Chapter 207

Cold and painful, he pushed his body away slightly, with a gloomy face, he stretched out his hand and tore off the clothes on her body, took them off in a few strokes, and threw them on the ground.

He picked her up and threw her hard on the big soft bed. He leaned over to press her down, but was suddenly shocked by her expression...

Leng Zhuo stared at her blushing cheeks, his deep eyes moved, his handsome face slowly tightened, and a sharp edge slipped from the corner of his eyes.

When she was in love, Mo Wan stretched her arms around his neck, and leaned her whole body towards him, but only saw the darkness flashing in his eyes. At the moment she was sinking, he suddenly left and looked at her face coldly. The blood color faded little by little.

His chin was strangled by him, and Mo Wan couldn't move. He could only see his dark pupils stained with sarcasm, and the corner of his mouth was half a smile, and said: "Don't you love him? Why can you still enjoy it under me? Mo Wan, Is this what you call love?"

The heart was stabbed by a sword blade in an instant, and the blood flowed continuously, spreading into the deepest part of her heart.

The heat from her body disappeared, and the chill that surged from her head to her feet made her shiver, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Mo Wan was out of breath, her face was pale, and her ears were ringing.

Seeing him turn over, put on his nightgown and walk to the door, she finally took a breath and said hoarsely, "Get a divorce!"

She opened her mouth with difficulty, as if someone had slipped a hole in her throat, which was painful.

Hearing her words, Leng Zhuo stopped walking forward, his introverted eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "Who climbed into my bed on the initiative? Divorce? You are not qualified!"

After he turned and left, those cold words floated in the air for a long time.

After a while, Mo Wan raised his hand and put the back of his hand over his eyes, his clenched fingers seemed to want to restrain something.She bit her lip tightly, but she still couldn't hold back her choked sobs, which echoed in the cold night.

On a sunny morning, well-dressed people in the city are in a hurry.

Si Yu took her daughter to dance class in the morning. After receiving her daughter's get out of class, she took her daughter's little hand and walked to the commercial street.

The moment they passed by, Huo Shaoqing's eyes twitched, and when she saw the familiar figure, she was stunned immediately: "Si Yu?" She called out uncertainly, and stared even more when she saw the child she was holding. Big eyes.

Si Yu stopped walking forward, she smiled and led her daughter to turn around, and embarrassment flashed across her face when she saw the astonished person behind her.

In the afternoon, an ice cream shop.

Si Yao ate strawberry ice cream, stared at Huo Shaoqing with small eyes, and smiled sweetly: "Auntie!"

Hearing the childish voice, Huo Shaoqing smiled, raised her hand to touch her head, and said with a smile: "Yaoyao is so good, is the ice cream delicious?"

"Delicious!" Si Yao smiled with her mouth tilted up, with butter around her mouth, she looked very cute.

Si Yu took out a tissue and wiped her mouth, then said softly, "Eat slowly."

Huo Shaoqing looked at the mother and daughter, and had many questions in her mind. It wasn't until the child finished eating the ice cream and went to play in the play area that she asked in a deep voice, "Si Yu, what's going on?"

Si Yu knew that she couldn't hide it, so she had to tell her the general situation of the matter, but she didn't mention the child's father.

"You even have a child, that man still doesn't want you?" Huo Shaoqing was extremely angry, her face was ugly: "Who is he, tell me, I must make him look good!"

Si Yu smiled bitterly and kept silent. Every time Huo Shaoqing asked who that man was, she never said anything.

Seeing her appearance, Huo Shaoqing was very angry, but seeing their mother and daughter, she felt distressed, so she could only worry on the sidelines.

Not wanting her to keep asking, Si Yu hurriedly changed the topic: "How is Shaonan doing recently? Has the case progressed?"

Huo Shaoqing's eyes darkened, and her tone immediately became depressed, "The situation is not very good!" After a pause, her eyes became fierce, and she said through gritted teeth, "If my brother has something, I will definitely not let Leng Zhuo go!"

Si Yu's whole body trembled slightly, she hurriedly lowered her head, and looked away, restraining the strangeness in her heart, and asked, "Did Ah Chen help?"

"Him?" Mentioning him, Huo Shaoqing felt even more disappointed, her eyes were slightly red, and her expression instantly sank: "He recently fell in love with a supermodel."

Si Yu sighed heavily, frowned, she stretched out her hand to hold Huo Shaoqing's hand, and hurriedly whispered comfort.

Suddenly, a white light flashed through the corner of her eyes, Si Yu raised her head vigilantly, and looked around, but she didn't notice anything unusual.She couldn't help shaking her head, wondering if she was being careless?Why does she always feel that someone is following her recently?
Bringing her daughter to her side, Si Yu took her daughter's hand and Huo Shaoqing's arm, and the three of them left the ice cream shop together until the figures of the three of them disappeared, and a single-lens reflex camera hidden in the shadow came out and chased them away. His back flickered non-stop.

The whole day was spent in the lawyer's office and the police station. It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Jing Yue returned home. Her complexion was very ugly, and her whole body was gloomy.

After taking a shower, she came out, and there were meals prepared by part-time workers on the dining table, but she had no appetite and couldn't take a bite.Sitting alone in the empty living room, her eyes were sour and hot tears overflowed.

It has been more than a month since Huo Shaonan's accident. During this time, the Jing family and the Huo family are doing their best to deal with it.With the power and prestige of the Jing family here, Huo Shaonan could not be released on bail, so one can imagine how serious the situation is.

If the Jing family can't keep them, I'm afraid there will be no one in this city who can save Huo Shaonan.The lawyer also bluntly stated that the other side insisted on death, not to compensate, not to reconcile, but to be held accountable, so jail time is inevitable!
But if Huo Shaonan really goes to jail, his whole life will be ruined!Moreover, Jing Yue always believed that there must be something else hidden in this incident. The phone call she received that night and the fact that she was tricked into handing over her notebook were all too weird. She couldn't figure out what was for What?
But she can be sure that this matter must be related to Leng Zhuo, the president of the Leng Group, and the laptop that was cheated from her that night must be in his hands now!Lawyer Wang once hinted to Jing Yue in words that as long as he finds that notebook and holds evidence that can suppress the other party, Huo Shaonan can avoid this innocent disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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