When Huo Shaonan mentioned him, did he mean Leng Zhuo?

Did she fall in love with cold washing?
Can she love such a domineering and dangerous man?A long time ago, she knew that he was unintentional. If she knew that he was unintentional, if she fell in love with him, what would be the price?
"answer me!"

Looking at her dazed face, Huo Shaonan suddenly roared furiously, his excited hands grabbed her shoulders, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

Scared by his expression, Mo Wan subconsciously stretched out her hand to push him away. She stood up and retreated to a safe place, forcing herself to calm down: "Shao Nan, you are too tired and need to rest!"

She stepped back step by step, looked at him warily, and said in a deep voice: "Jing Yue is still looking for you everywhere, I will call her and ask her to pick you up!" While speaking, she picked up her phone and was about to dial. But he didn't want the back of his hand to be held down.

Huo Shaonan stretched out his hand to hold her hand, the furious expression on his face gradually fell silent, he hid the darkness in his eyes, and his eyes returned to the gentleness before, "No need, I'll go back by myself."

He turned around and picked up the cell phone and coat that had been left on the bed, his expression was calm and peaceful, without the haze of just now at all.

Mo Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of her tightly held heart. She pursed her lips and smiled, and the tension on her pretty face dissipated.

"Let's go, I'll see you off." Huo Shaonan picked up the car keys that were on the table, and smiled at Mo Wan, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was stiff and sour.

Mo Wan saw the strangeness in his eyes, but she didn't want to explore it. She nodded with a smile, picked up her purse, and went out first.

Walking down the dark corridor, Mo Wan raised her hand and looked at her watch. Seeing that it was late, she couldn't help frowning.She looked at the phone in her hand and saw that there was no incoming call, something flashed in her heart.

Huo Shaonan followed her, seeing her expression of returning home, the anger in his heart was even greater, but he tried his best to hold it back.Seeing her fearful dodging eyes just now made him feel a stab in his heart. There should never be such a distance between him and Mo Wan!

Huo Shaonan raised his hand and pressed the car lock, the car beeped twice, and the lights also flickered on.He was just about to take Mo Wanwan into the car when he saw a burst of light suddenly appearing in front of him. The dazzling headlights made it hard to keep one's eyes open.

There was a dazzling light in front of her, and Mo Wan couldn't help but stretch out her eyes to cover her eyes. When the light gradually dimmed, she squinted her eyes and looked over, only to see the man walking, which made her stunned instantly.

He walked over with cold and elegant steps, his handsome face was calm, and his dark eyes were as silent as the sea, making it impossible to see happiness or anger. You have been around for a long time."

When Huo Shaonan saw him coming, he tightly tightened his hands hanging by his sides, and his handsome face suddenly darkened, but judging from his excessively heaving chest, it could be clearly seen that he was deliberately forbearing.

Looking up at his seemingly calm face, Mo Wan's heart trembled. The smile on the corner of his mouth stimulated her. Every time he used to be angry, he always had that smile.

"I..." Mo Wan sighed, and suddenly realized that her explanations seemed to be in vain, she didn't know what to say.The position of the shoulders sank heavily, the man's slender fingers lightly touched the wet area, and the smile in his eyes gradually became colder.

"Are you ready for comfort?" Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, his dazzling face was pale and pale.

Mo Wan bit her lip and stared into his eyes, her jet-black pupils dimmed, and her heart felt heavy and uncomfortable.She could not speak, but remained silent.

The corners of his eyes swept over Huo Shaonan's gloomy face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth stretched coldly. His eyes were deep, and his eyes were as sharp as knives when he shot at the other party.

He reached out to hold Mo Wan in his arms, clasped her waist tightly, brought her into his arms, and said softly: "Let's go home!" He turned his arms around, clasped her in his arms, and led her to turn around car.

(End of this chapter)

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