Chapter 2

The dark eyes suddenly enlarged, and Mo Wan looked at him in disbelief, all he could see was the playful smile on the corner of his mouth.He just wanted to tell her that instead of a one-sixth chance, she only had a half chance.

Her pale face was bloodless, looking at the bright red spot on the white carpet, what she saw was like her own blood.Almost, only a little bit, she was lying in a pool of blood, silently.

As soon as his body flew into the air, he had already picked it up with one hand and threw it on the cold desk. Mo Wan shrank her neck, but didn't dare to move.

Her upper body was leaning against the hard desk, and her small face was forced to raise, staring straight at his charming face.There was a stabbing pain in her back, something pierced into her delicate flesh, and a burst of warmth overflowed, staining her originally spotless white clothes red, leaving a glaring scarlet mark that could not be washed away for the rest of her life .

The restraints on her body were gradually loosened, and she was unable to struggle. It wasn't until the tight jeans were discarded by him at the table that the calmness in her eyes was a little moved, but it was only a momentary ups and downs.

The stiff hands moved slightly and touched his hot chest. Mo Wan could feel his heart beating under his palms.

"What you promised me..."

The man's slender index finger lightly pressed against her transparent lips, restraining her words behind her.There was a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Leng Zhuo supported his upper body with one hand, and looked down at her neck. The sudden tension caused him to open his deep black eyes and look down at her.

"This feeling... really makes me miss it."

Two years later.

The sycamore tree in late autumn is blown by the cold north wind, clusters of leaves swirl and fall continuously, like golden butterflies flying in the north wind.

The morning sun is emerging, and the fiery red sun is slowly rising.

Botia College is the most famous institution in S City, and the students who can come here must either come from rich families or have excellent grades.The main teaching building of the school still maintains a medieval European-style building, because the school has been expanding over the years, and the new teaching buildings and dormitories behind it are all modern buildings, which are in sharp contrast with the European style in the front, making this The college has become a landmark building in the city of S, quite distinctive.

After waking up in the morning, the quiet dormitory building gradually regained consciousness, and various noisy sounds spread one after another.

The sun shines on the face through the curtains, and it feels warm.The woman lying on the upper bunk frowned slightly, and then faintly woke up.She went down the escalator and was directly called by Zhang Ying who was on the side bunk.

"Wanwan," Zhang Ying held a book of hexagrams in her hand, stared at her face, and asked mysteriously, "What month is your birthday?"

Mo Wan glanced at the book in her hand, and couldn't help smiling. This girl has been obsessed with fortune-telling recently, and she will spend a long time asking anyone she catches.

"May." Although she was not interested in these things, Mo Wan still satisfied her curiosity.

Zhang Ying hastily turned the pages of the book, fingering the table of contents, and found May's explanation, "May, the life of the pomegranate tree." She paused, with a smile in her eyes, "You are already independent!"

Hearing this, Mo Wan smiled faintly, her dark eyes dimmed, and she didn't say yes or no.

Fortune teller?

Her fate was really calculated, if it wasn't for the fortune teller back then, this woman would have been in Wang's family.I'm afraid that she will really be abandoned by her biological father in the orphanage and become a veritable orphan.

"Give it to me, too?" A sweet female voice sounded, and Tang Yan walked over with a smile, as if he was very interested in this.

Zhang Ying looked at her with a smile on her face, "You are a rich man, what are you worth?" She stood up and dragged Mo Wan to the bathroom, but when she turned her back, her face suddenly changed, and she whispered in dissatisfaction He muttered, "If you have money, that's what you do. You wear silk pajamas in the dormitory. Who will you show off to?"

Mo Wan just smiled and didn't say much.

Tang Yan looked at their figures walking in, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, but he was not angry, and turned around to choose clothes.

After washing up, Mo Wan went to the cafeteria to have breakfast with her classmates.There was listening class this morning, and the teacher assigned homework for dubbing, so she rushed to the pronunciation classroom early to prepare.

A gray Aston-Martin one77 parked coolly on the huge campus.The passing students all stopped to watch this top sports car, and they were full of admiration and praise.

"Wow, this car is awesome!"

"I heard that this car is limited to only five cars in China, and it's sold out before it's on the market!"

"That's right, this car is not only rare, but also expensive, it seems to cost tens of millions!"

"Ah...God, it takes so much money..."

In front of the empty teaching building, the dazzling car had just stopped when the head of the school trotted out to greet the students and drove away all the students who were gathered together.

The car door opened slowly, and the man who stepped out was wearing a pure black short windbreaker. The British style set off his outstanding temperament.The sun shone on his shoulders, and that charming face was shining brightly.

"Master Leng, you are here." The headmaster stepped forward first, and invited him in with a smile on his face.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to flick the clothes on his body, and after glancing around with lowered eyelids, he walked directly inside.For those people around him, there was no expression at all.

A group of people strolled around the teaching building. The school leaders couldn't understand his purpose of coming here. In addition to giving the school a large sponsorship fee every year, the head of the Leng family would come to this school once a year.

Every time he came, he just walked around leisurely like this, completely unable to see his purpose.This year's school leaders are more thoughtful, secretly speculating that they want to be a good boy, and see if they can make him smile?
Director Lin received the principal's wink, and hurriedly turned around to find a student, and said in a low voice, "Go get Mo Wan from translation class 2 and ask her to come to the main building."

Seeing this momentum, the student didn't dare to ask more questions, just nodded nonuo and hurried to find someone.

In the voice classroom on the third floor, Mo Wan had just completed the lines for the classic passage of "Broken Blue Bridge". She was still immersed in the scene, but she was suddenly pulled out by her classmates.

(End of this chapter)

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