Chapter 215

"Look what I brought?" Resisting the soreness in her heart, Mo Wan raised her hand with a smile, and lifted up the lunch box in her hand. Following her movements, a strong fragrance wafted out.

Mo Lin heard the scent, laughed all of a sudden, ran over with big strides, and said, "Crispy Duck! Sister, you are so kind!"

Putting the dishes in her hand on the coffee table, Mo Wan took out the plates and put them one by one. She sent her younger brother to wash his hands. When Mo Lin came out, she had already set the dishes.

Mo Lin couldn't help salivating when he saw all the dishes he liked. He hurriedly sat down, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.Mo Wan washed her hands and came out, only to see her younger brother devouring the food.

"Eat slowly!" Mo Wan stared at him with a smile, picked up a duck leg, and put it into his bowl.

Mo Lin smiled, and ate the duck leg that his sister had picked up, with a satisfied expression on his face. He lowered his head and ate it fiercely, and when he accidentally looked up, he saw a moment of absence in his sister's eyes.

His deep eyes moved, and he reached out to pick up the vegetables and put them in his sister's bowl, with a heavy smile on the corner of his mouth: "Sister, eat more, you've lost weight recently."

Hearing his voice, Mo Wan immediately came back to her senses. Seeing her brother's smiling face, she didn't say anything, just nodded and ate all the food he brought.

Mo Lin's fingers holding the chopsticks tightened. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't speak. He just lowered his head to eat.

After dinner, Mo Wan cleaned up the dishes.At this time, the sun was setting and it was already evening. Mo Wan brought his younger brother to the garden of the hospital. The two siblings were sitting on a bench chatting.

Looking at the sunset slowly falling from the sky, Mo Wan's eyes were far away. She looked forward with both eyes, but she just rested her head on her brother's shoulder and breathed a deep sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you are by my side!"

Mo Lin looked sideways slightly, seeing the despondency on her face, a dark light flashed across her handsome face, and asked her gently: "Sister, are you hiding something from me?"

Mo Wan was stunned, straightened up from her younger brother's shoulders, looked at the worry in his eyes, her dark eyes darkened, "Xiao Lin, you will live with your sister again from now on!"

Mo Lin's eyes sank, and he suddenly understood what was going on. Although his sister didn't explain, the look in her eyes was enough for him to understand.He has grown up and understands many things!
Putting his arms around his sister's shoulders, Mo Lin smiled, with pure black eyes, "Sister, I won't leave you!"

Mo Wan's eyes were slightly hot. She lowered her head and sucked her nose hard to force back the tears in her eyes. She squeezed her brother's hand tightly, and the two siblings looked at each other with a smile that was worth a thousand words.

In the midsummer night, the dark fragrance floats.A red sports car parked in a high-end apartment, the door opened, and two figures came down.

Si Yu was wearing a floral dress with suspenders. The corners of her mouth were stained with a smile, and she was holding her daughter's little hand. The mother and daughter walked home talking and laughing.

Just as she walked downstairs, Si Yao raised her small face, and when she saw the figure standing in front of her, she immediately screamed, "Uncle Zhou, Uncle Zhou!" The child's voice was tender and penetrating.

When Si Yu heard her daughter's cry, she raised her head suspiciously, and was also stunned when she saw the man standing opposite.When did he come here?
"Yaoyao!" Reaching out to take the running child, Zhou Shaoyan bent down with a smile, hugged her in his arms, and said softly, "Did you miss Uncle Zhou?"

"Think!" Si Yao was very happy to see him, she opened her arms and hugged his neck tightly, and said sweetly, "Yaoyao misses Uncle Zhou!" She was wearing two braids, and her big black eyes were shining , staring at the man in front of him for a moment.

Zhou Shaoyan was amused by her appearance, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of smiles, he lowered his head and kissed the child's face, with a doting tone: "Yaoyao is so good!"

Si Yu hesitated for a few seconds, and when she realized it, she strode over immediately, "Shaoyan, why are you here?"

Holding the child in his arms, Zhou Shaoyan saw her coming, his deep eyes moved, and his eyes stayed on her face for a long time, before he said in a deep voice, "Come and do something!"

Seeing her in a daze, he pursed his lips and smiled, and a smile flashed across his handsome face: "Why, you don't welcome me?"

Si Yu came back to her senses, and when she heard him say that, she immediately gave him a hard look, and said in displeasure, "What nonsense are you talking about! Go up and sit down first, let's talk slowly."

While talking, Si Yu took the children down, took them to the elevator, and returned home.

In the huge living room, there were two playful figures sitting on the white sofa. Seeing that the two of them were having fun, Si Yu didn't bother her. She just turned around and went to the kitchen to make tea and prepare fruits.

When she came out with the tray, she saw that her daughter was already asleep in Zhou Shaoyan's arms, and she put the tea tray on the coffee table. Si Yu hurried to his side and said with a smile, "Give it to me quickly!"

Zhou Shao stretched out his hand and gave a "shh", then lowered his voice and said, "Take it easy, the child is asleep."

Si Yu nodded, bent slightly to hold her daughter in her arms, walked into the bedroom, and settled her down.After putting the child on the bed and seeing that she was really sleeping soundly, Si Yu closed the door and walked out.

After gently closing the bedroom door, Si Yu looked up and saw him sitting on the sofa with burning eyes.She walked over with a smile and sat down beside him: "When did you come, why didn't you notify me in advance?"

Zhou Shaoyan took a sip of black tea, with a calm expression on his face: "I decided to come at the last minute, and I didn't have time to inform you."

Seeing his usual expression, Si Yu just nodded without doubting his words, "Then treat you to dinner another day!" She has known Zhou Shaoyan for some years, but they met in the United States, so when she was treating him in those years, Have been in touch with him all the time.

"Xiaoyu," Zhou Shaoyan called her softly, a dark light flashed through his long and narrow peach eyes: "Have you found the person you are looking for?"

Hearing this, Si Yu lowered her head sadly, her face drooping: "I found it."

Zhou Shaoyan stared at her fading eyes, his face suddenly turned cold, his brows were slightly frowned, and his jaw tightened.It seems that those information should be correct, it turns out that the man she has been thinking about all these years is actually Leng Zhuo!

Hehe, things in this world are really strange!In such a big world, why is he the one in her heart?
(End of this chapter)

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